1 approach
A n1 ( route of access) (to town, island) voie f d'accès ; Mil approche f ; all the approachs to the city have been sealed off toutes les voies d'accès de la ville ont été bouclées ; the approach to the house le chemin or l'allée qui mène à la maison ;3 ( way of dealing) approche f ; an approach to doing une façon de faire ; an original approach to the problem une façon originale d'aborder le problème ; a new approach to child psychology une nouvelle façon d'aborder la psychologie de l'enfant, une nouvelle approche de la psychologie de l'enfant ; we need to try a different approach nous devons essayer une méthode différente ; I don't care for their approach je n'aime pas leur façon de s'y prendre ; she is very Freudian in her approach elle a une optique très freudienne ;4 ( overture) démarche f ; ( proposal to buy etc) proposition f ; to make approaches to sb gen, Comm faire des démarches auprès de qn ;5 ( approximation) this was the nearest approach to a solution/a cease-fire c'était ce qui ressemblait le plus à une solution/un cessez-le-feu ;6 Aviat = approach path.B vtr1 ( draw near to) s'approcher de [person, place] ; ( verge on) approcher de ; it was approaching dawn l'aube approchait ; it was approaching midnight il était presque minuit ; he is approaching sixty il approche (de) la soixantaine ; a woman approaching middle age/retirement une femme approchant de la cinquantaine/de la retraite ; gales approaching speeds of 200 km per hour des vents qui atteignaient presque les 200 km à l'heure ; he looked at her with something approaching admiration il la regardait presque avec admiration ; a profit of something approaching five million dollars un bénéfice de près de cinq millions de dollars ;2 ( deal with) aborder [problem, topic, subject] ;3 ( make overtures to) s'adresser à [person] ; ( more formally) faire des démarches auprès de [person, company] ; (with offer of job, remuneration) solliciter (about au sujet de) ; she was approached by a man in the street elle a été abordée par un homme dans la rue ; the company has been approached by several buyers la compagnie a été contactée par plusieurs acheteurs, plusieurs acheteurs ont fait des démarches auprès de la compagnie ; he has been approached by several publishers il a reçu des propositions de plusieurs maisons d'édition.C vi [person, animal, car] (s')approcher ; [event, season, date] approcher ; the time is fast approaching when… le moment est imminent où… -
2 approach
approach [əˈprəʊt∫][person, vehicle] s'approcher ; [date, season, war] approchera. ( = get near to) [+ place, person] s'approcher de• we are approaching the time when... le jour approche où...b. [+ problem, subject, task] aborderc. ( = speak to) to approach sb about sth s'adresser à qn pour qch3. nouna. [of person, vehicle] approche fb. ( = way of tackling sth) approche f4. compounds* * *[ə'prəʊtʃ] 1.1) ( route of access) (to town, island) voie f d'accès; Military approche f3) ( way of dealing) approche f4) ( overture) démarche f; ( proposal to buy etc) proposition f2.to make approachs to somebody — gen, Commerce faire des démarches auprès de quelqu'un
transitive verb1) ( draw near to) s'approcher de [person, place]; ( verge on) approcher de2) ( deal with) aborder [problem, topic, subject]3) ( make overtures to) s'adresser à; ( more formally) faire des démarches auprès de; (with offer of job, remuneration) solliciter ( about au sujet de)3.he has been approached by several publishers — il a reçu des propositions de plusieurs maisons d'édition
intransitive verb [person, car] (s')approcher; [event, season] approcher -
3 способ
сущ.Английские соответствия русского существительного способ имеют в виду не только метод или путь достижения цели, но и более конкретный механизм совершения действия.1. means — средство, способ, путь (имеет только одну форму means, может согласовываться с глаголами как в единственном, так и во множественном числе; относится как к образу действия, так и к конкретному механизму, при помощи которого это действие совершена и поэтому также соответствует русскому существительному средство): a safe (sure) means — безопасный (верный) способ/безопасное (верное) средство; by peaceful means — мирным путем; by some means or other — тем или иным способом; by means of smth — посредством чего-либо; by all means — во что бы то ни стало/конечно; by no means — никоим образом; ways and means — пути и способы; means of transportation — транспортные средства; means of communication (of protection) — средства связи (защиты)/способы связи (зашиты); to find the means to settle the conflict — найти пути урегулирования конфликта/найти средства урегулирования конфликта; to use every possible means — использовать все возможные средства/использовать все возможные пути/использовать все возможные способы/использовать все возможные механизмы There is no means of getting to the station within an hour. — Отсюда нельзя добраться до вокзала меньше, чем за час ( нет средств связи с вокзалом). The quickest means of travel is by plane. — Самый быстрый способ передвижения — самолет. Every means has been tried. — Были испробованы все способы./Были испробованы все средства. This is a dangerous means. — Это опасное средство./Это опасный способ./Это опасный механизм. All such means are always unpleasant. — Все такие средства всегда неприятны./Все такие способы всегда неприятны.2. way — способ, образ действия, метод, манера: n way of life — образ жизни; ways of doing things — разные способы действия. There are so many ways to prepare chicken. — Курицу можно приготовь разными способам и./Существует множество способов приготовления курицы. Is there any other way of doing it? — Есть какой-нибудь другой способ это сделать? She has a special way of speaking. — У нее особая манера говорить. Let me show you a way of doing it. — Давай я покажу тебе, как это надо делать./Давай я покажу тебе, каким образом это надо делать.3. mode — способ, образ (специальный способ достижения чего-либо, способ что-либо сделать; стилистически более официально): a new mode of life — новый образ жизни E-mail is becoming increasingly popular mode of communication. — Электронная почта все больше приобретает популярность как способ связи./Электронная почта все больше приобретает популярность как вил общения./ Электронная почта все больше приобретает популярность как вид связи.4. method — метод, способ, средство: Английское существительное method вызывает два ряда образных ассоциаций: а) сравнение с дорогой, по которой надо или можно пройти для достижения цели u b) c инструментами, используемыми для достижения цели; оба ряда ассоциаций проявляются в явном виде в словосочетаниях, где используются названия инструментов и слова, связанные с понятием дорога: a) This is a certain road/path to success. — Это верная дорога к успеху. Maybe we should try a different approach. — Нам, вероятно, надо попробовать другой подход. We have explored several different avenues. — Мы испробовали несколько разных путей в исследовании. Не showed us what to do step by step. — Он показал нам шаг за шагом, что надо делать. The job is a stepping stone for me. — Эта работа для меня начало пути. There is a useful shortcut that I can show you. — Я могу показать вам полезный и более быстрый путь./Я могу показать вам полезный и короткий путь. We need to move things along a bit faster. — Нам всем надо немного поторопиться. b) It takes years to learn to use the tools of the trade. — Чтобы овладеть приемами и методами ремесла нужны годы. We have a very efficient mechanism for dealing with this. — У нас есть очень эффективный механизм, чтобы справиться с этим. Some search engines are more powerful than others forgetting information. — Для получения информации некоторые исследовательские методы более пригодны, чем другие. It is an important part of the machinery of government. — Это важная часть государственной машины. It is an effective instrument of government. — Это эффективный способ управления. We don't have much political leverage in this matter. — У нас нет достаточных политических рычагов в этом вопросе. I know very little of the internal workings of the company. — Мне мало известны методы работы этой компании./Мне мало известен механизм действия этой компании. Every thing is running like clockwork. — Все работает как часы. You should set the wheels in motion now. — Теперь вам надо запустить механизмы/сделатьтак, чтобы все завертелось. We need to move up a gear. — Надо пустить в ход все рычаги. -
4 Consciousness
Consciousness is what makes the mind-body problem really intractable.... Without consciousness the mind-body problem would be much less interesting. With consciousness it seems hopeless. (T. Nagel, 1979, pp. 165-166)This approach to understanding sensory qualia is both theoretically and empirically motivated... [;] it suggests an effective means of expressing the allegedly inexpressible. The "ineffable" pink of one's current visual sensation may be richly and precisely expressed as a 95Hz/80Hz/80Hz "chord" in the relevant triune cortical system. The "unconveyable" taste sensation produced by the fabled Australian health tonic Vegamite might be poignantly conveyed as a 85/80/90/15 "chord" in one's four channeled gustatory system.... And the "indescribably" olfactory sensation produced by a newly opened rose might be quite accurately described as a 95/35/10/80/60/55 "chord" in some six-dimensional space within one's olfactory bulb. (P. M. Churchland, 1989, p. 106)One of philosophy's favorite facets of mentality has received scant attention from cognitive psychologists, and that is consciousness itself: fullblown, introspective, inner-world phenomenological consciousness. In fact if one looks in the obvious places... one finds not so much a lack of interest as a deliberate and adroit avoidance of the issue. I think I know why. Consciousness appears to be the last bastion of occult properties, epiphenomena, and immeasurable subjective states-in short, the one area of mind best left to the philosophers, who are welcome to it. Let them make fools of themselves trying to corral the quicksilver of "phenomenology" into a respectable theory. (Dennett, 1978b, p. 149)When I am thinking about anything, my consciousness consists of a number of ideas.... But every idea can be resolved into elements... and these elements are sensations. (Titchener, 1910, p. 33)A Darwin machine now provides a framework for thinking about thought, indeed one that may be a reasonable first approximation to the actual brain machinery underlying thought. An intracerebral Darwin Machine need not try out one sequence at a time against memory; it may be able to try out dozens, if not hundreds, simultaneously, shape up new generations in milliseconds, and thus initiate insightful actions without overt trial and error. This massively parallel selection among stochastic sequences is more analogous to the ways of darwinian biology than to the "von Neumann" serial computer. Which is why I call it a Darwin Machine instead; it shapes up thoughts in milliseconds rather than millennia, and uses innocuous remembered environments rather than noxious real-life ones. It may well create the uniquely human aspect of our consciousness. (Calvin, 1990, pp. 261-262)To suppose the mind to exist in two different states, in the same moment, is a manifest absurdity. To the whole series of states of the mind, then, whatever the individual, momentary successive states may be, I give the name of our consciousness.... There are not sensations, thoughts, passions, and also consciousness, any more than there is quadruped or animal, as a separate being to be added to the wolves, tygers, elephants, and other living creatures.... The fallacy of conceiving consciousness to be something different from the feeling, which is said to be its object, has arisen, in a great measure, from the use of the personal pronoun I. (T. Brown, 1970, p. 336)The human capacity for speech is certainly unique. But the gulf between it and the behavior of animals no longer seems unbridgeable.... What does this leave us with, then, which is characteristically human?.... t resides in the human capacity for consciousness and self-consciousness. (Rose, 1976, p. 177)[Human consciousness] depends wholly on our seeing the outside world in such categories. And the problems of consciousness arise from putting reconstitution beside internalization, from our also being able to see ourselves as if we were objects in the outside world. That is in the very nature of language; it is impossible to have a symbolic system without it.... The Cartesian dualism between mind and body arises directly from this, and so do all the famous paradoxes, both in mathematics and in linguistics.... (Bronowski, 1978, pp. 38-39)It seems to me that there are at least four different viewpoints-or extremes of viewpoint-that one may reasonably hold on the matter [of computation and conscious thinking]:A. All thinking is computation; in particular, feelings of conscious awareness are evoked merely by the carrying out of appropriate computations.B. Awareness is a feature of the brain's physical action; and whereas any physical action can be simulated computationally, computational simulation cannot by itself evoke awareness.C. Appropriate physical action of the brain evokes awareness, but this physical action cannot even be properly simulated computationally.D. Awareness cannot be explained by physical, computational, or any other scientific terms. (Penrose, 1994, p. 12)Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Consciousness
5 seguir
v.1 to follow.tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behindseguir algo de cerca to follow o monitor something closely (desarrollo, resultados)Ellos siguen la caravana They follow the convoy.Eso es lo que sigue That is what follows.2 to follow.me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed3 to continue, to resume.Me sigue el dolor My pain persists.4 to continue, to go on.¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!aquí se baja él, yo sigo he's getting out here, I'm going on (al taxista)sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factorydebes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing itsigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrongsigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?5 to keep on, to go along, to carry on, to continue.María se sigue haciendo daño Mary keeps on hurting herself.6 to continue to be, to continue being, to keep, to keep being.Las chicas siguen testarudas The girls continue to be stubborn.7 to obey, to keep.Las chicas siguen las reglas The girls obey the rules.8 to imitate, to follow.Los fanáticos siguen al cantante The fans imitate the singer.9 to come afterwards, to come next, to come after, to come along.Algo bueno sigue Something good comes afterwards.* * *(e changes to i in certain persons of certain tenses; gu changes to g before a and o)Present IndicativePast IndicativePresent SubjunctiveImperfect SubjunctiveFuture SubjunctiveImperative* * *verb1) to follow2) keep on3) pursue4) remain* * *1. VT1) (=perseguir) [+ persona, pista] to follow; [+ indicio] to follow up; [+ presa] to chase, pursueella llegó primero, seguida del embajador — she arrived first, followed by the ambassador
2) (=estar atento a) [+ programa de TV] to watch, follow; [+ programa de radio] to listen to, follow; [+ proceso, progreso] to monitor, follow up; [+ satélite] to trackesta exposición permite seguir paso a paso la evolución del artista — this exhibition allows the artist's development to be traced step by step
3) (=hacer caso de) [+ consejo] to follow, take; [+ instrucciones, doctrina, líder] to follow4) [+ rumbo, dirección] to followsiga esta calle y al final gire a la derecha — carry on up o follow this street and turn right at the end
seguir su curso, el proyecto sigue su curso — the project is still on course, the project continues on (its) coursela enfermedad sigue su curso — the illness is taking o running its course
5) (=entender) [+ razonamiento] to follow¿me sigues? — are you with me?
6) (Educ) [+ curso] to take, do7) † [+ mujer] to court †2. VI1) (=continuar) to go on, carry on¿quieres que sigamos? — shall we go on?
¡siga! — (=hable) go on!, carry on; LAm (=pase) come in
¡síguele! — Méx go on!
"sigue" — [en carta] P.T.O.; [en libro] continued
2)adelante 1)los Juegos Olímpicos siguieron (adelante) a pesar del atentado — the Olympics went ahead despite the attack
3) [en estado, situación] to be still¿cómo sigue? — how is he?
que siga usted bien — keep well, look after yourself
seguimos sin teléfono — we still haven't got a phone4)• seguir haciendo algo — to go on doing sth, carry on doing sth
siguió mirándola — he went on o carried on looking at her
el ordenador seguía funcionando — the computer carried on working, the computer was still working
5) (=venir a continuación) to follow, follow onentre otros ejemplos destacan los que siguen — amongst other examples, the following stand out
seguir a algo, las horas que siguieron a la tragedia — the hours following o that followed the tragedy3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to followcamina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her
seguidos cada vez más de cerca por los japoneses — with the Japanese catching up on them all the time
el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
2) <camino/ruta>siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente — go along o follow this road as far as the bridge
3) ( en el tiempo) to followseguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody
4)a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to followb) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow5)a) <trámite/procedimiento> to followb) (Educ) < curso> to takeestoy siguiendo un curso de fotografía — I'm doing o taking a photography course
6)a) <explicaciones/profesor> to followdicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up
¿me siguen? — are you with me?
b) ( permanecer atento a)2.no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program
seguir vi1)a) ( por un camino) to go onsiga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street
seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past
b)c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)siga por favor — come in, please
2) (en lugar, estado)¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?
sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever
si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...
si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way
3)a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persistb)seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)
4)a) (venir después, estar contiguo)un período de calma ha seguido a estos enfrentamientos — these clashes have been followed by a period of calm
b) historia/poema to continue3.¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?
seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...
* * *= accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.Ex. So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.Ex. Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.Ex. Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.Ex. These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.Ex. Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.Ex. Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.Ex. An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.Ex. Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.Ex. It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.Ex. All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.Ex. Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.Ex. It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.Ex. Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.Ex. There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.Ex. If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.Ex. A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.Ex. Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.Ex. In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.Ex. The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.Ex. The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.Ex. He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.Ex. But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.----* camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.* como siga así = at this rate.* como sigue = as follows.* debate + seguir = debate + rage.* difícil de seguir = heavy going.* el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.* hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.* indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.* las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.* la vida + seguir = life + go on.* modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].* mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.* no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.* pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].* pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.* procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.* que sigue = ensuing.* que sigue una norma = compliant (with).* que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.* resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.* seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.* seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.* seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.* seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.* seguir al día = remain on top of.* seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.* seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.* seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.* seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.* seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.* seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.* seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.* seguir como antes = go on + as before.* seguir como modelo = pattern.* seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.* seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.* seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir con el control = stay in + control.* seguir con el mando = stay in + control.* seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.* seguir considerando = consider + further.* seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.* seguir desarrollando = develop + further.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.* seguir el debate = follow + the thread.* seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.* seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.* seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.* seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.* seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.* seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.* seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).* seguir en existencia = remain + in being.* seguir en la brecha = soldier on.* seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.* seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.* seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.* seguir este camino = go along + this road.* seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.* seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.* seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.* seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.* seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.* seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.* seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.* seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.* seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.* seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.* seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.* seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.* seguir la marcha de = monitor.* seguir la moda = catch + the fever.* seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.* seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.* seguir la pista de = keep + track of.* seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.* seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.* seguirle la corriente a = play along with.* seguir levantado = stay up.* seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.* seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.* seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.* seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.* seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.* seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.* seguirse = ensue.* seguir siendo = remain.* seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.* seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.* seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.* seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.* seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.* seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.* seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.* seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.* seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.* seguir una estrategia = take + tack.* seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.* seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.* seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.* seguir una táctica = take + tack.* seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.* seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.* seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.* seguir un consejo = take + advice.* seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.* seguir un método = take + approach.* seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.* seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.* seguir un patrón = conform to + image.* seguir un principio = adopt + convention.* seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.* seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.* seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.* seguir viviendo = live on.* seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.* siguiendo = along.* siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.* si sigue así = at this rate.* si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.* tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to followcamina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her
seguidos cada vez más de cerca por los japoneses — with the Japanese catching up on them all the time
el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
2) <camino/ruta>siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente — go along o follow this road as far as the bridge
3) ( en el tiempo) to followseguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody
4)a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to followb) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow5)a) <trámite/procedimiento> to followb) (Educ) < curso> to takeestoy siguiendo un curso de fotografía — I'm doing o taking a photography course
6)a) <explicaciones/profesor> to followdicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up
¿me siguen? — are you with me?
b) ( permanecer atento a)2.no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program
seguir vi1)a) ( por un camino) to go onsiga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street
seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past
b)c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)siga por favor — come in, please
2) (en lugar, estado)¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?
sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever
si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...
si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way
3)a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persistb)seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)
4)a) (venir después, estar contiguo)un período de calma ha seguido a estos enfrentamientos — these clashes have been followed by a period of calm
b) historia/poema to continue3.¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?
seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...
* * *= accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.Ex: So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.
Ex: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.Ex: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.Ex: These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.Ex: Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.Ex: Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.Ex: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.Ex: Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.Ex: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.Ex: All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.Ex: Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.Ex: It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.Ex: Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.Ex: There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.Ex: If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.Ex: A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.Ex: Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.Ex: In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.Ex: The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.Ex: The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.Ex: He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.* camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.* como siga así = at this rate.* como sigue = as follows.* debate + seguir = debate + rage.* difícil de seguir = heavy going.* el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.* hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.* indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.* las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.* la vida + seguir = life + go on.* modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].* mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.* no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.* no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.* pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].* pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.* procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.* que sigue = ensuing.* que sigue una norma = compliant (with).* que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.* resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.* seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.* seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.* seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.* seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.* seguir al día = remain on top of.* seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.* seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.* seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.* seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.* seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.* seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.* seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.* seguir como antes = go on + as before.* seguir como modelo = pattern.* seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.* seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.* seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.* seguir con el control = stay in + control.* seguir con el mando = stay in + control.* seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.* seguir considerando = consider + further.* seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.* seguir desarrollando = develop + further.* seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.* seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.* seguir el debate = follow + the thread.* seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.* seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.* seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.* seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.* seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.* seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.* seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).* seguir en existencia = remain + in being.* seguir en la brecha = soldier on.* seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.* seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.* seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.* seguir este camino = go along + this road.* seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.* seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.* seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.* seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.* seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.* seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.* seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.* seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.* seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.* seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.* seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.* seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.* seguir la marcha de = monitor.* seguir la moda = catch + the fever.* seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.* seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.* seguir la pista de = keep + track of.* seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.* seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.* seguirle la corriente a = play along with.* seguir levantado = stay up.* seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.* seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.* seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.* seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.* seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.* seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.* seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.* seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.* seguirse = ensue.* seguir siendo = remain.* seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.* seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.* seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.* seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.* seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.* seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.* seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.* seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.* seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.* seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.* seguir una estrategia = take + tack.* seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.* seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.* seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.* seguir una táctica = take + tack.* seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.* seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.* seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.* seguir un consejo = take + advice.* seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.* seguir un método = take + approach.* seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.* seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.* seguir un patrón = conform to + image.* seguir un principio = adopt + convention.* seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.* seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.* seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.* seguir viviendo = live on.* seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.* siguiendo = along.* siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.* si sigue así = at this rate.* si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.* tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.* * *vtA ‹persona/vehículo› to follow; ‹presa› to followsígame, por favor follow me, pleasela hizo seguir por un detective he had her followed by a detectivecamina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with hersiga (a) ese coche follow that car!creo que nos están siguiendo I think we're being followedla siguió con la mirada he followed her with his eyesle venían siguiendo los movimientos desde hacía meses they had been watching his movements for monthsseguidos cada vez más de cerca por los japoneses with the Japanese catching up o gaining on them all the timela mala suerte la seguía a todas partes she was dogged by bad luck wherever she wentel que la sigue la consigue or la mata ( fam); if at first you don't succeed, try, try againB ‹camino/ruta›siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o take o follow this road as far as the bridgecontinuamos el viaje siguiendo la costa we continued our journey following the coastme paré a saludarla y seguí mi camino I stopped to say hello to her and went on my waysi se sigue este camino se pasa por Capileira if you take this route you go through Capileiraseguimos las huellas del animal hasta el río we tracked the animal to the riverla enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is taking o running its normal courseel tour sigue la ruta de Bolívar the tour follows the route taken by Bolivarsiguiéndole los pasos al hermano mayor, decidió estudiar medicina following in his elder brother's footsteps, he decided to study medicineC (en el tiempo) to follow seguir A algo/algn to follow sth/sblos disturbios que siguieron a la manifestación the disturbances that followed the demonstrationel hermano que me sigue está en Asunción the brother who comes after me is in AsunciónD1 ‹instrucciones/consejo› to followtienes que seguir el dictamen de tu conciencia you must be guided by your conscience2 (basarse en) ‹autor/teoría/método› to followen su clasificación sigue a Sheldon he follows Sheldon in his classificationsus esculturas siguen el modelo clásico her sculptures are in the classical stylesigue a Kant she's a follower of Kant's philosophysigue las líneas establecidas por nuestro fundador it follows the lines laid down by our founderE1 ‹trámite/procedimiento› to followva a tener que seguir un tratamiento especial/una dieta hipocalórica you will have to undergo special treatment/follow a low-calorie dietse seguirá contra usted el procedimiento de suspensión del permiso de conducción steps will be taken leading to the withdrawal of your driver's license2 ( Educ) ‹curso› to takeestoy siguiendo un cursillo de fotografía I'm doing o taking a short photography course¿qué carrera piensas seguir? what are you thinking of studying o reading?F1 ‹explicaciones/profesor› to followdicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep upme cuesta seguir una conversación en francés I find it hard to follow a conversation in French¿me siguen? are you with me?2(permanecer atento a): no sigo ese programa I don't watch that program, I'm not following that programsigue atentamente el curso de los acontecimientos he's following the course of events very closelysigue paso a paso la vida de su ídolo she keeps track of every detail of her idol's lifeseguimos muy de cerca su desarrollo we are keeping careful track of its development, we are following its development very closely■ seguirviA1 (por un camino) to go onsiga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle keep o go straight on to the end of the streetsigue por esta calle hasta el semáforo go on down this street as far as the traffic lightsel tren sigue hasta Salto the train goes on to Saltodesde allí hay que seguir a pie/en mula from there you have to go on on foot/by mule2seguir adelante: ¿entienden? bien, entonces sigamos adelante do you understand? good, then let's carry onllueve ¿regresamos? — no, sigamos adelante it's raining, shall we go back? — no, let's go on o carry onresolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plans3B(en un lugar, un estado): ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well¿sigues con la idea de mudarte? do you still intend to move?, are you still thinking of moving?sigo sin entender I still don't understandsigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre she's still single/as pretty as eversi sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long wayC1«tareas/investigaciones/rumores»: siguen las investigaciones en torno al crimen investigations are continuing into the crimesigue el buen tiempo en todo el país the good weather is continuing throughout the country, the whole country is still enjoying good weathersi siguen estos rumores if these rumors persist2 seguir + GER:sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gonesigue leyendo tú, Elsa you read now, Elsasi sigues molestando te voy a echar if you carry on being a nuisance, I'm going to send you outseguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way ( frml)D1(venir después, estar contiguo): lee lo que sigue read what follows, read what comes nextel capítulo que sigue the next chapterme bajo en la parada que sigue I get off at the next stopsigue una hora de música clásica there follows an hour of classical music2 «historia/poema» to continue¿cómo sigue la canción? how does the song go on?[ S ] sigue en la página 8 continued on page 8la lista definitiva ha quedado como sigue the final list is as follows■ seguirse( en tercera persona) seguirse DE algo to follow FROM sthde esto se sigue que su muerte no fue accidental it follows from this that her death was not accidental* * *
seguir ( conjugate seguir) verbo transitivo
1 ‹persona/vehículo/presa› to follow;◊ camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her
2 ‹camino/ruta› to follow, go along;◊ siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o follow this road as far as the bridge;
la saludé y seguí mi camino I said hello to her and went on (my way);
la enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is running its normal course
‹ tratamiento› to undergo
5 ‹explicaciones/profesor› to follow;◊ dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up
verbo intransitivo
siga derecho or todo recto keep o go straight on;
seguir de largo (AmL) to go straight pastb)
resolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plansc) (Col, Ven) ( entrar):◊ siga por favor come in, please
2 (en lugar, estado):◊ ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?;
espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well;
sigue soltera she's still single;
si las cosas siguen así … if things carry on like this …
3 [tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia] to continue;
[ rumores] to persist;
seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way
4a) ( venir después):
el capítulo que sigue the next chapter
I verbo transitivo
1 to follow: ésta es la hermana que me sigue, she's the sister who comes after me
me sigue a todas partes, he follows me wherever I go
me seguía con la mirada, his eyes followed me
2 (comprender) to understand, follow: no soy capaz de seguir el argumento, I can't follow the plot
3 (una ruta, un camino, consejo) to follow
4 (el ritmo, la moda) to keep: no sigues el ritmo, you aren't keeping time
5 (el rastro, las huellas) to track
6 (una actividad) sigue un curso de informática, she's doing a computer course
II verbo intransitivo
1 (continuar) to keep (on), go on: seguiremos mañana, we'll continue tomorrow
siguen casados, they are still married
sigue tirando de la cuerda, keep (on) pulling at the rope ➣ Ver nota en continue y keep 2 (extenderse, llegar hasta) to stretch (out): los sembrados siguen hasta la ribera, the fields stretch down to the river-bank
' seguir' also found in these entries:
- continuar
- escala
- golpe
- impulsar
- juego
- profesar
- rastrear
- ritmo
- sino
- suceder
- trece
- adelante
- bordear
- camino
- cauce
- cerca
- línea
- llevar
- moda
- paso
- perro
- racha
- separar
- siga
- sigo
- trazar
- ver
act on
- advice
- along
- carry on
- closely
- continue
- despite
- ensue
- fight on
- follow
- follow up
- forge
- get on
- go ahead
- go on
- go through with
- hope
- hotly
- keep
- keep on
- lead
- march on
- monitor
- move on
- obey
- pick up
- play on
- play upon
- practice
- practise
- press ahead
- proceed
- pursue
- push ahead
- push on
- rattle on
- reasoning
- run on
- send on
- shadow
- soldier on
- stalk
- stand
- stay out
- struggle on
- succeed
- tail
- take
- track
- trail
* * *♦ vt1. [ir detrás de, tomar la ruta de] to follow;tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behind;síganme, por favor follow me, please;la generación que nos sigue o [m5] que sigue a la nuestra the next generation, the generation after us;sigue este sendero hasta llegar a un bosque follow this path until you come to a forest;seguir el rastro de alguien/algo to follow sb's/sth's tracks;siga la flecha [en letrero] follow the arrow2. [perseguir] to follow;me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed;seguir a alguien de cerca to tail sb;parece que le siguen los problemas trouble seems to follow him around wherever he goes;el que la sigue la consigue where there's a will there's a way3. [estar atento a, imitar, obedecer] to follow;seguían con la vista la trayectoria de la bola they followed the ball with their eyes;no seguimos ese programa we don't follow that programme;siempre sigue los dictámenes de la moda she always follows the latest fashion;los que siguen a Keynes followers of Keynes;el cuadro sigue una línea clásica the painting is classical in style;seguir las órdenes/instrucciones de alguien to follow sb's orders/instructions;sigue mi consejo y habla con ella take my advice and talk to her;siguiendo sus indicaciones, hemos cancelado el pedido we have cancelled the order as instructed4. [reanudar, continuar] to continue, to resume;yo seguí mi trabajo/camino I continued with my work/on my way;él siguió su discurso he continued o resumed his speech5. [comprender] [explicación, profesor, conferenciante] to follow;me costaba seguirle I found her hard to follow;¿me sigues? do you follow?, are you with me?6. [mantener, someterse a] to follow;hay que seguir un cierto orden you have to follow o do things in a certain order;seguiremos el procedimiento habitual we will follow the usual procedure;es difícil seguirle (el ritmo), va muy deprisa it's hard to keep up with him, he goes very quickly;los aspirantes elegidos seguirán un proceso de formación the chosen candidates will receive o undergo trainingsigue la carrera de medicina she's studying medicine♦ vi1. [proseguir, no detenerse] to continue, to go on;¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!;aquí se baja él, yo sigo [al taxista] he's getting out here, I'm going on;siga con su trabajo carry on with your work;el sendero sigue hasta la cima the path continues o carries on to the top;"sigue la crisis en la bolsa de Tokio" Tokyo stock market crisis continues;debes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing it;¿vas a seguir intentándolo? are you going to keep trying?;se seguían viendo de vez en cuando they still saw each other from time to time, they continued to see each other from time to time;seguir adelante (con algo) [con planes, proyectos] to go ahead (with sth)2. [mantenerse, permanecer]sigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital;¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?;todo sigue igual everything's still the same, nothing has changed;sigue el buen tiempo en el sur del país the good weather in the south of the country is continuing;sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factory;¿la sigues queriendo? do you still love her?;sigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrong;sigue habiendo dudas sobre… doubts remain about…;¡buen trabajo, sigue así! good work, keep it up!;si seguimos jugando así, ganaremos la liga if we carry on o keep playing like that, we'll win the league;Fama seguir bien [como despedida] take care, look after yourself;de seguir así las cosas, si las cosas siguen así if things go on like this, the way things are goingseguiremos hacia el este we'll go east then;siga todo recto go straight on;siga hasta el siguiente semáforo carry on till you get to the next set of traffic lights4. [sucederse, ir después] to follow;lo que sigue es una cita del Corán the following is a quotation from the Koran;seguir a algo to follow sth;la lluvia siguió a los truenos the thunder was followed by rain;¿cómo sigue el chiste? how does the joke go on o continue?;el proceso de selección se realizará como sigue:… the selection process will be carried out as follows:…;sigue en la página 20 [en periódico, libro] continued on page 20con permiso, ¿puedo entrar? – siga excuse me, can I come in? – please do* * *I v/tseguir a alguien follow s.o.2 ( permanecer):seguir fiel a alguien remain faithful to s.o.II v/i continue, carry on;seguir con algo continue with sth, carry on with sth;seguir haciendo algo go on doing sth, continue to do sth;sigue cometiendo los mismos errores he keeps on making the same mistakes;sigue enfadado conmigo he’s still angry with me;¡a seguir bien! take care!, take it easy!* * *seguir {75} vt1) : to followel sol sigue la lluvia: sunshine follows the rainseguiré tu consejo: I'll follow your adviceme siguieron con la mirada: they followed me with their eyes2) : to go along, to keep onseguimos toda la carretera panamericana: we continued along the PanAmerican Highwaysiguió hablando: he kept on talkingseguir el curso: to stay on course3) : to take (a course, a treatment)seguir vi1) : to go on, to keep goingsigue adelante: keep going, carry on2) : to remain, to continue to be¿todavía sigues aquí?: you're still here?sigue con vida: she's still alive3) : to follow, to come afterla frase que sigue: the following sentence* * *seguir vb1. (en general) to follow2. (cursar estudios) to do3. (recorrer) to go on¡sigue! No te pares go on! Don't stop!4. (continuar) to be still -
6 otro
adj.other, one other, another, every other.pron.another one, other, another, every other.m.other.* * *► adjetivo1 other, another■ el otro día... the other day...1 other, another\otro de tantos nothing exceptionalotro que tal baila he (she) is just as bad¡otra! ¡otra! encore!, more!* * *1. = otra, adj.1) other2) another•- otra vez2. = otra, pron.1) other one2) another one* * *1. ADJ1) (=diferente) [en singular] another; [en plural] other¿tiene algún otro modelo? — do you have any other models?
¿hay alguna otra manera de hacerlo? — is there any other way of doing it?
le pago, de otro modo no lo haría — I'm paying her, otherwise she wouldn't do it
por otra parte, he de admitir que me gusta — on the other hand, I have to admit I like it
otro tanto, Juan me insultó y Antonio hizo otro tanto — Juan insulted me and so did Antoniomundo 1)ayer subió tres puntos y hoy aumentará otro tanto — it went up by three points yesterday and will rise by the same amount today
2) (=uno más) [en singular, con cifras] another; [en plural] other¿quieres otra taza de café? — would you like another cup of coffee?
va a ser otro Hitler — he's going to be a second o another Hitler
después volvió con otros ocho libros — then he came back with another eight books o with eight more books
otra cosa, me gustaría preguntarle otra cosa — I'd like to ask you something else¿desea alguna otra cosa? — would you like anything else?
3) [en una secuencia temporal]a) [en el futuro] nextse fue y a la otra semana me escribió — * he left and wrote to me the next week
b) [en el pasado] other2. PRON1) (=diferente) [en singular] another, another one; [en plural] others-he perdido mi lápiz -no importa, tengo otro — "I have lost my pencil" - "it doesn't matter, I've got another (one)"
todos los países europeos y alguno que otro de África — all the countries in Europe and some from Africa
el otro — the other one•
lo otro no importa — the rest doesn't matter2) (=uno más) [en singular] another, another one; [en plural] others¿quieres otro? — do you want another (one)?
¿me puede enseñar otros? — could you show me some others o more?
se me perdieron y me dieron otros — I lost them, but they gave me some more
¡otra! — [en concierto] encore!; [en bar] (the) same again, please
3) [en una secuencia temporal]el jueves que viene no, el otro — a week on Thursday
4) [referido a personas] [en singular] somebody else; [en plural] otherscomo dijo el otro — as somebody o someone said
unos creen que ganará, otros que perderá — some think he'll win, others that he'll lose
uno y otro — both, both of themunos y otros coinciden en que... — both sides o groups agree that..., they all agree that...
* * *Iotra adjetivo1) ( con carácter adicional) (sing) another; (pl) other; ( con numerales) another¿puedo comer otro trozo? — can I have another piece?
una y otra vez — time and time again; ver tanto III 2)
2) ( diferente) (sing) another; (pl) other¿no sabes ninguna otra canción? — don't you know any other songs?
3) ( estableciendo un contraste) other- otro yo4)a) (siguiente, contiguo) nextal otro día me llamó — she phoned me the following o (the) next day
b)IIotra pronombre1) ( con carácter adicional) (sing) another (one)¿quieres otro? — would you like another (one)?
2) ( diferente)los otros no están listos — ( hablando - de personas) the others aren't ready; (- de cosas) the others o the other ones aren't ready
4) (siguiente, contiguo)de un día para (el) otro — overnight, from one day to the next
la semana que viene no, la otra — not next week, the week after
* * *= alternate, another, neighbour [neighbor, -USA], other.Ex. Libraries which are not dependent upon the Library of Congress for cataloging copy are free to use the alternate rule.Ex. Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.Ex. In most search statements or document profiles it is possible to designate certain concepts as being more significant than their neighbours.Ex. Use is still low with c100 requests per year for safety-related information but only c20 other requests.----* a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.* a costa de otros = at other people's expense.* actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.* a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.* a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.* además otro(s) = still (an)other(s).* a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.* a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.* alguna que otra vez = from time to time, every once in a while, occasional, every now and then, every now and again.* algunos lo aman, otros lo odian = love it or loathe it.* algunos otros + Nombre = various other + Nombre.* al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.* al otro lado del charco = across the pond.* al otro lado del océano = across the pond.* alternar de un estado a otro = toggle.* aprender el uno del otro = learn from + one another.* a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.* cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time.* cercano uno del otro = in close proximity.* cerca uno del otro = in close proximity.* continuar la labor de otros = stand on + the shoulders of giants.* con una mano delante y otra detrás = penniless, broke, skint.* cualquier otra cosa = whatever else.* cualquier otro = you name it.* de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.* de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.* de la otra forma = the other way (a)round.* de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.* del otro modo = the other way (a)round.* de otro mundo = unworldly.* de otros tiempos = of yore.* de otro tiempo = of yore.* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.* desde un extremo... al otro = from one end... to the other.* desproporcionado uno con otro = ill-balanced.* de una forma u otra = in some form or other, in one form or another.* de una lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.* de una parte a otra = back and forth.* de una punta a otra = end to end.* de un + Expresión Temporal + a otro = from one + Expresión Temporal + to the next.* de un extremo al otro = from the ridiculous to the sublime, from the sublime to the ridiculous.* de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.* de un momento a otro = momentarily, at any moment.* de uno a otro = across.* de un sitio a otro = back and forth.* de un sitio para otro = on the move.* de un tipo u otro = of one kind or another.* dicho de otro modo = said differently.* el consejo de otra person = a second opinion.* el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.* en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.* en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier otro momento = some other time.* en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.* en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.* en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other extreme.* en lugar de otro = vicariously.* en otra categoría = on a different plane.* en otra escala = on a different plane.* en otra parte = further afield.* en otras palabras = which is to say.* en otro nivel = on a different plane.* en otro orden de cosas = on another topic, as for, as regards, meanwhile, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.* en otro sitio = down the road.* en otros tiempos = in days of yore, in times of yore.* en otro tiempo = in days of yore, in times of yore.* entre otras cosas = for one thing, inter alia.* entre otros = amongst others, among others.* estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* estudiante proveniente de otra universidad = transfer student.* guardar Algo para otra vez = save for + a rainy day.* hecho el uno para el otro = made for each other.* inspirado en otros = copycat.* ir de un sitio a otro = shunt between.* ir de un sitio para otro = run around.* la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.* lo otro = otherness.* lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.* lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.* los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].* los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.* lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.* mapa que se inserta en otro documento = inclusion map.* mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.* mirar en otra dirección = look + the other way.* ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.* ninguna otra persona = no one else.* ningún otro = no other.* ni una cosa ni la otra = in-between, betwixt and between.* no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.* no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.* no tener otra opción = have + no choice.* no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.* ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* organismo que actúa en representación de otros = umbrella.* ¡otra! = encore!.* otra cara de + Nombre, la = flip side of + Nombre, the.* otra cara, la = flip side, the.* otra cosa = something else.* otra cosa que no sea = anything other than.* otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.* otra posibilidad = as an alternative.* otra posibilidad es = for what it's worth [FWIW].* otra posibilidad es que = alternatively.* otra posibilidad + ser = another possibility + be.* otra taza de té o café = refill [re-fill].* otra vez = again, once again, once more, redux.* otra vida, la = afterlife [after-life].* otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.* otro ejemplar = additional copy.* otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.* otro paso más hacia + Posesivo + destrucción = another nail in + Posesivo + coffin.* otros cuantos = several other.* otros tantos = as many.* para otra ocasión = for future reference.* pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.* pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.* pero por otra parte = but then again.* pero por otro lado = but then again.* poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* por medio de otro(s) = by proxy.* por otra parte = on the flip side.* por otro lado = on the other hand, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.* préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.* qué otra cosa = what else.* sacar a relucir los trapos sucios delante de otros = wash + dirty linen in front of others.* sensación de no ser ni una cosa ni la otra = in-betweenness.* ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.* ser muy superior a los otros = be way above all the others.* ser otro cantar = be a different kettle of fish.* ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.* ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.* sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.* tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.* todos los otros = all of the other.* tomar otra decisión = decision to the contrary.* tropezar los unos con los otros = trip over + each other.* una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra = one thing + have + nothing to do with the other.* una noche tras otra = night after night.* una y otra vez = over and over, repetitively, time after time, time and time again, again and again, over and over again.* un día sí y otro no = every other day.* un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.* un día tras otro = day after day.* unos con otros = one another.* unos de otros = one another.* unos encima de los otros = one on another.* uno tras otro = one after the other, sequentially, one after another.* uno u otro = one or another.* u otros = or what not [whatnot].* vivir en otro mundo = live in + cloud cuckoo land.* y además otro(s) = still (an)other(s).* y otro(s) = et al. (et alii), still (an)other(s).* * *Iotra adjetivo1) ( con carácter adicional) (sing) another; (pl) other; ( con numerales) another¿puedo comer otro trozo? — can I have another piece?
una y otra vez — time and time again; ver tanto III 2)
2) ( diferente) (sing) another; (pl) other¿no sabes ninguna otra canción? — don't you know any other songs?
3) ( estableciendo un contraste) other- otro yo4)a) (siguiente, contiguo) nextal otro día me llamó — she phoned me the following o (the) next day
b)IIotra pronombre1) ( con carácter adicional) (sing) another (one)¿quieres otro? — would you like another (one)?
2) ( diferente)los otros no están listos — ( hablando - de personas) the others aren't ready; (- de cosas) the others o the other ones aren't ready
4) (siguiente, contiguo)de un día para (el) otro — overnight, from one day to the next
la semana que viene no, la otra — not next week, the week after
* * *= alternate, another, neighbour [neighbor, -USA], other.Ex: Libraries which are not dependent upon the Library of Congress for cataloging copy are free to use the alternate rule.
Ex: Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.Ex: In most search statements or document profiles it is possible to designate certain concepts as being more significant than their neighbours.Ex: Use is still low with c100 requests per year for safety-related information but only c20 other requests.* a costa de otro = at someone else's expense.* a costa de otros = at other people's expense.* actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.* a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.* a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.* además otro(s) = still (an)other(s).* a expensas de otro = at someone else's expense.* a expensas de otros = at other people's expense.* alguna que otra vez = from time to time, every once in a while, occasional, every now and then, every now and again.* algunos lo aman, otros lo odian = love it or loathe it.* algunos otros + Nombre = various other + Nombre.* al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.* al otro lado del charco = across the pond.* al otro lado del océano = across the pond.* alternar de un estado a otro = toggle.* aprender el uno del otro = learn from + one another.* a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.* cambiar de una vez a otra = change from + time to time.* cercano uno del otro = in close proximity.* cerca uno del otro = in close proximity.* continuar la labor de otros = stand on + the shoulders of giants.* con una mano delante y otra detrás = penniless, broke, skint.* cualquier otra cosa = whatever else.* cualquier otro = you name it.* de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.* de esto y de lo otro = about this and that.* de la otra forma = the other way (a)round.* de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.* del otro modo = the other way (a)round.* de otro mundo = unworldly.* de otros tiempos = of yore.* de otro tiempo = of yore.* de parte de otro = on behalf of someone else.* desde un extremo... al otro = from one end... to the other.* desproporcionado uno con otro = ill-balanced.* de una forma u otra = in some form or other, in one form or another.* de una lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.* de una parte a otra = back and forth.* de una punta a otra = end to end.* de un + Expresión Temporal + a otro = from one + Expresión Temporal + to the next.* de un extremo al otro = from the ridiculous to the sublime, from the sublime to the ridiculous.* de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.* de un momento a otro = momentarily, at any moment.* de uno a otro = across.* de un sitio a otro = back and forth.* de un sitio para otro = on the move.* de un tipo u otro = of one kind or another.* dicho de otro modo = said differently.* el consejo de otra person = a second opinion.* el siguiente no, el otro = next but one.* en cualquier otra circunstancia = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.* en cualquier otra parte = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.* en cualquier otro lugar = anywhere else, everywhere else.* en cualquier otro momento = some other time.* en cualquier otro sitio = anywhere else.* en el otro extremo = at the other extreme.* en el otro extremo de la escala = at the other extreme.* en lugar de otro = vicariously.* en otra categoría = on a different plane.* en otra escala = on a different plane.* en otra parte = further afield.* en otras palabras = which is to say.* en otro nivel = on a different plane.* en otro orden de cosas = on another topic, as for, as regards, meanwhile, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.* en otro sitio = down the road.* en otros tiempos = in days of yore, in times of yore.* en otro tiempo = in days of yore, in times of yore.* entre otras cosas = for one thing, inter alia.* entre otros = amongst others, among others.* estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* estudiante proveniente de otra universidad = transfer student.* guardar Algo para otra vez = save for + a rainy day.* hecho el uno para el otro = made for each other.* inspirado en otros = copycat.* ir de un sitio a otro = shunt between.* ir de un sitio para otro = run around.* la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.* lo otro = otherness.* lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.* lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.* los otros con los que aparece(n) = neighbours [neighbors, -USA].* los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.* lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.* mapa que se inserta en otro documento = inclusion map.* mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.* mirar en otra dirección = look + the other way.* ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.* ninguna otra persona = no one else.* ningún otro = no other.* ni una cosa ni la otra = in-between, betwixt and between.* no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.* no tener otra alternativa = have + no choice.* no tener otra opción = have + no choice.* no tener otro objetivo que el de = have + no other purpose than.* ofrecer la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* organismo que actúa en representación de otros = umbrella.* ¡otra! = encore!.* otra cara de + Nombre, la = flip side of + Nombre, the.* otra cara, la = flip side, the.* otra cosa = something else.* otra cosa que no sea = anything other than.* otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.* otra posibilidad = as an alternative.* otra posibilidad es = for what it's worth [FWIW].* otra posibilidad es que = alternatively.* otra posibilidad + ser = another possibility + be.* otra taza de té o café = refill [re-fill].* otra vez = again, once again, once more, redux.* otra vida, la = afterlife [after-life].* otro bueno + Nombre = the next best + Nombre.* otro ejemplar = additional copy.* otro + Nombre + más = further + Nombre, yet another + Nombre.* otro paso más hacia + Posesivo + destrucción = another nail in + Posesivo + coffin.* otros cuantos = several other.* otros tantos = as many.* para otra ocasión = for future reference.* pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.* pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.* pero por otra parte = but then again.* pero por otro lado = but then again.* poner la otra mejilla = turn + the other cheek.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* por medio de otro(s) = by proxy.* por otra parte = on the flip side.* por otro lado = on the other hand, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note, on other matters.* préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.* qué otra cosa = what else.* sacar a relucir los trapos sucios delante de otros = wash + dirty linen in front of others.* sensación de no ser ni una cosa ni la otra = in-betweenness.* ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.* ser muy superior a los otros = be way above all the others.* ser otro cantar = be a different kettle of fish.* ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro = be as good a time as any.* ser un momento tan bueno como cualqu = be as good a time as any.* sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.* tan bueno como ningún otro = as good as any.* todos los otros = all of the other.* tomar otra decisión = decision to the contrary.* tropezar los unos con los otros = trip over + each other.* una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra = one thing + have + nothing to do with the other.* una noche tras otra = night after night.* una y otra vez = over and over, repetitively, time after time, time and time again, again and again, over and over again.* un día sí y otro no = every other day.* un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.* un día tras otro = day after day.* unos con otros = one another.* unos de otros = one another.* unos encima de los otros = one on another.* uno tras otro = one after the other, sequentially, one after another.* uno u otro = one or another.* u otros = or what not [whatnot].* vivir en otro mundo = live in + cloud cuckoo land.* y además otro(s) = still (an)other(s).* y otro(s) = et al. (et alii), still (an)other(s).* * *¿puedo comer otro trozo? can I have another piece?tiene otros tres hijos he has another three children, he has three other childrennecesito otras cinco libras/otros dos kilos I need another five pounds/two kilosdéjame probar otra vez let me try againuna y otra vez time and time againhay otra manera de hacerlo there's another o a different way of doing it¿puedes venir en otro momento? can you come another o some other time?¿no sabes ninguna otra canción? don't you know any other songs?, is that the only song you know?no hay otra forma de aprenderlo there's no other way of learning it o to learn itdecidió probar otros métodos she decided to try other methodsponlo en otro sitio put it somewhere elsela realidad es muy otra the truth of the matter is very differentC (estableciendo un contraste) otherqueda del otro lado de la calle it's on the other side of the streetsus otras compañías his other companies, the rest of his companiesCompuestos:el otro mundo the next world● otro yomasculine alter ego, other selfD1 (siguiente, contiguo) nextal otro día me llamó por teléfono she phoned me the following o (the) next dayse bajó en la otra parada he got off at the next stop2el otro día the other daylo vi el otro día en el club I saw him at the club the other dayA (con carácter adicional) ( sing) another, another one¿quieres otro? would you like another (one)?¡otra! encore!B(diferente): desde que adelgazó parece otra since she lost weight she looks a different personquiero éste y no voy a aceptar ningún otro this is the one I want and I won't accept any otherla dejó por otra he left her for somebody else o for another womanotros piensan que no es así others feel that this is not soC(estableciendo un contraste): la otra es mejor the other one is betterlos otros no están listos (hablando — de personas) the others aren't ready; (— de cosas) the others o the other ones aren't readyde lo otro, te llamaré luego as for the other matter o business, I'll call you latertodo lo otro va en este cajón everything else goes in this drawerD(siguiente, contiguo): un día sí y otro no every other dayde un día para el otro overnight, from one day to the nextla semana que viene no, la otra not next week, the week afterse tomó tres, uno detrás del otro he drank three, one after the otherEotra que … ( RPl fam): otra que un par de días, les llevó dos semanas a couple of days my foot! o what do you mean a couple of days? it took them two weeksno vamos a poder ir de vacaciones, otra que viaje a Europa … we won't be going on vacation, never mind o let alone to Europe!* * *
otro,◊ otra adjetivo
1 ( con carácter adicional) ( sing) another;
(pl) other;
( con numerales) another;◊ ¿puedo comer otro trozo? can I have another piece?;
prueba otra vez try again;
una y otra vez time and time again;
ver tanto 2 pronombre 2
2 ( diferente) ( sing) another;
(pl) other;
¿no sabes ninguna otra canción? don't you know any other songs?;
en otro sitio somewhere else;
en otro momento some other time
3 ( estableciendo un contraste) other;
4 (siguiente, contiguo) next;
ver tb◊ día
■ pronombre
1 ( con carácter adicional) ( sing) another (one);◊ ¿quieres otro? would you like another (one)?
2 ( diferente):
no voy a aceptar ningún otro I won't accept any other;
lo cambié por otro I changed it for another one;
¿no tiene otros? have you any other ones?;
otros piensan que no es así others feel that this is not so
3 ( estableciendo un contraste):
(— de cosas) the others o the other ones aren't ready
4 (siguiente, contiguo):◊ la semana que viene no, la otra not next week, the week after;
uno detrás del otro one after the other
I adj indef
1 (adicional, añadido) another: había otra muñeca, there was another doll
(distinto, diferente) no veo otra solución, I can see no other solution
otras veces es más amable, other times he's nicer
2 (con artículo definido) other: la otra hermana es rubia, the other sister is blonde
el otro día no pude llamarte, I couldn't phone you the other day
II pron indef
1 (adicional, extra) another (one): me tomaría otra, I'll have another one
(distinto, diferente) no quiero otra, I don't want any other one
unos ganan y otros pierden, some win, others lose
lo confundí con otro, I mistook him for somebody else
2 (con artículo definido) (sing) the other (one)
(pl) (personas, cosas) the others, the other ones
Another se emplea con sustantivos en singular y (any) other con sustantivos en plural: No tengo otro. I haven't got another. No tengo otros. I haven't got any others. Si, además, quieres añadir un número, emplearemos another o more: Quiero otros tres pasteles. I want another three cakes o I want three more cakes.
' otro' also found in these entries:
- alguna
- alguno
- ancha
- ancho
- apestosa
- apestoso
- bailar
- bando
- beneficio
- cambiar
- cantar
- cascar
- collado
- comunicar
- contraria
- contrario
- dejar
- día
- dicha
- dicho
- embestir
- encargo
- enfadarse
- enjabonar
- espíritu
- gallo
- grosor
- hacer
- harina
- jueves
- lado
- llevarse
- lo
- marcar
- más
- mí
- mismamente
- momento
- mundo
- nada
- nadie
- ninguna
- ninguno
- no
- nunca
- oído
- otra
- pasar
- preferir
- across
- affair
- after
- alien
- another
- apart
- approach
- astir
- blind
- breadth
- bygone
- chain-smoke
- cloud cuckoo land
- connect
- cop
- copycat
- cross
- dash
- die off
- disturbing
- dribble
- each
- ear
- else
- elsewhere
- escape
- far
- flip side
- foreign
- further
- get on to
- get onto
- hand
- home
- hot
- interfere
- marmalade
- minute
- miss
- mix up
- more
- neither
- new
- nutty
- object
- odd
- one
- other
- otherwise
* * *otro, -a♦ adj1. [distinto] another;otros/otras other;otro chico another boy;el otro chico the other boy;(los) otros chicos (the) other boys;¿conoces otro sitio donde podamos ir? do you know anywhere else we could go?;no hay otra impresora como ésta there's no other printer quite like this one;dame otra cosa, no quiero agua could I have something else? I don't feel like water;no hace otra cosa que llorar she does nothing but cry;el otro día [pasado] the other day;al otro año volvimos a Acapulco [año siguiente] we returned to Acapulco the following year;otros pocos/muchos votaron a favor a few/several of the others voted in favour2. [nuevo] another;estamos ante otro Dalí this is another Dali;otros tres goles another three goals;vendrán otros dos amigos another two friends will come;yo hubiera hecho otro tanto I would have done just the same;otra vez again♦ pronanother (one);el otro the other one;otros/otras others;los otros/las otras the others;¿nos tomamos otra? shall we have another (one)?;dame otro give me another (one);sé que sales con otra I know you're seeing another woman o someone else;¡pareces otro! you look like a completely different person!;mientras uno baila, el otro canta while one of them dances, the other sings;la semana que viene no, la otra the week after next;los perros se mordían el uno al otro the dogs were biting each other;nos ayudamos los unos a los otros we all help each other o one another;algún otro quedará there's bound to be a couple left;ningún otro corre tanto como él no one runs as fast as he does;su calidad de impresión es mejor que ninguna otra it prints better than anything else;yo no lo hice, fue otro it wasn't me, it was somebody else;otro habría abandonado, pero no él anyone else would have given up, but not him;la razón no es otra que la falta de medios the reason is quite simply a lack of resources;pónganos otra de lo mismo (the) same again, please;¡hasta otra! I'll see you when I see you, see you again some time;¡otra! [en conciertos] encore!, more!;otro que tal (baila): el padre era un mujeriego y el hijo es otro que tal (baila) the father was a womanizer and his son's a chip off the old block;¡otro que tal!, ¡es que no paran de preguntar! there goes another one! they never stop asking questions!;Am¡otra que!: ¡otra que 20 años, debe tener como 25! what do you mean, 20? he must be about 25!;Am* * *I adj1 ( diferente) another;otros other;ser muy otro be very different2 ( adicional):otros dos libros another two booksII pron1 ( adicional) another (one)somebody else;fue otro, no fui yo it wasn’t me, it was someone elseotros others;entre otros among others:¡hasta otra! see you soon:amarse el uno al otro love one another, love each other* * *1) : other2) : anotheren otro juego, ellos ganaron: in another game, they won3)otra vez : again4)de otra manera : otherwise5)otra parte : elsewhere6)en otro tiempo : once, formerly1) : another onedame otro: give me another2) : other oneel uno o el otro: one or the other3)los otros, las otras : the others, the restme dio una y se quedó con las otras: he gave me one and kept the rest* * *otro1 adj1. (con sustantivos en plural) other2. (con sustantivos en singular) another¿quieres otra galleta? would you like another biscuit?Cuando otro va precedido de un determinante o adjetivo posesivo o demostrativo, no se usa another sino otherotro2 pron1. (en singular) another / another onetiene un coche para la ciudad y otro para el campo he's got one car for the city and another for the country¿tienes otro? have you got another one?2. (con el artículo definido) other oneeste dibujo no está mal, pero el otro es mucho mejor this drawing isn't bad, but the other one is much better3. (en plural) others -
7 tratar
v.1 to treat (comportarse con) (persona, objeto).¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?El médico trata al paciente The doctor treats=cures the patient.2 to have dealings or contact with.la traté muy poco I didn't have much to do with her3 to treat (tema, asunto).eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss4 to treat.5 to treat (agua, sustancia, alimento).6 to process (computing) (datos, información).Ellos tratan el cuero They process the leather.7 to deal.Las empresas trataron The companies made a deal.8 to try, to make a trial, to attempt it, to attempt.Ella trató por mucho tiempo She tried for a long time.9 to handle, to maneuver, to manoeuvre.Ellos tratan sus pensamientos They handle their thoughts.* * *1 (gen - objeto) to treat, handle; (- persona) to treat2 (asunto, tema) to discuss, deal with3 (gestionar) to handle, run4 (dar tratamiento) to address as5 (calificar, considerar) to consider, call6 MEDICINA to treat7 (datos, texto) to process8 QUÍMICA to treat2 (tener tratos) to deal ( con, with)3 (negociar) to negotiate ( con, with)4 (intentar) to try (de, to)5 (versar) to be about■ trata de/sobre espías it's about spies6 COMERCIO to deal (en, in)1 (relacionarse) to talk to each other, be on speaking terms2 (llamarse) to address each other as, call each other3 (referirse) to be about\se trata de... it's a question of..., it's a matter of...* * *verb1) to treat2) handle•- tratar de* * *1. VT1) [+ persona, animal, objeto] to treathay que tratar a los animales con cariño — animals should be given plenty of affection, animals should be treated lovingly
te dejo la cámara, pero trátala bien — I'll let you have the camera, but be careful with it o treat it carefully
la vida la ha tratado muy bien — life has been very kind to her, life has treated her very well
tratar a algn de loco — to treat sb like a madman2) (=llamar)¿cómo le tenemos que tratar cuando nos hable? — how should we address him when he speaks to us?
tratar a algn de algo — to call sb sthtratar a algn de tú/usted — to address sb as "tú"/"usted"
3) (=relacionarse con)tratar a algn: ya no lo trato — I no longer have any dealings with him
me cae bien, pero no la he tratado mucho — I like her, but I haven't had a lot to do with her
4) (Med) [+ paciente, enfermedad] to treat¿qué médico te está tratando? — which doctor is giving you treatment?
5) [+ tejido, madera, residuos] to treat6) (=discutir) [+ tema] to deal with; [+ acuerdo, paz] to negotiateeste asunto tiene que tratarlo directamente con el director — you'll have to speak directly with the manager about this matter
7) (Inform) to process2. VI1)• tratar de — [libro] to be about, deal with; [personas] to talk about, discuss
ahora van a tratar del programa — they're going to talk about o discuss the programme now
2) (=intentar)•
tratar de hacer algo — to try to do sth•
tratar de que, trataré de que esta sea la última vez — I'll try to make sure that this is the last timetrata por todos los medios de que el trabajo esté acabado para mañana — try and do whatever you can to make sure that the job is done by tomorrow
3) (=relacionarse)•
tratar con algn, trato con todo tipo de gente — I deal with all sorts of peopleno había tratado con personas de esa clase — I had not previously come into contact with people like that
para tratar con animales hay que tener mucha paciencia — you have to be very patient when dealing with animals
4) (Com)•
tratar con o en algo — to deal in sthtrataban con o en pieles — they dealt in furs, they were involved in the fur trade
3.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( intentar) to trytratar de + inf — to try to + inf
tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2) obra/libro/película¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?
3) (tener contacto, relaciones)4) (Com)2.tratar vt1)a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treatb) ( llamar)tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar tú form
2) ( frecuentar)3) <tema/asunto> to deal with4)a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treatb) <sustancia/metal> to treat3.tratarse v pron1)a)tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody
b) (recípr)2) (+ compl)a) (recípr)se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'
se tratan sin ningún respeto — they have o show no respect for each other
b) (refl) ( cuidarse)tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself
3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)a) ( ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?
b) ( ser cuestión de)se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing
si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...
* * *= address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex. The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.Ex. The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex. The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex. This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.Ex. In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.Ex. 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.Ex. Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.Ex. An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.Ex. Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.Ex. Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.Ex. In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.Ex. We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.Ex. Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.Ex. In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.Ex. Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.Ex. The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.Ex. The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.Ex. There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.----* aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.* atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.* como si (se tratase de) = as if.* continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.* cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.* de qué se trata = what it's all about.* difícil de tratar = unruly.* empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* que trata de = surrounding.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* sin tratar = untreated.* temer tratar = fear to + tread.* tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.* tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.* tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.* tratar como un objeto = objectify.* tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].* tratar (con) = negotiate (with).* tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.* tratar con cloro = chlorinate.* tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.* tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.* tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.* tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.* tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.* tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* tratar de ligar = chat up.* tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.* tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].* tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.* tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.* tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.* tratar específicamente = target.* tratar información = handle + information.* tratar injustamente = malign.* tratar justamente = treat + fairly.* tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.* tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.* tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.* tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.* tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.* tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.* tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.* tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.* tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.* tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.* tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.* tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.* tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.* tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.* tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.* tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.* volver a tratar = revisit.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) ( intentar) to trytratar de + inf — to try to + inf
tratar de que + subj: trata de que queden a la misma altura try to get them level; trataré de que no vuelva a suceder — I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2) obra/libro/película¿de qué trata el libro? — what's the book about?
3) (tener contacto, relaciones)4) (Com)2.tratar vt1)a) <persona/animal/instrumento> (+ compl) to treatb) ( llamar)tratar a alguien de usted/tú — to address somebody using the polite usted or the more familiar tú form
2) ( frecuentar)3) <tema/asunto> to deal with4)a) <paciente/enfermedad> to treatb) <sustancia/metal> to treat3.tratarse v pron1)a)tratarse con alguien — ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with somebody; ( alternar) to socialize o mix with somebody
b) (recípr)2) (+ compl)a) (recípr)se tratan de usted/tú — they address each other as `usted'/`tu'
se tratan sin ningún respeto — they have o show no respect for each other
b) (refl) ( cuidarse)tratarse bien/mal — to look after oneself well/not to look after oneself
3) (Med) to have o undergo treatment4) tratarse de (en 3a pers)a) ( ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? — what's it about?
b) ( ser cuestión de)se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir — we're supposed to be settling things, not arguing
si sólo se trata de eso... — if that's all it is...
* * *tratar (con)(v.) = negotiate (with)Ex: Their purposes was to settle the disputes between the members, to negotiate with master, to accumulate and disburse a benevolent fund, and to exact contributions for drinks and parties.
= address, approach, consider (as), cover, discuss, focus on/upon, get to, go into, handle, manipulate, tackle, treat, turn to, broach, give + treatment, play with, speak to, treat, pick up on, meet.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio met.Ex: The inclusion of vendors and publishers allows everyone to address sticky business relationships head-on.
Ex: The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.Ex: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex: This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.Ex: In a text such as this which focuses primarily upon controlled indexing languages and systems it is difficult to place natural language indexing in a appropriate context.Ex: 'I'll get to that, I promise! but right now I have a budget to work on!'.Ex: Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.Ex: An author's name is usually shorter than a title, and thus is arguably easier to handle and remember.Ex: Different stores offer access to distinct types of information or data and permit the information to be manipulated to varying extents.Ex: Chapter 2 tackles books, pamphlets and printed sheets, and chapter 3 is dedicated to cartographic materials.Ex: In troubleshooting, it is important to treat the cause as well as the symptom of the problem = En la solución de problemas, es importante tratar tanto la causa como el síntoma del problema.Ex: We shall turn to this distinction very shortly.Ex: Some of the consequences of this conclusion are broached in this article.Ex: In this five-day workshop we will play with the design and building of non-traditional interface solutions.Ex: Numerous articles in the library literature speak to this phenomenon but most deal with the experience of larger libraries.Ex: The author studies the factors which have impeded the spread of information on the use of thioctic acid to treat mushroom poisoning.Ex: The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.Ex: There may be a threat of over-capacity; if so, this could be met by diversification, an enlargement of the SLIS role.* aguas residuales sin tratar = raw sewage, raw waste water.* atreverse a tratar = dare to + tread.* como si (se tratase de) = as if.* continuar tratando = pursue + Nombre + further.* cuando se trata de + Infinitivo = when it comes to + Gerundio.* de qué se trata = what it's all about.* difícil de tratar = unruly.* empezar a tratar = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* no atraverse a tratar = fear to + tread.* ponerse a tratar + Algo = get down to + Nombre.* que trata de = surrounding.* seguir tratando = discuss + further.* sin tratar = untreated.* temer tratar = fear to + tread.* tratar Algo = get down to + Nombre, be under consideration.* tratar algo en detalle = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo en profundidad = go into + Algo + at length.* tratar Algo imparcialmente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo justamente = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin parcialismo = treat + Nombre + with an even hand.* tratar Algo sin rodeos = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.* tratar Algo supercialmente = dabble in.* tratar como un objeto = objectify.* tratar como un personaje = lionise [lionize, -USA].* tratar (con) = negotiate (with).* tratar con bondad = kill + Nombre + with kindness, smother + Nombre + with kindness.* tratar con cloro = chlorinate.* tratar con condescendencia = patronise [patronize, -USA], condescend.* tratar con más detalle = discuss + in greater detail.* tratar con precaución = approach + with caution.* tratar con prudencia = treat with + caution, view with + caution.* tratar con respeto = treat with + respect.* tratar de = be about, be concerned with, deal with, take up, bear on, deal in.* tratar de abarcar más de lo que se puede = bite off more than + Pronombre + can chew.* tratar de ganar tiempo = temporise [temporize, -USA], play for + time.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* tratar de ligar = chat up.* tratar de no llamar la atención = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.* tratar detalladamente = cover + in detail.* tratar de un modo sentimental = sentimentalise [sentimentalize, -USA].* tratar de un modo urgente = fast track.* tratar en detalle = treat + at length, discuss + at length.* tratar en profundidad = treat + in detail.* tratar específicamente = target.* tratar información = handle + information.* tratar injustamente = malign.* tratar justamente = treat + fairly.* tratar la cuestión de = get to + the issue of.* tratar la posibilidad de = discuss + the possibility of.* tratar ligeramente = skim + the surface of, touch on/upon.* tratar magníficamente = do + more than justice.* tratar mal = maltreat, manhandle.* tratar muy por encima = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar por todos los medios de = take + (great) pains to.* tratar por todos los medios de + Verbo = be at pains to + Infinitivo.* tratarse de = come down to, be a question of.* tratar severamente = mete out + harsh treatment.* tratar síntomas = treat + symptoms.* tratar superficialmente = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface.* tratar una cuestión = address + constraint, address + issue, address + question, consider + issue, tackle + issue, address + concern, deal with + issue, broach + issue, broach + question, grapple with + issue.* tratar una cuestión ligeramente = touch on/upon + issue.* tratar un asunto = deal with + issue.* tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.* tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.* tratar un tema = broach + subject, broach + topic, address + theme, address + topic.* tratar un tema conocido = tread + familiar ground.* tratar un tema en detalle = go into + detail.* volver a tratar = revisit.* * *tratar [A1 ]viA (intentar) to try tratar DE + INF to try to + INFtrate de comprender try to o ( colloq) try and understandtraten de no llegar tarde try not to be latetratar DE QUE + SUBJ:trata de que queden a la misma altura try to o ( colloq) try and get them leveltrataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen againB«obra/libro/película»: tratar DEor SOBRE algo: ¿de qué trata el libro? what's the book about?la conferencia tratará sobre medicina alternativa the lecture will deal with o will be on the subject of alternative medicine, the theme of the lecture will be alternative medicineC (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar CON algn to deal WITH sben mi trabajo trato con gente de todo tipo in my job I deal with o come into contact with all kinds of peopletratar con él no es nada fácil he's not at all easy to get on withprefiero tratar directamente con el fabricante I prefer to deal directly with the manufacturerD ( Com) tratar EN algo to deal IN sthtratar en joyas/antigüedades to deal in jewels/antiqueslos mercaderes que trataban en esclavos/pieles the merchants who dealt o traded in slaves/furs■ tratarvtA1 ‹persona/animal/instrumento› (+ compl) to treatme tratan muy bien/como si fuera de la familia they treat me very well/as if I were one of the familytrata la guitarra con más cuidado be more careful with the guitar2 (llamar) tratar a algn DE algo to call sb sth¿me estás tratando de mentiroso? are you calling me a liar?a mi suegro nunca lo he tratado de usted I've never called my father-in-law `usted'B ‹persona›(frecuentar): lo trataba cuando era joven I saw quite a lot of him when I was youngnunca lo he tratado I have never had any contact with him o any dealings with himC ‹tema/asunto›vamos a tratar primero los puntos de mayor urgencia let's deal with o discuss the more pressing issues firstno sé cómo tratar esta cuestión I don't know how to deal with o handle this matterel libro trata la Revolución Francesa desde una óptica inusual the book looks at the French Revolution from an unusual angleesto no se puede tratar delante de los niños we can't discuss this in front of the childrenD1 ‹paciente/enfermedad› to treat2 ‹sustancia/metal/madera› to treatcultivos tratados con insectidas crops treated with insecticides■ tratarseA (relacionarse, tener contacto)1 tratarse CON algn:no me gusta la gente con la que se trata I don't like the people he mixes withse trata con gente de la alta sociedad she socializes o mixes with people from high society, she moves in high circles¿tú te tratas con los Rucabado? are you friendly with the Rucabados?2 ( recípr):somos parientes pero no nos tratamos we're related but we never see each other o we never have anything to do with each otherB (+ compl)1 ( recípr):se tratan de usted/tú they address each other as `usted'/`tú'se tratan sin ningún respeto they have o show no respect for each other2 ( refl) to treat oneself¡qué mal te tratas, eh! ( iró); you don't treat yourself badly, do you?, you know how to look after yourself, don't you?C ( Med) (seguir un tratamiento) to have o undergo treatment1 (ser acerca de) to be about¿de qué se trata? what's it about?, what does it concern? ( frml)se trata de Roy it's about Roy2(ser cuestión de): se trata de arreglar la situación, no de discutir we're supposed to be settling things, not arguingsi sólo se trata de eso, hazlo pasar ahora if that's all it is o if that's all he wants, show him in nowbueno, si se trata de echarle un vistazo nada más … OK, if it's just a question of having a quick look at it …3(ser): se trata de la estrella del equipo we're talking about o he is the star of the teamtratándose de usted, no creo que haya inconvenientes since it's for you o in your case I don't think there will be any problems* * *
tratar ( conjugate tratar) verbo intransitivo
1 ( intentar) to try;
trataré de que no vuelva a suceder I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again
2 [obra/libro/película] tratar de algo to be about sth;
tratar sobre algo to deal with sth;
3 (tener contacto, relaciones) tratar con algn to deal with sb;
verbo transitivo
1 ‹persona/animal/instrumento› to treat;
2 ( frecuentar):
3 ‹tema/asunto› to discuss, to deal with
4a) (Med) to treat
tratarse verbo pronominal
1 tratarse con algn ( ser amigo de) to be friendly with sb;
( alternar) to socialize o mix with sb;
2 (+ compl) ( recípr):
3 (Med) to have o undergo treatment
4◊ tratarse de (en 3a pers)
◊ ¿de qué se trata? what's it about?
◊ se trata de participar, no de ganar it's a question of taking part, not of winning;
solo porque se trata de ti just because it's you
I verbo transitivo
1 (portarse) to treat
2 (cuidar) to look after, care: trátame el libro bien, look after my book
3 (dirigirse a una persona) address: nos tratamos de tú, we call each other "tú" o we're on first name terms
4 (considerar, llamar) me trató de tonto, he called me stupid
5 (someter a un proceso) to treat
6 (someter a tratamiento médico) to treat: le tienen que tratar la artritis, they have to treat his arthritis
7 (tener relación social) la he tratado muy poco, I don't know her very well
8 (considerar, discutir) to deal with: no hemos tratado la cuestión, we haven't discussed that subject
II verbo intransitivo 1 tratar de, (un libro, una película) to be about: ¿de qué trata?, what is it about?
2 (intentar) to try [de, to]
3 Com tratar en, to trade in o with 4 tratar con, (negociar) to negotiate with
' tratar' also found in these entries:
- defraudar
- delicada
- delicado
- drogodependencia
- ir
- girar
- hablar
- mimar
- negociar
- tú
- confianza
- curar
- debido
- huir
- manera
- miramiento
- piel
- punto
- tocar
- trato
- usted
- address
- associate
- bid
- clutch
- deal with
- discuss
- form
- grapple
- ground
- handle
- light
- lionise
- mistreat
- muck about
- muck around
- patronize
- peer
- push through
- rubberize
- specific
- squarely
- tactfully
- tout
- treat
- try
- try on
- victimize
- attempt
- bite
- contact
- could
- cover
- deal
- favor
- grasp
- process
- profile
- raw
- seek
- snub
- tackle
- take
- thrash
- untreated
- way
* * *♦ vt1. [portarse con, manejar] to treat;¿qué tal te trataron? how were you treated?;no la trates tan mal don't be so nasty to her;la vida no la ha tratado bien life has not been kind to her;te dejo los discos, pero trátamelos bien I'll let you borrow the records, but look after them o be careful with them for me2. [paciente, enfermedad, herida] to treat;la están tratando de cáncer, le están tratando un cáncer she's being treated for cancer;el médico que la trata the doctor who is treating her3. [tener relación con] to have dealings o contact with;era compañera de clase pero la traté muy poco she was in my class, but I didn't have much to do with her4. [llamar, dirigirse a]tratar a alguien de usted/tú = to address sb using the “usted” form/the “tú” form;no hace falta que me trates de señor there's no need to call me “sir”;tratar a alguien de tonto to call sb an idiot5. [tema, asunto] to treat;el tema que trata la obra the subject of the book;hay que tratar ese asunto con cuidado this matter needs to be dealt with carefully;eso lo tienes que tratar con el jefe that's something you'll have to discuss with the boss6. [agua, sustancia, tejido, alimento] to treat♦ vitrata de comprenderlo, por favor please try to understand;trataré de no equivocarme I'll try not to get it wrong;sólo trataba de que estuvieras más cómodo I was only trying to make you more comfortable¿de qué trata el documental? what's the documentary about o on?;la ponencia trata sobre contaminación acústica the paper is about o on noise pollutionen mi trabajo tengo que tratar con todo tipo de gente I have to deal with all sorts of people in my job;trata con gente muy rara she mixes with some very strange people;RPtratar a alguien con pinzas to handle sb with kid gloves* * *I v/t1 treat2 ( manejar) handletratar a alguien de tú address s.o. informally, use the tú form with s.o.;tratar a alguien de usted address s.o. formally, use the usted form with s.o.4 gente come into contact with5 tema deal withII v/i:1:tratar con alguien deal with s.o.2:3 COM:tratar en deal in* * *tratar vi1)tratar con : to deal with, to have contact withno trato mucho con los clientes: I don't have much contact with customers2)tratar de : to try toestoy tratando de comer: I am trying to eat3)tratar de ortratar sobre : to be about, to concernel libro trata de las plantas: the book is about plants4)tratar en : to deal intrata en herramientas: he deals in toolstratar vt1) : to treattratan bien a sus empleados: they treat their employees well2) : to handletrató el tema con delicadeza: he handled the subject tactfully* * *tratar vb1. (en general) to treat3. (hablar) to discuss4. (referirse) to be about -
8 manera
f.1 way, manner.a manera de as, by way of (como)a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion ofa mi manera de ver the way I see itde esta manera in this waylo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/youde manera que so (that)de ninguna manera, en manera alguna by no means, under no circumstances; (refuerza negación) no way!, certainly not! (respuesta exclamativa)de todas maneras anywayde una manera o de otra one way or anotheren cierta manera in a wayno hay manera there is no way, it's impossible¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!manera de pensar way of thinkingmanera de ser way of being, nature2 fashion, style.* * *1 (gen) way, manner1 (educación) manners\a manera de by way ofa la manera de in the style ofa mi (tu etc) manera my (your etc) wayde cualquier manera (en cualquier caso) in any case 2 (sin cuidado, consideración, interés) carelesslyde manera que so thatde ninguna manera certainly notde todas maneras in any case, anyhow¡de una manera! in such a way!de una manera o de otra whatever wayen cierta manera in a wayen gran manera enormouslyno hay manera it's impossible¡qué manera de... ! what a way to... !manera de ser character* * *noun f.way, manner- de ninguna manera
- de todas maneras* * *SF1) (=modo) wayeso no es manera de tratar a un animal — that's not the way to treat an animal, that's no way to treat an animal
hazlo de la manera que sea — do it however o the way you like
¡llovía de una manera! — it was really pouring down!
¡nunca he visto nevar de esta manera! — I've never seen it snow like this!
no hubo manera de convencerla — there was no convincing her, there was no way we could convince her
a mi manera de ver, tenemos dos opciones — the way I see it, we have two options
a la manera de algn/algo, siguen arando a la manera de sus abuelos — they still plough as o in the way their grandfathers diduna novela escrita a la manera de Kafka — a novel written in a Kafkaesque manner o in the style of Kafka
de manera perfecta — perfectly, in a perfect waynos recibió de manera cortés — he received us courteously o in a courteous way
de esta manera — (in) this way, (in) this fashion•
de la misma manera — (in) the same way, (in) the same fashionmanera de ser, es su manera de ser — that's the way she is
2) [locuciones]•
de alguna manera — (=en cierto modo) to some extent; (=de cualquier modo) somehow; [al principio de frase] in a way, in some ways•
en cierta manera — in a way, to a certain extent•
en gran manera — to a large extent•
de mala manera, le pegó de mala manera — he hit her really hardlo estafaron de mala manera — * they really ripped him off *
ese tío se enrolla de mala manera — * that guy just can't stop jabbering *
de ninguna manera, eso no lo vamos a aceptar de ninguna manera — there's no way we are going to accept that¡de ninguna manera! — certainly not!, no way!
de otra manera, no es posible entender su actitud — otherwise, it's impossible to understand his attitude
dicho de otra manera — in other words, to put it another way
sobre manera — exceedingly•
de tal manera que... — in such a way that...•
de todas maneras — anyway, in any case3)• de manera que — [antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that
¿de manera que esto no te gusta? — so you don't like this?
4) pl maneras (=modales) mannersmalas maneras — bad manners, rudeness
tener maneras — LAm to have good manners, be well-mannered
5) liter (=tipo) kind6) (Arte, Literat) (=estilo) styleMANERA, FORMA, MODO De manera + ((adjetivo)) ► Cuando de manera + ((adjetivo)) añade información sobre una acción, la traducción más frecuente al inglés es un adverbio terminado en -ly. En inglés este tipo de adverbio es mucho más común que el equivalente - mente español: Todos estos cambios ocurren de manera natural All these changes happen naturally La Constitución prohíbe de manera expresa la especulación inmobiliaria The Constitution expressly forbids speculation in real estate ► De manera + ((adjetivo)) también se puede traducir por in a + ((adjetvo)) + way si no existe un adverbio terminado en -ly que equivalga al adjetivo: Se lo dijo de manera amistosa He said it to her in a friendly way ► En los casos en que se quiere hacer hincapié en la manera de hacer algo, se puede utilizar tanto un adverbio en -ly como la construcción in a + ((adjetivo)) + way, aunque esta última posibilidad es más frecuente: Tienes que intentar comportarte de manera responsable You must try to behave responsibly o in a responsible way Ellos podrán ayudarte a manejar tu negocio de manera profesional They'll be able to help you run your business professionally o in a professional way Para otros usos y ejemplos ver manera, forma, modo* * *1)a) (modo, forma) wayyo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it
¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food
comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!
no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up
no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible
b) (en locs)de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway
de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so
de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly
* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex. It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.----* a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.* buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.* de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.* de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.* de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].* de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.* de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).* dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.* de la manera normal = in the normal manner.* de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.* de la misma manera = by the same token.* de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).* de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.* de las dos maneras = in both ways.* de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.* de manera amena = pleasantly.* de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.* de manera confusa = hazily.* de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.* de manera constructiva = constructively.* de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.* de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].* de manera despreocupada = casually.* de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.* de manera divertida = funnily.* de manera encantadora = winningly.* de manera escandalosa = outrageously.* de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.* de manera esquemática = briefly.* de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].* de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.* de manera global = holistically.* de manera graciosa = funnily.* de manera grotesca = grotesquely.* de manera humillante = abjectly.* de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.* de manera informal = casually.* de manera inquietante = eerily.* de manera insinuante = suggestively.* de manera intermitente = intermittently.* de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.* de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.* de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.* de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].* de manera marginal = tangentially.* de manera memorable = memorably.* de manera misteriosa = eerily.* de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.* de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.* de manera muy superficial = sketchily.* de manera negativa = in a negative light.* de manera obsesiva = neurotically.* de manera óptima = optimally.* de manera poco convincente = lamely.* de manera poco ética = unethically.* de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.* de manera positiva = in a positive light.* de manera precisa = precisely.* de manera preocupante = disturbingly.* de manera previsible = predictably.* de manera protectora = protectively.* de manera provocativa = suggestively.* de manera que = in a form that.* de manera rara = oddly, funnily.* de manera realista = realistically.* de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.* de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.* de manera similar = in a similar way.* de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.* de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.* de manera sorprendente = shockingly.* de manera sutil = subtly.* de manera tangencial = tangentially.* de manera uniforme = evenly.* de manera vaga = hazily.* de mejor manera = best.* de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.* de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.* !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.* de nuevas maneras = in new ways.* de tal manera que = so that.* de todas maneras = at any rate.* de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.* de una manera eficaz = competently.* de una manera extraña = strangely.* de una manera genial = in a masterful way.* de una manera lógica = logically.* de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.* de una manera rara = strangely.* de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.* de una manera seductora = seductively.* de una manera significativa = meaningfully.* de una manera simple = in a simple manner.* de una manera solemne = solemnly.* de una manera tentad = seductively.* de una manera tentadora = seductively.* de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.* de una nueva manera = in a new way.* estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* expresar de otra manera = rephrase.* fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.* justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.* la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.* la mejor manera = how best.* la mejor manera de = the best way of.* manera de actuar = line of attack.* manera de pensar = way of thinking.* manera de trabajar = work practice.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.* no haber manera de = there + be + no way.* no hay manera de que = for the life of me.* pero no hubo manera = but no dice.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.* por la manera = by the way.* presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.* redactar de otra manera = reword.* ser la manera de = be a recipe for.* ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.* una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.* usar de manera general = be in general use.* ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.* ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.* * *1)a) (modo, forma) wayyo lo hago a mi manera — I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it
¿qué manera de comer es ésa? — that's no way to eat your food
comimos de una manera...! — you should have seen the amount we ate!
no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? — you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
no lo pongas así de cualquier manera, dóblalo — don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how, fold it up
no hay/hubo manera — it is/it was impossible
b) (en locs)de cualquier manera or de todas maneras — anyway
de manera que — ( así que) (+ indic) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that, so
de ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? - de ninguna manera will you give it to me? - certainly not; de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it; no son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferior; sobre manera sobremanera; de mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudely; la trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badly; los precios han subido de mala manera (Esp) prices have shot up (colloq); lo malcrió de mala manera (Esp) she spoiled him terribly o (colloq) rotten; querer algo de mala manera — (Esp fam) to want something really badly
* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, form, guise, means, way, manner, fashion.Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.* a + Posesivo + manera = in + Posesivo + own way.* buscar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* conseguido de manera dudosa = ill-gotten.* de alguna manera = in some sense, in some way, somehow, in any sense, some way.* de buena manera = good-humouredly, good-humoured.* de cualquier manera = anyhow, higgledy-piggledy, willy-nilly, in any way at all, in any way [in anyway].* de esta manera = in this fashion, in this manner, in this way.* de igual manera = by the same token, in like fashion, in like manner, in like vein, in equal measure(s).* dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.* de la manera normal = in the normal manner.* de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.* de la misma manera = by the same token.* de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).* de la otra manera = the other way (a)round.* de las dos maneras = in both ways.* de la siguiente manera = in the following terms.* de manera amena = pleasantly.* de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.* de manera confusa = hazily.* de manera conjunta con = in partnership with.* de manera constructiva = constructively.* de manera decepcionante = disappointingly.* de manera deprimente = sombrely [somberly, -USA].* de manera despreocupada = casually.* de manera desproporcionada = disproportionately.* de manera divertida = funnily.* de manera encantadora = winningly.* de manera escandalosa = outrageously.* de manera especial = in a certain way, in a special way.* de manera esquemática = briefly.* de manera estupenda = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].* de manera extraña = oddly, funnily.* de manera global = holistically.* de manera graciosa = funnily.* de manera grotesca = grotesquely.* de manera humillante = abjectly.* de manera inconsecuente = inconsistently.* de manera informal = casually.* de manera inquietante = eerily.* de manera insinuante = suggestively.* de manera intermitente = intermittently.* de manera involuntaria = involuntarily.* de manera lamentable = lamentably, miserably.* de manera lógica = in a meaningful way.* de manera maravillosa = marvellously [marvelously, -USA].* de manera marginal = tangentially.* de manera memorable = memorably.* de manera misteriosa = eerily.* de manera muy clara = in no uncertain terms.* de manera muy similar a = in much the same way as.* de manera muy superficial = sketchily.* de manera negativa = in a negative light.* de manera obsesiva = neurotically.* de manera óptima = optimally.* de manera poco convincente = lamely.* de manera poco ética = unethically.* de manera poco profesional = unprofessionally.* de manera positiva = in a positive light.* de manera precisa = precisely.* de manera preocupante = disturbingly.* de manera previsible = predictably.* de manera protectora = protectively.* de manera provocativa = suggestively.* de manera que = in a form that.* de manera rara = oddly, funnily.* de manera realista = realistically.* de manera semipermanente = on a semi-permanent basis.* de manera significativa = to any significant extent, to a significant extent.* de manera similar = in a similar way.* de manera similar a = in a similar manner to.* de manera sofisticada = sophisticatedly.* de manera sorprendente = shockingly.* de manera sutil = subtly.* de manera tangencial = tangentially.* de manera uniforme = evenly.* de manera vaga = hazily.* de mejor manera = best.* de muchas maneras = in every way, in more ways than one.* de ninguna manera = at all, in any sense of the word, not at all, under no/any circumstances, on no account, not on any account, in any way at all.* !de ninguna manera! = Not on your life!, over + Posesivo + dead body.* de nuevas maneras = in new ways.* de tal manera que = so that.* de todas maneras = at any rate.* de una manera + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, in a + Adjetivo + vein.* de una manera eficaz = competently.* de una manera extraña = strangely.* de una manera genial = in a masterful way.* de una manera lógica = logically.* de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.* de una manera rara = strangely.* de una manera satisfactoria = neatly.* de una manera seductora = seductively.* de una manera significativa = meaningfully.* de una manera simple = in a simple manner.* de una manera solemne = solemnly.* de una manera tentad = seductively.* de una manera tentadora = seductively.* de una manera torpe = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.* de una nueva manera = in a new way.* estudiar la manera de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* expresar de otra manera = rephrase.* fracasar de manera lamentable = fail + miserably, fail + dismally.* justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.* la manera de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.* la mejor manera = how best.* la mejor manera de = the best way of.* manera de actuar = line of attack.* manera de pensar = way of thinking.* manera de trabajar = work practice.* manera de tratar = avenue of approach.* manera de ver las cosas = line of thought.* no haber manera de = there + be + no way.* no hay manera de que = for the life of me.* pero no hubo manera = but no dice.* ponerlo de otra manera = put it + in a different way.* por decirlo de alguna manera = so to speak.* por la manera = by the way.* presentar de manera esquemática = give + overview.* redactar de otra manera = reword.* ser la manera de = be a recipe for.* ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.* una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.* usar de manera general = be in general use.* ver las cosas de diferente manera = see + things differently.* ver las cosas de una manera diferente = see + things differently.* * *A1 (modo, forma) wayyo lo hago a mi manera I do it my way, I have my own way of doing it¿qué manera de comer es ésa? that's no way to eat your food¡comimos de una manera …! you should have seen the amount we ate!¡qué manera de llover! it's absolutely pouring (with rain)¡qué manera de malgastar el dinero! what a waste of money!no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no? you're not going out dressed like that, are you?se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want, you can wear whatever you likeno lo pongas así, de cualquier manera, dóblalo don't just put it in any which way ( AmE) o ( BrE) any old how o way, fold it upde esta manera iremos más cómodos we'll be more comfortable this way o like thisde alguna manera tendré que conseguir el dinero I'll have to get the money somehow (or other)sus novelas son, de alguna manera, un reflejo de su propia juventud her novels are, to some extent o in some ways, a reflection of her own youthde una manera u otra habrá que terminarlo it'll have to be finished one way or anotherno hay/hubo manera it is/was impossible2 ( en locs):a manera de by way ofa manera de ejemplo by way of examplese levantó el sombrero a manera de saludo he lifted his hat in greetingde cualquier manera or de todas maneras anywayde cualquier manera or de todas maneras ya tenía que lavarlo I had to wash it anyway o in any casede todas maneras prefiero que me llames por teléfono antes I'd rather you called me first anyway(para que) (+ subj) so that, so¿de manera que te casas en julio? so you're getting married in July, are you?dilo en voz alta, de manera que todos te oigan say it out loud, so (that) everyone can hear youde ninguna manera: ¿me lo das? — de ninguna manera will you give it to me? — certainly notde ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow itno son de ninguna manera inferiores they are in no way inferiorde mala manera: me contestó de muy mala manera she answered me very rudelyla trataba de mala manera he used to treat her badlylos precios han subido de mala manera ( Esp); prices have shot up ( colloq), prices have risen exorbitantlyquerer algo de mala manera ( Esp fam); to want sth really badly, want sth in the worst way ( AmE colloq)Compuesto:su manera de ser the way she istiene una manera de ser que se lleva bien con todos she has a nice way about her, she gets on well with everyone ( colloq)su manera de ser le acarrea muchos problemas his manner o the way he comes across causes him a lot of problems* * *
manera sustantivo femenino
1 (modo, forma) way;
a manera de by way of;
de todas maneras anyway;
su manera de ser the way she is;
se puede ir vestido de cualquier manera you can dress however you want;
no lo pongas así, de cualquier manera don't just put it in any which way (AmE) o (BrE) any old how;
de ninguna manera lo voy a permitir there's no way I'm going to allow it;
de alguna manera tendré que conseguirlo I'll have to get it somehow (or other);
no hay/hubo manera it is/it was impossible;
de manera que so;
de mala manera ‹ contestar› rudely;
‹ tratar› badly
I sustantivo femenino
1 way, manner: hagámoslo a nuestra manera, let's do it our way
lo hace todo de cualquier manera, he does everything any old how
no hay manera de que me escuche, there is no way to make him listen to me
me disgusta su manera de ser, I don't like the way he behaves
II fpl maneras, manners: contestó con malas maneras, she answered rudely
♦ Locuciones: a manera de, as: se puso una cacerola a manera de casco, she used a cooking pot as a helmet
de cualquier manera/de todas maneras, anyway, at any rate, in any case
de manera que, so (that)
de ninguna manera, in no way, certainly not: no pienso disculparme de ninguna manera, there's no way that I'm going to apologise
de tal manera que, in such a way that
en cierta manera, in some sense: en cierta manera todos somos responsables de ella, to a certain degree we are all responsible for her
' manera' also found in these entries:
- arrancar
- categórica
- categórico
- como
- como quiera
- comoquiera
- cortante
- despatarrarse
- despeluchar
- encantar
- enfocar
- escritura
- expiar
- igual
- inri
- letra
- mal
- ninguna
- ninguno
- peculiar
- perfectamente
- precisamente
- tal
- tener
- tuntún
- bien
- cómo
- en
- escándalo
- forma
- fórmula
- habla
- hacer
- ilegal
- inconsciente
- índole
- inesperado
- interesado
- medio
- modo
- norma
- ordinariez
- otro
- plantear
- seguir
- temperamento
- tirar
- torpe
- trato
- abusive
- accusingly
- angrily
- as
- brittle
- by
- certainly
- challenging
- conciliatory
- decidedly
- definitive
- differently
- distant
- dramatically
- effective
- elaborately
- fashion
- friendly
- gait
- impersonally
- impossibly
- in
- intimidate
- jabber
- jangle
- logical
- manner
- means
- mimic
- miserably
- mismanage
- naturally
- nice
- not
- oddly
- originally
- other
- otherwise
- persuasively
- pleasantly
- practically
- pretence
- pretense
- propose
- radiantly
- realistically
- reception
- remotely
- should
* * *manera nf1. [forma] way, manner;manera de pensar way of thinking;tiene una manera de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;no me gusta su manera de ser I don't like the way he is;no encuentro la manera de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;esa no es manera de decir las cosas that's no way to speak;¿has visto la manera en que o [m5] la manera como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;esta vez lo haremos a mi manera this time we'll do it my way;a la manera de in the style of, after the fashion of;a manera de [como] as, by way of;a mi manera de ver the way I see it;de alguna manera somehow;se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier manera the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;hazlo de cualquier manera do it however you like;no te preocupes, de cualquier manera no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;de esta/esa manera this/that way;trata a su hijo de mala manera he treats his son badly;lo dijo de mala manera she said it very rudely;Esp Fam Esp Famse pusieron a beber de mala manera they started a serious drinking session;Esp Famtu hermana se enrolla de mala manera your sister goes on a bit;de la misma manera similarly, in the same way;lo hice de la misma manera que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;lo organizaron de manera que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;¿de manera que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;¿te he molestado? – de ninguna manera o [m5] en manera alguna did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ninguna manera! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;de otra manera… [si no] otherwise…;de tal manera (que) [tanto] so much (that);de todas maneras anyway;de todas maneras, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;de una manera o de otra one way or another;en cierta manera in a way;Formalla ópera me aburre en gran manera I find opera exceedingly tedious;no hay manera there is no way, it's impossible;no hay manera de que haga los deberes it's impossible to get him to do his homework;¡contigo no hay manera! you're impossible!;¡qué manera de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!;¡qué manera de llover! just look at that rain!;Formalme place sobre manera que recurran a nuestros servicios I'm exceedingly pleased that you should have decided to use our services2.maneras [modales] manners;buenas/malas maneras good/bad manners;de muy buenas maneras nos dijo que saliéramos she very politely asked us to leave;atiende a los clientes de malas maneras he's rude to the customers;Espde aquella manera: lo hicieron de aquella manera they did it any old how;¿crees en Dios? – de aquella manera do you believe in God? – well, sort of* * *f way;esa es su manera de ser that’s the way he is;maneras pl manners;lo hace a su manera he does it his way;a manera de like;un cuadro a la manera de los cubistas a Cubist-style picture;no hay manera de it is impossible to;de manera que so (that);de ninguna manera certainly not;en gran manera greatly;sobre manera exceedingly;de todas maneras anyway, in any case;de alguna manera somehow;de cualquier manera anyway, anyhow;de la misma manera que in the same way that;de otra manera if not;de tal manera que in such a way that, so that* * *manera nf1) modo: way, manner, fashion2)de todas maneras : anyway, anyhow3)de manera que : so, in order that4)de ninguna manera : by no means, absolutely not5)manera de ser : personality, demeanor* * *manera n wayde manera extraña in a strange way / strangely -
9 go
Ⅰ.go1 [gəʊ](game) jeu m de goⅡ.go2 [gəʊ]aller ⇒ 1A (a)-(c), 1A (e), 1A (f), 1E (a)-(c), 1G (a), 2 (a) s'en aller ⇒ 1A (d) être ⇒ 1B (a) devenir ⇒ 1B (b) tomber en panne ⇒ 1B (c) s'user ⇒ 1B (d) se détériorer ⇒ 1B (e) commencer ⇒ 1C (a) aller (+ infinitif) ⇒ 1C (b), 1C (c) marcher ⇒ 1C (d) disparaître ⇒ 1D (a), 1D (c) se passer ⇒ 1E (d) s'écouler ⇒ 1E (e) s'appliquer ⇒ 1F (b) se vendre ⇒ 1F (e) contribuer ⇒ 1G (c) aller ensemble ⇒ 1H (a) tenir le coup ⇒ 1H (c) faire ⇒ 2 (b), 2 (c) coup ⇒ 3 (a) essai ⇒ 3 (a) tour ⇒ 3 (b) dynamisme ⇒ 3 (c)A.∎ we're going to Paris/Japan/Spain nous allons à Paris/au Japon/en Espagne;∎ he went to the office/a friend's house il est allé au bureau/chez un ami;∎ I want to go home je veux rentrer;∎ the salesman went from house to house le vendeur est allé de maison en maison;∎ we went by car/on foot nous y sommes allés en voiture/à pied;∎ there goes the train! voilà le train (qui passe)!;∎ the bus goes by way of or through Dover le bus passe par Douvres;∎ does this train go to Glasgow? ce train va-t-il à Glasgow?;∎ the truck was going at 150 kilometres an hour le camion roulait à ou faisait du 150 kilomètres (à l')heure;∎ go behind those bushes va derrière ces arbustes;∎ where do we go from here? où va-t-on maintenant?; figurative qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant?;∎ to go to the doctor aller voir ou aller chez le médecin;∎ he went straight to the director il est allé directement voir ou trouver le directeur;∎ to go to prison aller en prison;∎ to go to the toilet aller aux toilettes;∎ to go to sb for advice aller demander conseil à qn;∎ let the children go first laissez les enfants passer devant, laissez passer les enfants d'abord;∎ I'll go next c'est à moi après;∎ who goes next? (in game) c'est à qui (le tour)?;∎ Military who goes there? qui va là?, qui vive?;∎ here we go again! ça y est, ça recommence!;∎ there he goes! le voilà!;∎ there he goes again! (there he is again) le revoilà!; (he's doing it again) ça y est, il est reparti!∎ to go shopping aller faire des courses;∎ to go fishing/hunting aller à la pêche/à la chasse;∎ to go riding aller faire du cheval;∎ let's go for a walk/bike ride/swim allons nous promener/faire un tour à vélo/nous baigner;∎ they went on a trip ils sont partis en voyage;∎ I'll go to see her or American go see her tomorrow j'irai la voir demain;∎ don't go and tell him!, don't go telling him! ne va pas le lui dire!, ne le lui dis pas!;∎ don't go bothering your sister ne va pas embêter ta sœur;∎ you had to go and tell him! il a fallu que tu le lui dises!;∎ he's gone and locked us out! il est parti et nous a laissé à la porte!;∎ you've gone and done it now! vraiment, tu as tout gâché!(c) (proceed to specified limit) aller;∎ he'll go as high as £300 il ira jusqu'à 300 livres;∎ the temperature went as high as 36° C la température est montée jusqu'à 36° C;∎ he went so far as to say it was her fault il est allé jusqu'à dire que c'était de sa faute à elle;∎ now you've gone too far! là tu as dépassé les bornes!;∎ I'll go further and say he should resign j'irai plus loin et je dirai qu'il ou j'irai jusqu'à dire qu'il devrait démissionner;∎ the temperature sometimes goes below zero la température descend ou tombe parfois au-dessous de zéro;∎ her attitude went beyond mere impertinence son comportement était plus qu'impertinent(d) (depart, leave) s'en aller, partir;∎ I must be going il faut que je m'en aille ou que je parte;∎ they went early ils sont partis tôt;∎ you may go vous pouvez partir;∎ what time does the train go? à quelle heure part le train?;∎ familiar get going! vas-y!, file!;∎ archaic be gone! allez-vous-en!;∎ either he goes or I go l'un de nous deux doit partir(e) (indicating regular attendance) aller, assister;∎ to go to church/school aller à l'église/l'école;∎ to go to a meeting aller ou assister à une réunion;∎ to go to work (to one's place of work) aller au travail(f) (indicating direction or route) aller, mener;∎ that road goes to the market square cette route va ou mène à la place du marchéB.∎ to go barefoot/naked se promener pieds nus/tout nu;∎ to go armed porter une arme;∎ her family goes in rags sa famille est en haillons;∎ the job went unfilled le poste est resté vacant;∎ to go unnoticed passer inaperçu;∎ such crimes must not go unpunished de tels crimes ne doivent pas rester impunis∎ my father is going grey mon père grisonne;∎ she went white with rage elle a blêmi de colère;∎ my hands went clammy mes mains sont devenues moites;∎ the tea's gone cold le thé a refroidi;∎ have you gone mad? tu es devenu fou?;∎ to go bankrupt faire faillite;∎ the country has gone Republican le pays est maintenant républicain∎ the battery's going la pile commence à être usée∎ his trousers are going at the knees son pantalon s'use aux genoux;∎ the jacket went at the seams la veste a craqué aux coutures∎ all his strength went and he fell to the floor il a perdu toutes ses forces et il est tombé par terre;∎ his voice is going il devient aphone;∎ his voice is gone il est aphone, il a une extinction de voix;∎ her mind has started to go elle n'a plus toute sa tête ou toutes ses facultésC.(a) (begin an activity) commencer;∎ what are we waiting for? let's go! qu'est-ce qu'on attend? allons-y!;∎ familiar here goes!, here we go! allez!, on y va!;∎ go! partez!;∎ you'd better get going on or with that report! tu ferais bien de te mettre à ou de t'attaquer à ce rapport!;∎ it won't be so hard once you get going ça ne sera pas si difficile une fois que tu seras lancé;∎ to be going to do sth (be about to) aller faire qch, être sur le point de faire qch; (intend to) avoir l'intention de faire qch;∎ you were just going to tell me about it vous étiez sur le point de ou vous alliez m'en parler;∎ I was going to visit her yesterday but her mother arrived j'avais l'intention de ou j'allais lui rendre visite hier mais sa mère est arrivée∎ are you going to be at home tonight? est-ce que vous serez chez vous ce soir?;∎ we're going to do exactly as we please nous ferons ce que nous voulons;∎ she's going to be a doctor elle va être médecin;∎ there's going to be a storm il va y avoir un orage;∎ he's going to have to work really hard il va falloir qu'il travaille très dur∎ is the fan going? est-ce que le ventilateur est en marche ou marche?;∎ the car won't go la voiture ne veut pas démarrer;∎ he had the television and the radio going il avait mis la télévision et la radio en marche;∎ the washing machine is still going la machine à laver tourne encore, la lessive n'est pas terminée;∎ her daughter kept the business going sa fille a continué à faire marcher l'affaire;∎ to keep a conversation/fire going entretenir une conversation/un feu∎ she went like this with her eyebrows elle a fait comme ça avec ses sourcils∎ to go on radio/television passer à la radio/à la télévisionD.(a) (disappear) disparaître;∎ the snow has gone la neige a fondu ou disparu;∎ all the sugar's gone il n'y a plus de sucre;∎ my coat has gone mon manteau n'est plus là ou a disparu;∎ all our money has gone (spent) nous avons dépensé tout notre argent; (lost) nous avons perdu tout notre argent; (stolen) on a volé tout notre argent;∎ I don't know where the money goes these days l'argent disparaît à une vitesse incroyable ces temps-ci;∎ gone are the days when he took her dancing elle est bien loin, l'époque où il l'emmenait danser∎ the last paragraph must go il faut supprimer le dernier paragraphe;∎ I've decided that car has to go j'ai décidé de me débarrasser de cette voiture;∎ that new secretary has got to go il va falloir se débarrasser de la nouvelle secrétaire∎ he is (dead and) gone il nous a quittés;∎ his wife went first sa femme est partie avant lui;∎ after I go... quand je ne serai plus là...E.(a) (extend, reach) aller, s'étendre;∎ our property goes as far as the forest notre propriété va ou s'étend jusqu'au bois;∎ the path goes right down to the beach le chemin descend jusqu'à la mer;∎ figurative her thinking didn't go that far elle n'a pas poussé le raisonnement aussi loin;∎ my salary doesn't go very far je ne vais pas loin avec mon salaire;∎ money doesn't go very far these days l'argent part vite à notre époque;∎ their difference of opinion goes deeper than I thought leur différend est plus profond que je ne pensais∎ the dictionaries go on that shelf les dictionnaires se rangent ou vont sur cette étagère;∎ where do the towels go? où est-ce qu'on met les serviettes?;∎ that painting goes here ce tableau se met ou va là(c) (be contained in, fit) aller;∎ this last sweater won't go in the suitcase ce dernier pull n'ira pas ou n'entrera pas dans la valise;∎ the piano barely goes through the door le piano entre ou passe de justesse par la porte;∎ this belt just goes round my waist cette ceinture est juste assez longue pour faire le tour de ma taille;∎ the lid goes on easily enough le couvercle se met assez facilement(d) (develop, turn out) se passer;∎ how did your interview go? comment s'est passé ton entretien?;∎ I'll see how things go je vais voir comment ça se passe;∎ we can't tell how things will go on ne sait pas comment ça se passera;∎ everything went well tout s'est bien passé;∎ if all goes well si tout va bien;∎ the meeting went badly/well la réunion s'est mal/bien passée;∎ the negotiations are going well les négociations sont en bonne voie;∎ the vote went against them/in their favour le vote leur a été défavorable/favorable;∎ there's no doubt as to which way the decision will go on sait ce qui sera décidé;∎ everything was going fine until she showed up tout allait ou se passait très bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive;∎ everything went wrong ça a mal tourné;∎ familiar how's it going?, how are things going? (comment) ça va?;∎ the way things are going, we might both be out of a job soon au train où vont ou vu comment vont les choses, nous allons bientôt nous retrouver tous les deux au chômage∎ the journey went quickly je n'ai pas vu le temps passer pendant le voyage;∎ there were only five minutes to go before… il ne restait que cinq minutes avant…;∎ time goes so slowly when you're not here le temps me paraît tellement long quand tu n'es pas là;∎ how's the time going? combien de temps reste-t-il?F.∎ what your mother says goes! fais ce que dit ta mère!;∎ whatever the boss says goes c'est le patron qui fait la loi;∎ anything goes on fait ce qu'on veut(b) (be valid, hold true) s'appliquer;∎ that rule goes for everyone cette règle s'applique à tout le monde;∎ that goes for us too (that applies to us) ça s'applique à nous aussi; (we agree with that) nous sommes aussi de cet avis(c) (be expressed, run → report, story)∎ the story or rumour goes that she left him le bruit court qu'elle l'a quitté;∎ so the story goes du moins c'est ce que l'on dit ou d'après les on-dit;∎ how does the story go? comment c'est cette histoire?;∎ I forget how the poem goes now j'ai oublié le poème maintenant;∎ how does the tune go? c'est quoi ou c'est comment, l'air?;∎ her theory goes something like this sa théorie est plus ou moins la suivante∎ to go by or under the name of répondre au nom de;∎ he now goes by or under another name il se fait appeler autrement maintenant∎ flats are going cheap at the moment les appartements ne se vendent pas très cher en ce moment;∎ the necklace went for £350 le collier s'est vendu 350 livres;∎ going, going, gone! (at auction) une fois, deux fois, adjugé!G.∎ the contract is to go to a private firm le contrat ira à une entreprise privée;∎ credit should go to the teachers le mérite en revient aux enseignants;∎ every penny will go to charity tout l'argent va ou est destiné à une œuvre de bienfaisance∎ a small portion of the budget went on education une petite part du budget a été consacrée ou est allée à l'éducation;∎ all his money goes on drink tout son argent part dans la boisson(c) (contribute) contribuer, servir;∎ all that just goes to prove my point tout ça confirme bien ce que j'ai dit;∎ it has all the qualities that go to make a good film ça a toutes les qualités d'un bon film(d) (have recourse) avoir recours, recourir;∎ to go to arbitration recourir à l'arbitrageH.(a) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller ensemble;∎ orange and mauve don't really go l'orange et le mauve ne vont pas vraiment ensemble∎ let me know if you hear of any jobs going faites-moi savoir si vous entendez parler d'un emploi;∎ are there any flats going for rent in this building? y a-t-il des appartements à louer dans cet immeuble?;∎ familiar any whisky going? tu as un whisky à m'offrir?□∎ we can't go much longer without water nous ne pourrons pas tenir beaucoup plus longtemps sans eau∎ we'll only stop if you're really desperate to go on ne s'arrête que si tu ne tiens vraiment plus;∎ I went before I came j'ai fait avant de venir∎ 5 into 60 goes 12 60 divisé par 5 égale 12;∎ 6 into 5 won't go 5 n'est pas divisible par 6∎ she isn't bad, as teachers go elle n'est pas mal comme enseignante;∎ as houses go, it's pretty cheap ce n'est pas cher pour une maison;∎ as things go today par les temps qui courent;∎ there goes my chance of winning a prize je peux abandonner tout espoir de gagner un prix;∎ there you go again, always blaming other people ça y est, toujours à rejeter la responsabilité sur les autres;∎ there you go, two hamburgers and a coke et voici, deux hamburgers et un Coca;∎ there you go, what did I tell you? voilà ou tiens, qu'est-ce que je t'avais dit!(a) (follow, proceed along) aller, suivre;∎ if we go this way, we'll get there much more quickly si nous passons par là, nous arriverons bien plus vite∎ we've only gone 5 kilometres nous n'avons fait que 5 kilomètres;∎ she went the whole length of the street before coming back elle a descendu toute la rue avant de revenir∎ ducks go "quack" les canards font "coin-coin";∎ the clock goes "tick tock" l'horloge fait "tic tac";∎ the gun went bang et pan! le coup est parti;∎ familiar then he goes "hand it over" puis il fait "donne-le-moi"∎ to go 10 risquer 10;∎ Cards to go no/two trumps annoncer sans/deux atout(s);∎ figurative to go one better (than sb) surenchérir (sur qn)∎ I could really go a beer je me paierais bien une bière∎ familiar how goes it? ça marche?3 noun∎ to have a go at sth/doing sth essayer qch/de faire qch;∎ he had another go il a fait une nouvelle tentative, il a ressayé;∎ have another go! encore un coup!;∎ I've never tried it but I'll give it a go je n'ai encore jamais fait l'expérience mais je vais essayer;∎ she passed her exams first go elle a eu ses examens du premier coup;∎ he knocked down all the skittles at one go il a renversé toutes les quilles d'un coup;∎ £1 a go (at fair etc) une livre la partie ou le tour;∎ to have a go on the dodgems faire un tour d'autos tamponneuses;∎ he wouldn't let me have or give me a go (on his bicycle etc) il ne voulait pas me laisser l'essayer∎ it's your go c'est ton tour ou c'est à toi (de jouer);∎ whose go is it? à qui de jouer?, à qui le tour?∎ to be full of go avoir plein d'énergie, être très dynamique;∎ she's got plenty of go elle est pleine d'entrain;∎ the new man has no go in him le nouveau manque d'entrain∎ he's made a go of the business il a réussi à faire marcher l'affaire;∎ to make a go of a marriage réussir un mariage;∎ I tried to persuade her but it was no go j'ai essayé de la convaincre mais il n'y avait rien à faire∎ short hair is all the go les cheveux courts sont le dernier cri ou font fureur∎ they had a real go at one another! qu'est-ce qu'ils se sont mis!;∎ she had a go at her boyfriend elle a passé un de ces savons à son copain;∎ British police have warned the public not to have a go, the fugitive may be armed la police a prévenu la population de ne pas s'en prendre au fugitif car il pourrait être armé;∎ it's all go ça n'arrête pas!;∎ all systems go! c'est parti!;∎ the shuttle is go for landing la navette est bonne ou est parée ou a le feu vert pour l'atterrissage∎ he must be going on fifty il doit approcher de la ou aller sur la cinquantaine;∎ it was going on (for) midnight by the time we finished quand on a terminé, il était près de minuit∎ I've been on the go all day je n'ai pas arrêté de toute la journée□ ;∎ to be always on the go être toujours à trotter ou à courir, avoir la bougeotte;∎ to keep sb on the go faire trimer qn∎ I have several projects on the go at present j'ai plusieurs projets en route en ce moment□6 to go1 adverbà faire;∎ there are only three weeks/five miles to go il ne reste plus que trois semaines/cinq miles;∎ five done, three to go cinq de faits, trois à faire➲ go about∎ policemen usually go about in pairs en général, les policiers circulent par deux;∎ you can't go about saying things like that! il ne faut pas raconter des choses pareilles!(a) (get on with) s'occuper de;∎ to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations(b) (set about) se mettre à;∎ she showed me how to go about it elle m'a montré comment faire ou comment m'y prendre;∎ how do you go about applying for the job? comment doit-on s'y prendre ou faire pour postuler l'emploi?∎ her son goes about with an older crowd son fils fréquente des gens plus âgés que lui;∎ he's going about with Rachel these days il sort avec Rachel en ce momenttraversertraverser;∎ your brother has just gone across to the shop ton frère est allé faire un saut au magasin en face∎ he goes after all the women il court après toutes les femmes;∎ I'm going after that job je vais essayer d'obtenir cet emploi(a) (disregard) aller contre, aller à l'encontre de;∎ she went against my advice elle n'a pas suivi mon conseil;∎ I went against my mother's wishes je suis allé contre ou j'ai contrarié les désirs de ma mère(b) (conflict with) contredire;∎ that goes against what he told me c'est en contradiction avec ou ça contredit ce qu'il m'a dit;∎ the decision went against public opinion la décision est allée à l'encontre de ou a heurté l'opinion publique;∎ it goes against my principles c'est contre mes principes(c) (be unfavourable to → of luck, situation) être contraire à; (→ of opinion) être défavorable à; (→ of behaviour, evidence) nuire à, être préjudiciable à;∎ the verdict went against the defendant le verdict a été défavorable à l'accusé ou a été prononcé contre l'accusé;∎ if luck should go against him si la chance lui était contraire;∎ her divorce may go against her winning the election son divorce pourrait nuire à ses chances de gagner les élections∎ he went ahead of us il est parti avant nous;∎ I let him go ahead of me in the queue je l'ai fait passer devant moi dans la queue∎ go ahead! tell me! vas-y! dis-le-moi!;∎ the mayor allowed the demonstrations to go ahead le maire a permis aux manifestations d'avoir lieu;∎ the move had gone ahead as planned le déménagement s'était déroulé comme prévu;∎ to go ahead with sth démarrer qch;∎ they're going ahead with the project after all ils ont finalement décidé de mener le projet à bien;∎ he went ahead and did it (without hesitating) il l'a fait sans l'ombre d'une hésitation; (despite warnings) rien ne l'a arrêté(c) (advance, progress) progresser, faire des progrès(a) (move from one place to another) aller, avancer;∎ go along and ask your mother va demander à ta mère;∎ she went along with them to the fair elle les a accompagnés ou elle est allée avec eux à la foire;∎ we can talk it over as we go along nous pouvons en discuter en chemin ou en cours de route;∎ I just make it up as I go along j'invente au fur et à mesure(b) (progress) se dérouler, se passer;∎ things were going along nicely tout allait ou se passait bien(c) (go to meeting, party etc) aller(decision, order) accepter, s'incliner devant; (rule) observer, respecter;∎ that's what they decided and I went along with it c'est la décision qu'ils ont prise et je l'ai acceptée;∎ I go along with the committee on that point je suis d'accord avec ou je soutiens le comité sur ce point;∎ I can't go along with you on that je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous là-dessus;∎ he went along with his father's wishes il s'est conformé aux ou a respecté les désirs de son père(a) (habitually) passer son temps à;∎ he goes around mumbling to himself il passe son temps à radoter;∎ she just goes around annoying everyone elle passe son temps à énerver tout le monde;∎ he goes around in black leather il se promène toujours en ou il est toujours habillé en cuir noir∎ will that belt go around your waist? est-ce que cette ceinture sera assez grande pour toi?∎ they were still going at it the next day ils y étaient encore le lendemain;∎ she went at the cleaning with a will elle s'est attaquée au nettoyage avec ardeurpartir, s'en aller;∎ go away! va-t'en!;∎ I'm going away for a few days je pars pour quelques jours;∎ she's gone away to think about it elle est partie réfléchir∎ she went back to bed elle est retournée au lit, elle s'est recouchée;∎ to go back to sleep se rendormir;∎ they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ou à la maison;∎ I went back downstairs/upstairs je suis redescendu/remonté;∎ to go back to work (continue task) se remettre au travail; (return to place of work) retourner travailler; (return to employment) reprendre le travail;∎ to go back on one's steps rebrousser chemin, revenir sur ses pas;∎ let's go back to chapter two revenons ou retournons au deuxième chapitre;∎ we went back to the beginning nous avons recommencé;∎ let's go back to why you said that revenons à la question de savoir pourquoi vous avez dit ça;∎ the clocks go back one hour today on retarde les pendules d'une heure aujourd'hui∎ go back! recule!∎ we went back to the old system nous sommes revenus à l'ancien système;∎ he went back to his old habits il a repris ses anciennes habitudes;∎ the conversation kept going back to the same subject la conversation revenait sans cesse sur le même sujet;∎ men are going back to wearing their hair long les hommes reviennent aux cheveux longs ou se laissent à nouveau pousser les cheveux∎ our records go back to 1850 nos archives remontent à 1850;∎ this building goes back to the Revolution ce bâtiment date de ou remonte à la Révolution;∎ familiar we go back a long way, Brad and me ça remonte à loin, Brad et moi(e) (extend, reach) s'étendre;∎ the garden goes back 150 metres le jardin s'étend sur 150 mètres(fail to keep → agreement) rompre, violer; (→ promise) manquer à, revenir sur;∎ they went back on their decision ils sont revenus sur leur décision;∎ he won't go back on his word il ne manquera pas à sa parole(precede) passer devant; (happen before) précéder;∎ that question has nothing to do with what went before cette question n'a rien à voir avec ce qui précède ou avec ce qui a été dit avant;∎ the election was like nothing that had gone before l'élection ne ressemblait en rien aux précédentes;∎ euphemism those who have gone before (the dead) ceux qui nous ont précédés∎ we are indebted to those who have gone before us nous devons beaucoup à ceux qui nous ont précédés∎ your suggestion will go before the committee votre suggestion sera soumise au comité;∎ to go before a judge/jury passer devant un juge/un jury;∎ the matter went before the court l'affaire est allée devant les tribunauxNautical descendre dans l'entrepont➲ go by(pass → car, person) passer; (→ time) passer, s'écouler;∎ as the years go by avec les années, à mesure que les années passent;∎ in days or in times or in years gone by autrefois, jadis;∎ to let an opportunity go by laisser passer une occasion(a) (act in accordance with, be guided by) suivre, se baser sur;∎ don't go by the map ne vous fiez pas à la carte;∎ I'll go by what the boss says je me baserai sur ce que dit le patron;∎ he goes by the rules il suit le règlement(b) (judge by) juger d'après;∎ going by her accent, I'd say she's from New York si j'en juge d'après son accent, je dirais qu'elle vient de New York;∎ you can't go by appearances on ne peut pas juger d'après ou sur les apparences∎ to go by a different/false name être connu sous un nom différent/un faux nom;∎ the product goes by the name of "Bango" in France ce produit est vendu sous le nom de "Bango" en France➲ go down(a) (descend, move to lower level) descendre;∎ he went down on all fours or on his hands and knees il s'est mis à quatre pattes;∎ going down! (in lift) on descend!, pour descendre!(b) (proceed, travel) aller;∎ we're going down to Tours/the country/the shop nous allons à Tours/à la campagne/au magasin(c) (set → moon, sun) se coucher, tomber(e) (decrease, decline → level, price, quality) baisser; (→ amount, numbers) diminuer; (→ rate, temperature) baisser, s'abaisser; (→ fever) baisser, tomber; (→ tide) descendre;∎ the dollar is going down in value le dollar perd de sa valeur, le dollar est en baisse;∎ eggs are going down (in price) le prix des œufs baisse;∎ my weight has gone down j'ai perdu du poids;∎ he's gone down in my estimation il a baissé dans mon estime;∎ the neighbourhood's really gone down since then le quartier ne s'est vraiment pas arrangé depuis;∎ to have gone down in the world avoir connu des jours meilleurs(g) (food, medicine) descendre;∎ this wine goes down very smoothly ce vin se laisse boire (comme du petit-lait)(h) (produce specified reaction) être reçu;∎ a cup of coffee would go down nicely une tasse de café serait la bienvenue;∎ his speech went down badly/well son discours a été mal/bien reçu;∎ how will the proposal go down with the students? comment les étudiants vont-ils prendre la proposition?;∎ that kind of talk doesn't go down well with me je n'apprécie pas du tout ce genre de propos∎ Mexico went down to Germany le Mexique s'est incliné devant l'Allemagne;∎ Madrid went down to Milan by three points Milan a battu Madrid de trois points;∎ I'm not going to go down without a fight je me battrai jusqu'à la fin(j) (be relegated) descendre;∎ our team has gone down to the second division notre équipe est descendue en deuxième division∎ this day will go down in history ce jour restera une date historique;∎ she will go down in history as a woman of great courage elle entrera dans l'histoire grâce à son grand courage(l) (reach as far as) descendre, s'étendre;∎ this path goes down to the beach ce sentier va ou descend à la plage(m) (continue as far as) aller, continuer;∎ go down to the end of the street allez ou continuez jusqu'en bas de la rue∎ the computer's gone down l'ordinateur est en panne∎ how long do you think he'll go down for? il écopera de combien, à ton avis?;∎ he went down for three years il a écopé de trois ans(hill, stairs, ladder, street) descendre;∎ my food went down the wrong way j'ai avalé de travers;∎ Music the pianist went down an octave le pianiste a joué une octave plus bas ou a descendu d'une octave;∎ figurative I don't want to go down that road je ne veux pas m'engager là-dedansvulgar (fellate) sucer, tailler ou faire une pipe à; (perform cunnilingus on) sucer, brouter le cresson àtomber malade de;∎ he went down with pneumonia/the flu il a attrapé une pneumonie/la grippe∎ he went for a doctor il est allé ou parti chercher un médecin(b) (try to obtain) essayer d'obtenir, viser;∎ she's going for his job elle va essayer d'obtenir son poste;∎ familiar go for it! vas-y!;∎ I'd go for it if I were you! à ta place, je n'hésiterais pas!;∎ she was really going for it elle donnait vraiment son maximum∎ dogs usually go for the throat en général, les chiens attaquent à la gorge;∎ they went for each other (physically) ils se sont jetés l'un sur l'autre; (verbally) ils s'en sont pris l'un à l'autre;∎ the newspapers really went for the senator les journaux s'en sont pris au sénateur sans retenue;∎ go for him! (to dog) attaque!∎ I don't really go for that idea l'idée ne me dit pas grand-chose;∎ he really goes for her in a big way il est vraiment fou d'elle(e) (choose, prefer) choisir, préférer(f) (apply to, concern) concerner, s'appliquer à;∎ what I said goes for both of you ce que j'ai dit vaut pour ou s'applique à vous deux;∎ pollution is a real problem in Paris - that goes for Rome too la pollution pose un énorme problème à Paris - c'est la même chose à Rome;∎ and the same goes for me et moi aussi(g) (have as result) servir à;∎ his twenty years of service went for nothing ses vingt ans de service n'ont servi à rien∎ she has a lot going for her elle a beaucoup d'atouts;∎ that idea hasn't got much going for it frankly cette idée n'est franchement pas très convaincante∎ the army went forth into battle l'armée s'est mise en route pour la bataille;∎ Bible go forth and multiply croissez et multipliez-vous∎ the command went forth that… il fut décrété que…(s')avancer;∎ the clocks go forward tomorrow on avance les pendules demain;∎ if this scheme goes forward… si ce projet est accepté…∎ it's cold - let's go in il fait froid - entrons;∎ it's too big, it won't go in c'est trop grand, ça ne rentrera pas(b) (disappear → moon, sun) se cacher(a) (engage in → activity, hobby, sport) pratiquer, faire; (→ occupation) se consacrer à; (→ politics) s'occuper de, faire;∎ she went in for company law elle s'est lancée dans le droit commercial;∎ he thought about going in for teaching il a pensé devenir enseignant∎ I don't go in much for opera je n'aime pas trop l'opéra, l'opéra ne me dit rien;∎ he goes in for special effects in a big way il est très branché effets spéciaux;∎ we don't go in for that kind of film nous n'aimons pas ce genre de film;∎ this publisher doesn't really go in for fiction cet éditeur ne fait pas tellement dans le roman∎ they don't go in for injections so much nowadays ils ne sont pas tellement pour les piqûres de nos jours;∎ why do scientists go in for all that jargon? pourquoi est-ce que les scientifiques utilisent tout ce jargon?(e) (apply for → job, position) poser sa candidature à, postuler(a) (enter → building, house) entrer dans; (→ activity, profession) entrer à ou dans; (→ politics, business) se lancer dans;∎ she's gone into hospital elle est (r)entrée à l'hôpital;∎ to go into the army (as profession) devenir militaire de carrière; (as conscript) partir au service;∎ he went into medicine il a choisi la médecine(b) (be invested → of effort, money, time)∎ a lot of care had gone into making her feel at home on s'était donné beaucoup de peine pour la mettre à l'aise;∎ two months of research went into our report nous avons mis ou investi deux mois de recherche dans notre rapport(c) (embark on → action) commencer à; (→ explanation, speech) se lancer ou s'embarquer dans, (se mettre à) donner; (→ problem) aborder;∎ I'll go into the problem of your taxes later j'aborderai le problème de vos impôts plus tard;∎ the car went into a skid la voiture a commencé à déraper;∎ to go into hysterics avoir une crise de nerfs;∎ to go into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire(d) (examine, investigate) examiner, étudier;∎ you need to go into the question more deeply vous devez examiner le problème de plus près;∎ the matter is being gone into l'affaire est à l'étude(e) (explain in depth) entrer dans;∎ the essay goes into the moral aspects of the question l'essai aborde les aspects moraux de la question;∎ I won't go into details je ne vais pas entrer dans les détails;∎ let's not go into that ne parlons pas de ça(f) (begin to wear) se mettre à porter;∎ to go into mourning prendre le deuil(g) (hit, run into) entrer dans;∎ a car went into him une voiture lui est rentrée dedans∎ to go into a file aller dans un fichier➲ go off∎ she went off to work elle est partie travailler;∎ her husband has gone off and left her son mari l'a quittée;∎ Theatre the actors went off les acteurs ont quitté la scène(b) (stop operating → light, radio) s'éteindre; (→ heating) s'éteindre, s'arrêter; (→ pain) partir, s'arrêter;∎ the electricity went off l'électricité a été coupée∎ the grenade went off in her hand la grenade a explosé dans sa main;∎ the gun didn't go off le coup n'est pas parti;∎ figurative to go off into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire(d) (have specified outcome) se passer;∎ the interview went off badly/well l'entretien s'est mal/bien passé;∎ her speech went off well son discours a été bien reçu(e) (fall asleep) s'endormir(f) British (deteriorate → food) s'avarier, se gâter; (→ milk) tourner; (→ butter) rancir; (→ athlete, sportsperson) perdre sa forme;∎ the play goes off in the second half la pièce se gâte pendant la seconde partie∎ he's gone off classical music/smoking il n'aime plus la musique classique/fumer, la musique classique/fumer ne l'intéresse plus;∎ I've gone off the idea cette idée ne me dit plus rien;∎ she's gone off her boyfriend son copain ne l'intéresse plus;∎ funny how you can go off people c'est drôle comme on se lasse des gens parfois(a) (leave with) partir avec;∎ he went off with the woman next door il est parti avec la voisine(b) (make off with) partir avec;∎ someone has gone off with his keys quelqu'un est parti avec ses clés;∎ he went off with the jewels il s'est enfui avec les bijoux➲ go on(a) (move, proceed) aller; (without stopping) poursuivre son chemin; (after stopping) repartir, se remettre en route;∎ you go on, I'll catch up allez-y, je vous rattraperai (en chemin);∎ they went on without us ils sont partis sans nous;∎ after dinner they went on to Susan's house après le dîner, ils sont allés chez Susan;∎ we went on home nous sommes rentrés(b) (continue action) continuer;∎ she went on (with her) reading elle a continué à ou de lire;∎ the chairman went on speaking le président a continué son discours;∎ "and that's not all", he went on "et ce n'est pas tout", a-t-il poursuivi;∎ you can't go on being a student for ever! tu ne peux pas être étudiant toute ta vie!;∎ go on looking! cherchez encore!;∎ go on, ask her vas-y, demande-lui;∎ familiar go on, be a devil vas-y, laisse-toi tenter!;∎ go on, I'm listening continuez, je vous écoute;∎ I can't go on like this! je ne peux plus continuer comme ça!;∎ if he goes on like this, he'll get fired s'il continue comme ça, il va se faire renvoyer;∎ their affair has been going on for years leur liaison dure depuis des années;∎ the party went on into the small hours la soirée s'est prolongée jusqu'à très tôt le matin;∎ life goes on la vie continue ou va son train;∎ they have enough (work) to be going on with ils ont du pain sur la planche ou de quoi faire pour le moment;∎ here's £25 to be going on with voilà 25 livres pour te dépanner∎ he went on to explain why il a ensuite expliqué pourquoi;∎ to go on to another question passer à une autre question;∎ she went on to become a doctor elle est ensuite devenue médecin(d) (be placed, fit) aller;∎ the lid goes on this way le couvercle se met comme ça;∎ I can't get the lid to go on je n'arrive pas à mettre le couvercle;∎ the cap goes on the other end le bouchon se met ou va sur l'autre bout(e) (happen, take place) se passer;∎ what's going on here? qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?;∎ there was a fight going on il y avait une bagarre;∎ a lot of cheating goes on during the exams on triche beaucoup pendant les examens;∎ several conversations were going on at once il y avait plusieurs conversations à la fois;∎ while the war was going on pendant la guerre∎ as the week went on au fur et à mesure que la semaine passait;∎ as time goes on avec le temps, à mesure que le temps passe∎ she does go on! elle n'arrête pas de parler!, c'est un vrai moulin à paroles!;∎ he goes on and on about politics il parle politique sans cesse;∎ don't go on about it! ça va, on a compris!;∎ I don't want to go on about it, but... je ne voudrais pas avoir l'air d'insister, mais...;∎ what are you going on about now? qu'est-ce que vous racontez?∎ what a way to go on! en voilà des manières!(i) (start operating → light, radio, television) s'allumer; (→ heating, motor, power) s'allumer, se mettre en marche∎ he's going on for forty il va sur ses quarante ans(a) (enter → boat, train) monter dans∎ to go on a journey/a holiday partir en voyage/en vacances;∎ to go on a diet se mettre au régime(c) (be guided by) se laisser guider par, se fonder ou se baser sur;∎ the detective didn't have much to go on le détective n'avait pas grand-chose sur quoi s'appuyer ou qui puisse le guider;∎ she goes a lot on instinct elle se fie beaucoup à ou se fonde beaucoup sur son instinct∎ he's going on forty-five il va sur ses quarante-cinq ans;∎ humorous she's fifteen going on forty-five (wise) elle a quinze ans mais elle est déjà très mûre; (old beyond her years) elle a quinze ans mais elle est vieille avant l'âge∎ I don't go much on abstract art l'art abstrait ne me dit pas grand-chose∎ the boss went on and on at her at the meeting le patron n'a pas cessé de s'en prendre à elle pendant la réunion;∎ he's always going on at his wife about money il est toujours sur le dos de sa femme avec les questions d'argent;∎ I went on at my mother to go and see the doctor j'ai embêté ma mère pour qu'elle aille voir le médecin;∎ don't go on at me! laisse-moi tranquille!∎ my parents made us go out of the room mes parents nous ont fait sortir de la pièce ou quitter la pièce;∎ to go out for a meal aller au restaurant;∎ to go out to dinner sortir dîner;∎ to go out for a walk aller se promener, aller faire une promenade;∎ she's gone out to get a paper elle est sortie (pour) acheter un journal;∎ they went out to the country ils sont allés ou ils ont fait une sortie à la campagne;∎ she goes out to work elle travaille en dehors de la maison ou hors de chez elle;∎ he went out of her life il est sorti de sa vie;∎ she was dressed to go out (ready to leave) elle était prête à sortir; (dressed up) elle était très habillée∎ they went out to Africa (travelled) ils sont partis en Afrique; (emigrated) ils sont partis vivre ou ils ont émigré en Afrique∎ to go out with sb sortir avec qn;∎ we've been going out together for a month ça fait un mois que nous sortons ensemble(d) (fire, light) s'éteindre(e) (disappear) disparaître;∎ the joy went out of her eyes la joie a disparu de son regard;∎ the spring went out of his step il a perdu sa démarche légère;∎ all the heart went out of her elle a perdu courage(f) (cease to be fashionable) passer de mode, se démoder;∎ to go out of style/fashion ne plus être le bon style/à la mode;∎ familiar that hairstyle went out with the ark cette coiffure remonte au déluge∎ the tide has gone out la marée est descendue, la mer s'est retirée;∎ the tide goes out 6 kilometres la mer se retire sur 6 kilomètres∎ I went out to see for myself j'ai décidé de voir par moi-même;∎ we have to go out and do something about this il faut que nous prenions des mesures ou que nous fassions quelque chose(i) (be sent → letter) être envoyé; (be published → brochure, pamphlet) être distribué; (be broadcast → radio or television programme) être diffusé(j) (feelings, sympathies) aller;∎ our thoughts go out to all those who suffer nos pensées vont vers tous ceux qui souffrent;∎ my heart goes out to her je suis de tout cœur avec elle dans son chagrin∎ Agassi went out to Henman Agassi s'est fait sortir par Henman∎ she went all out to help us elle a fait tout son possible pour nous aider□➲ go over(a) (move overhead) passer;∎ I just saw a plane go over je viens de voir passer un avion∎ I went over to see her je suis allé la voir;∎ they went over to talk to her ils sont allés lui parler;∎ to go over to Europe aller en Europe(d) (change, switch) changer;∎ I've gone over to another brand of washing powder je viens de changer de marque de lessive;∎ when will we go over to the metric system? quand est-ce qu'on va passer au système métrique?(e) (change allegiance) passer, se joindre;∎ he's gone over to the Socialists il est passé dans le camp des socialistes;∎ she went over to the enemy elle est passée à l'ennemi(f) (be received) passer;∎ the speech went over badly/well le discours a mal/bien passé(a) (move, travel over) passer par-dessus;∎ the horse went over the fence le cheval a sauté (par-dessus) la barrière;∎ we went over a bump on a pris une bosse∎ would you go over my report? voulez-vous regarder mon rapport?(c) (repeat) répéter; (review → notes, speech) réviser, revoir; (→ facts) récapituler, revoir; School réviser;∎ she went over the interview in her mind elle a repassé l'entretien dans son esprit;∎ I kept going over everything leading up to the accident je continuais de repenser à tous les détails qui avaient conduit à l'accident;∎ let's go over it again reprenons, récapitulons;∎ he goes over and over the same stories il rabâche les mêmes histoires∎ let's go over now to our Birmingham studios passons l'antenne à notre studio de Birmingham;∎ we're going over live now to Paris nous allons maintenant à Paris où nous sommes en direct(move in front of) passer devant; (move beyond) dépasser➲ go round∎ is there enough cake to go round? est-ce qu'il y a assez de gâteau pour tout le monde?;∎ to make the food go round ménager la nourriture∎ we went round to his house nous sommes allés chez lui;∎ I'm going round there later on j'y vais plus tard(d) (be continuously present → idea, tune)∎ that song keeps going round in my head j'ai cette chanson dans la tête(e) (spin → wheel) tourner;∎ figurative my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne(f) (make a detour) faire un détour;∎ to go round the long way faire un long détour(tour → museum) faire le tour de;∎ I hate going round the shops j'ai horreur de faire les boutiques(a) (crowd, tunnel) traverser;∎ figurative a shiver went through her un frisson l'a parcourue ou traversée(b) (endure, experience) subir, souffrir;∎ he's going through hell c'est l'enfer pour lui;∎ we all have to go through it sometime on doit tous y passer un jour ou l'autre;∎ I can't face going through all that again je ne supporterais pas de passer par là une deuxième fois;∎ after everything she's gone through après tout ce qu'elle a subi ou enduré;∎ we've gone through a lot together nous avons vécu beaucoup de choses ensemble∎ she goes through a pair of tights a week elle use une paire de collants par semaine;∎ I've gone through the toes of my socks j'ai usé ou troué mes chaussettes au bout;∎ humorous how many assistants has he gone through now? combien d'assistants a-t-il déjà eus?;∎ his novel has gone through six editions il y a déjà eu six éditions de son roman(d) (examine → accounts, document) examiner, vérifier; (→ list, proposal) éplucher; (→ mail) dépouiller; (→ drawer, pockets) fouiller (dans); (→ files) chercher dans; (sort) trier;∎ we went through the contract together nous avons regardé ou examiné le contrat ensemble;∎ did customs go through your suitcase? est-ce qu'ils ont fouillé votre valise à la douane?;∎ he went through her pockets il a fouillé ses poches(e) (of bill, law) être voté;∎ the bill went through Parliament last week le projet de loi a été voté la semaine dernière au Parlement∎ Music let's go through the introduction again reprenons l'introduction;∎ we had to go through the whole business of applying for a visa nous avons dû nous farcir toutes les démarches pour obtenir un visa∎ let's go through it again from the beginning reprenons dès le début(a) (travel through, penetrate) passer, traverser(b) (offer, proposal) être accepté; (business deal) être conclu, se faire; (bill, law) passer, être voté; (divorce) être prononcé;∎ the adoption finally went through l'adoption s'est faite finalement∎ to go through with sth aller jusqu'au bout de qch, exécuter qch;∎ he'll never go through with it il n'ira jamais jusqu'au bout;∎ they went through with their threat ils ont exécuté leur menace∎ the two things often go together les deux choses vont souvent de pair(a) (move towards) aller vers(b) (effort, money) être consacré à;∎ all her energy went towards fighting illiteracy elle a dépensé toute son énergie à combattre l'analphabétisme➲ go under(b) figurative (fail → business) couler, faire faillite; (→ project) couler, échouer; (→ person) échouer, sombrer(c) (under anaesthetic) s'endormir(a) (move, travel underneath) passer par-dessous∎ to go under a false/different name utiliser ou prendre un faux nom/un nom différent;∎ a glue that goes under the name of Stikit une colle qui s'appelle Stikit➲ go up∎ to go up to town aller en ville;∎ I'm going up to bed je monte me coucher;∎ have you ever gone up in an aeroplane? êtes-vous déjà monté en avion?;∎ going up! (in lift) on monte!;∎ to go up in the world faire son chemin(b) (increase → amount, numbers) augmenter, croître; (→ price) monter, augmenter; (→ temperature) monter, s'élever;∎ rents are going up les loyers sont en hausse;∎ meat is going up (in price) (le prix de) la viande augmente;∎ to go up in sb's estimation monter dans l'estime de qn(c) (sudden noise) s'élever;∎ a shout went up un cri s'éleva∎ new buildings are going up all over town de nouveaux immeubles surgissent dans toute la ville(e) (explode, be destroyed) sauter, exploser∎ before the curtain goes up avant le lever du rideau∎ she went up to Oxford in 1950 elle est entrée à Oxford en 1950∎ he went up for murder il a fait de la taule pour meurtre∎ they look set to go up to the First Division ils ont l'air prêts à entrer en première divisionmonter;∎ to go up a hill/ladder monter une colline/sur une échelle;∎ Music the pianist went up an octave le pianiste a monté d'une octave;∎ to go up to sb/sth se diriger vers qn/qch;∎ the path goes up to the front door le chemin mène à la porte d'entrée∎ the book only goes up to the end of the war le livre ne va que jusqu'à la fin de la guerre;∎ I will go up to £100 je veux bien aller jusqu'à 100 livres(a) (accompany, escort) accompagner, aller avec;∎ figurative to go with the crowd suivre la foule ou le mouvement;∎ you have to go with the times il faut vivre avec son temps(b) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller avec;∎ that hat doesn't go with your suit ce chapeau ne va pas avec ton ensemble;∎ a white Burgundy goes well with snails le bourgogne blanc se marie bien ou va bien avec les escargots(c) (be part of) aller avec;∎ the flat goes with the job l'appartement va avec le poste;∎ the sense of satisfaction that goes with having done a good job le sentiment de satisfaction qu'apporte le travail bien fait;∎ mathematical ability usually goes with skill at chess des capacités en mathématiques vont souvent de pair avec un don pour les échecs∎ euphemism he's been going with other women (having sex) il a été avec d'autres femmesse passer de, se priver de;∎ he went without sleep or without sleeping for two days il n'a pas dormi pendant deux jourss'en passer;∎ we'll just have to go without il faudra s'en passer, c'est toutⓘ Do not pass go, (do not collect £200/$200) Au Monopoly les joueurs tirent parfois une carte qui les envoie sur la case "prison". Sur cette carte sont inscrits les mots do not pass go, do not collect £200 (ou bien do not collect $200 s'il s'agit de la version américaine). Cette phrase, dont la version française est "ne passez pas par la case départ, ne recevez pas 20 000 francs", est utilisée de façon allusive et sur le mode humoristique dans différents contextes: on dira par exemple you do that again and you're going straight to jail, Bill. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 ("refais ça, Bill, et je t'assure que tu iras droit en prison). On peut également utiliser cette expression lorsque quelqu'un essaie de mener un projet à bien mais rencontre des obstacles: the country is trying hard to get back on its feet but because of the civil war it has not even been allowed to pass go, let alone collect £200 ("le pays fait de son mieux pour se rétablir mais la guerre civile n'arrange rien, bien au contraire").ⓘ Go ahead, make my day C'est la formule prononcée par l'inspecteur Harry Callahan (incarné par Clint Eastwood) dans le film Sudden Impact (1983) lorsqu'il se trouve confronté à un gangster. Il s'agit d'une façon d'encourager le bandit à se servir de son arme afin de pouvoir l'abattre en état de légitime défense: "allez, vas-y, fais-moi plaisir". On utilise cette formule par allusion au film et en réaction à une personne qui vient de proférer des menaces. Ainsi, le président Reagan s'en servit en s'adressant à des travailleurs qui menaçaient de se mettre en grève. -
10 modo
m.1 way (manera, forma).¿has visto el modo en que o el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smokinga modo de as, by way ofal modo de in the style ofde ese modo in that wayde ningún modo in no wayde todos modos in any case, anywayde un modo u otro one way or anotheren cierto modo in some waysmodo de empleo instructions for use¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?2 mood (grammar).modo adverbial adverbial phrase3 mode, brand, manner, way.4 grammar mood, mood.* * *1 way, manner2 LINGÚÍSTICA mood1 manners\a modo de as a, like ade modo que sode todos modos anyhow, at any rateen cierto modo in a waymodo de empleo instructions pluralmodo de ser character* * *noun m.1) way, manner2) mode3) mood•- de modo que
- de todos modos* * *SM1) (=manera) way, manner frmlos han distribuido del siguiente modo — they have been distributed in the following way o frm manner
¿no hay otro modo de hacerlo? — isn't there another way of doing it?
see MANERA, FORMA, MODOa mi modo de pensar o ver — in my view, the way I see it
2) [locuciones]•
a mi/tu modo — (in) my/your (own) way•
a modo de — asa modo de ejemplo/respuesta — by way of example/reply
en cierto modo — in a way, to a certain extentde cualquier modo, ahora tenemos que irnos — we have to go now anyway o in any case
hazlo de cualquier modo — do it anyway you like, do it anyhow, do it any old how *
de modo + adj —eso nos afectará de modo directo — this will have a direct effect on us, this will affect us directly
grosso modo — broadly speakingesa fue, grosso modo, la contestación que nos dio — broadly speaking, that was the answer he gave us
de mal modo — rudelytodos van vestidos del mismo o de igual modo — they are all dressed the same o in the same way
del mismo modo que — in the same way as o that, just as
de ningún modo o en modo alguno, no quiero de ningún modo o en modo alguno implicarla en esto — I don't want to involve her in this in any way¡de ningún modo! — certainly not!, no way! *
de todos modos — anyway, all the same, in any caseaunque no me dejes, me iré de todos modos — even if you don't let me, I'll go anyway o all the same o in any case
aunque lo esperaba, de todos modos me sorprendió — even though I was expecting it, I was still surprised
3)• de modo que — [antes de verbo] so; [después de verbo] so that
¡de modo que eras tú el que llamaba! — so it was you that was calling!
4) Esp frm (=moderación) moderation5) LAm¡ni modo! — (=de ninguna manera) no way *, not a chance *; (=no hay otra alternativa) what else can I/you etc do?
si no me quieres, ni modo — if you don't love me, what else can I do?
6) pl modos (=modales) manners•
buenos modos — good manners•
malos modos — bad manners7) (Ling) [del verbo] mood8) (Inform) mode9) (Mús) modemodo mayor/menor — major/minor mode
* * *1)a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion
modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions
me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely
b) (en locs)a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way
a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely
3) (Ling) mood4) (Mús) mode* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex. In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.Ex. The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.Ex. City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.Ex. It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.----* actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.* actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.* actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.* actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.* actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.* actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.* adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.* a groso modo = crudely.* a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.* al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.* al modo de = a la.* a mi modo de ver = in my books.* a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.* a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.* a modo de advertencia = cautionary.* a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.* a modo de explicación = parenthetically.* a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.* a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.* a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.* a modo de prólogo = prefatory.* a modo de resumen = wrap-up.* analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.* andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.* artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.* así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....* avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.* buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* como un modo de = as a way of.* conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.* crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.* de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.* de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.* de algún modo u otro = of some sort.* decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.* decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.* de cualquier modo = however, either way.* de diferente modo = differently.* de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.* de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.* definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].* de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.* de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).* del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.* del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.* del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.* del otro modo = the other way (a)round.* de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.* de modo agresivo = aggressively.* de modo alarmante = alarmingly.* de modo alternativo = alternatively.* de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.* de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.* de modo caprichoso = capriciously.* de modo censurable = reprehensibly.* de modo claro = transparently.* de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.* de modo competitivo = competitively.* de modo complementario = complimentarily.* de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.* de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.* de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.* de modo decisivo = decisively.* de modo desastroso = disastrously.* de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.* de modo divertido = funnily.* de modo egoísta = selfishly.* de modo errático = erratically.* de modo especulativo = speculatively.* de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.* de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.* de modo gracioso = funnily.* de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.* de modo heurístico = heuristically.* de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.* de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.* de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.* de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.* de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.* de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.* de modo informal = informally.* de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.* de modo insinuante = suggestively.* de modo irregular = erratically.* de modo irritante = annoyingly.* de modo pesimista = gloomily.* de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.* de modo provocativo = suggestively.* de modo que = so.* de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.* de modo raro = funnily.* de modo recíproco = reciprocally.* de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.* de modos diversos = variously.* de modos extraños = funnily.* de modo sorprendente = shockingly.* de modo tal que = so much so that.* demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.* de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.* de nuevos modos = in new ways.* de otro modo = conversely.* de qué modo = by what means.* de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.* de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.* de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.* de todos modos = at any rate.* de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.* de un modo = in a fashion.* de un modo absorto = absently.* de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.* de un modo acalorado = hotly.* de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.* de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.* de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.* de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.* de un modo aleatorio = at random.* de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.* de un modo anárquico = anarchically.* de un modo anodino = prosaically.* de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.* de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.* de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.* de un modo atractivo = appealingly.* de un modo auténtico = authentically.* de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.* de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.* de un modo cansado = wearily.* de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.* de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.* de un modo chirriante = jarringly.* de un modo chocante = jarringly.* de un modo compacto = compactly.* de un modo concluyente = positively.* de un modo conservador = conservatively.* de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.* de un modo constructivo = constructively.* de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.* de un modo coordinado = synergistically.* de un modo crítico = critically.* de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.* de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.* de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.* de un modo desenfadado = playfully.* de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.* de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.* de un modo devastador = devastatingly.* de un modo diferente = differentially.* de un modo discreto = quietly.* de un modo disonante = jarringly.* de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.* de un modo elegante = elegantly.* de un modo encantador = charmingly.* de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de un modo equivalente = equivalently.* de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.* de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.* de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.* de un modo extraño = freakishly.* de un modo fiable = reliably.* de un modo flexible = flexibly.* de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.* de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.* de un modo gradual = incrementally.* de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.* de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].* de un modo holístico = holistically.* de un modo imparcial = impartially.* de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.* de un modo impresionante = impressively.* de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.* de un modo incidental = incidentally.* de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.* de un modo incompleto = incompletely.* de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.* de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.* de un modo indiferente = regardless.* de un modo inductivo = inductively.* de un modo innovador = innovatively.* de un modo insolente = defiantly.* de un modo insulso = prosaically.* de un modo inteligente = intelligently.* de un modo interesante = interestingly.* de un modo intermitente = in bursts.* de un modo lógico = logically.* de un modo malsonante = jarringly.* de un modo matemático = mathematically.* de un modo mecánico = mechanically.* de un modo meditabundo = pensively.* de un modo molesto = annoyingly.* de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.* de un modo muy general = crudely.* de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.* de un modo nervioso = nervously.* de un modo nítido = cleanly.* de un modo o de otro = either way.* de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.* de un modo opresivo = oppressively.* de un modo óptico = optically.* de un modo optimista = optimistically.* de un modo pasivo = passively.* de un modo penetrante = piercingly.* de un modo pensativo = pensively.* de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.* de un modo poco económico = wastefully.* de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.* de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.* de un modo práctico = practically.* de un modo provocador = defiantly.* de un modo provocativo = defiantly.* de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.* de un modo racional = rationally.* de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.* de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.* de un modo raro = freakishly.* de un modo regional = regionally.* de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.* de un modo relacionado = connectibly.* de un modo remunerado = gainfully.* de un modo retribuido = gainfully.* de un modo secuencial = step by step.* de un modo seguro = securely.* de un modo similar = in a similar vein.* de un modo simplista = simplistically.* de un modo sistemático = systematically.* de un modo susceptible = sensitively.* de un modo tautológico = tautologically.* de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.* de un modo tosco = crudely.* de un modo trágico = tragically.* de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.* de un modo transparente = seamlessly.* de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.* de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.* de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.* de un nuevo modo = in a new way.* dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.* distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.* distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.* el mejor modo de = the best way of.* el modo como = the way in which.* el modo de = the way in which.* el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.* en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.* en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.* encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.* encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.* encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.* encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.* en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.* en modo alguno = by no means.* estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.* estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* examinar el modo de = examine + way.* extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.* flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.* frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.* funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.* hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.* hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.* indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.* información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.* ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.* modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.* modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.* modo de andar = gait.* modo de aprendizaje = learning style.* modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.* modo de comunicación = communication pathway.* modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.* modo de conseguir Algo = lever.* modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.* modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.* modo de introducción de datos = input mode.* modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.* modo de presentación visual = display device.* modo de resaltar = spotlight.* modo de vida = way of life.* modo de vida tradicional = folklife.* modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.* no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.* no hay modo de que = for the life of me.* o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.* pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.* pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.* pero no hubo modo = but no dice.* por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.* por el modo = by the way.* preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.* recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.* saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.* ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.* surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].* usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).* usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).* uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.* ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.* ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.* * *1)a) (manera, forma) way, manner (frml)a mi modo de ver — to my way of thinking, in my opinion
modo de empleo — instructions for use, directions
me lo pidió de muy mal modo — (AmL) she asked me (for it) very rudely
b) (en locs)a mi/tu/su modo — (in) my/your/his (own) way
a modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a poncho; a modo de introducción by way of introduction; de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) (indep) in any case, anyway; ( sin cuidado) anyhow; del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that); de modo que ( así que) so; ( para que) (+ subj) so that; ¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?; de modo que se vean desde aquí so that they can be seen from here; de ningún modo no way; de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept; de todos modos anyway, anyhow; en cierto modo in a way; ni modo (AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? - no, ni modo did they get in? - no, no way (colloq); traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good; ni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am (colloq); ni modo que te quedes aquí — there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
con buenos/malos modos — politely/rudely o impolitely
3) (Ling) mood4) (Mús) mode* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, guise, means, mode, way, manner, fashion.Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex: In various guises, the basic concepts have found application in the design of a number of special classification schemes.Ex: The easiest means of illustrating some of the foregoing points is to introduce in outline some special classification schemes.Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.Ex: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.Ex: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.* actuar de otro modo = do + otherwise.* actuar de un modo despiadado = play + hardball.* actuar de un modo diferente = strike out on + a different path.* actuar de un modo implacable = play + hardball.* actuar de un modo independiente = go it alone.* actuar de un modo intransigente = play + hardball.* adverbio de modo = adverb of mode.* a groso modo = crudely.* a grosso modo = roughly, rough draft.* al actuar de este modo = by so doing, in so doing, by doing so.* al modo de = a la.* a mi modo de ver = in my books.* a modo de = by way of, in the vein of, as a kind of.* a modo de aclaración = in parenthesis, on a sidenote.* a modo de advertencia = cautionary.* a modo de ejemplo = by way of illustration.* a modo de explicación = parenthetically.* a modo de ilustración = by way of illustration.* a modo de inciso = in passing, by the way of (a) digression.* a modo de paréntesis = parenthetical.* a modo de prólogo = prefatory.* a modo de resumen = wrap-up.* analizar de un modo imparcial = take + a cool look at.* andar de un modo pausado = stroll + at a leisurely pace.* artículo a modo de réplica = rebuttal article.* así como... de igual modo... = just as... so....* avecinarse de un modo amenazador = loom + large on the horizon.* buscar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* como un modo de = as a way of.* conocer de algún modo = know + on some grounds.* crecer de modo exhuberante = grow + rampant.* de algún modo = in any way [in anyway], somehow, after a fashion, in some form, some way.* de algún modo + Adjetivo = otherwise + Adjetivo.* de algún modo u otro = of some sort.* decir Algo de un modo colérico = flame out.* decir de un modo enfadado = spit out.* de cualquier modo = however, either way.* de diferente modo = differently.* de ese modo = in doing so, in this,, thereby.* de este modo = by so doing, by this means, in so doing, in this fashion, in this manner, thereby, this way, thus, this way round, in this way, by doing so, in these ways, this is how, in doing so.* definir de un modo predeterminado e inamovible = hardwire [hard wire].* de igual modo = alike, equally, in like fashion, in like vein.* de igual modo que = just as, just as well... as..., along the lines of, on the lines (of).* del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.* del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.* del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.* del otro modo = the other way (a)round.* de modo + Adjetivo = on a + Adjetivo + basis.* de modo agresivo = aggressively.* de modo alarmante = alarmingly.* de modo alternativo = alternatively.* de modo altivo = superciliously, haughtily.* de modo apreciable = to an appreciable extent.* de modo caprichoso = capriciously.* de modo censurable = reprehensibly.* de modo claro = transparently.* de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.* de modo competitivo = competitively.* de modo complementario = complimentarily.* de modo conjunto con = in partnership with.* de modo considerable = to a considerable extent.* de modo convincente = cogently, unconvincingly.* de modo decisivo = decisively.* de modo desastroso = disastrously.* de modo desconcertante = bewilderingly.* de modo divertido = funnily.* de modo egoísta = selfishly.* de modo errático = erratically.* de modo especulativo = speculatively.* de modo estructurado = in a structured fashion.* de modo fácil = with the tip of a hat.* de modo gracioso = funnily.* de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.* de modo heurístico = heuristically.* de modo humorístico = in a humorous vein.* de modo imaginativo = imaginatively.* de modo inconfundible = unmistakably.* de modo individual = on a case-by-case basis.* de modo inequívoco = unambiguously.* de modo inesperado = like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.* de modo informal = informally.* de modo ininterrumpido = in an unbroken line.* de modo insinuante = suggestively.* de modo irregular = erratically.* de modo irritante = annoyingly.* de modo pesimista = gloomily.* de modo poco imaginativo = unimaginatively.* de modo provocativo = suggestively.* de modo que = so.* de modo que + poder + oír = within earshot of.* de modo raro = funnily.* de modo recíproco = reciprocally.* de modo reprobatorio = reprovingly, reproachfully.* de modos diversos = variously.* de modos extraños = funnily.* de modo sorprendente = shockingly.* de modo tal que = so much so that.* demostrar de un modo contundente = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.* de ningún modo = by no means, in no way, on no account, in no sense, by any means, not at all, under no/any circumstances, in any shape or form, for the life of me, not on any account, by no stretch of the imagination.* de nuevos modos = in new ways.* de otro modo = conversely.* de qué modo = by what means.* de tal modo que = in such a way that, so.* de tal modo que raya en lo ridículo = ridiculously.* de tal modo que + Subjuntivo = in such a way as to + Infinitivo.* de todos modos = at any rate.* de un mod discreto = unobtrusively.* de un modo = in a fashion.* de un modo absorto = absently.* de un modo aburrido y pesado = tediously.* de un modo acalorado = hotly.* de un modo adecuado = appropriately, fitly.* de un modo + Adjetivo = in + Adjetivo + fashion, in + Adjetivo + measure, in a + Adjetivo + manner, in + Adjetivo + manner, on a + Adjetivo + scale, to a + Adjetivo + degree, in a + Adjetivo + vein.* de un modo afirmativo = affirmatively.* de un modo ahorrativo = thriftily.* de un modo aleatorio = at random.* de un modo anafórico = anaphorically.* de un modo anárquico = anarchically.* de un modo anodino = prosaically.* de un modo antieconómico = wastefully.* de un modo apropiado = fitly, appropriately.* de un modo aprovechado = opportunistically.* de un modo atractivo = appealingly.* de un modo auténtico = authentically.* de un modo barato = inexpensively, thriftily.* de un modo bochornoso = shamefully.* de un modo cansado = wearily.* de un modo caro = expensively + Participio.* de un modo casual = in a by-the-way fashion.* de un modo chirriante = jarringly.* de un modo chocante = jarringly.* de un modo compacto = compactly.* de un modo concluyente = positively.* de un modo conservador = conservatively.* de un modo constante = on an ongoing basis.* de un modo constructivo = constructively.* de un modo convincente = convincingly, forcibly.* de un modo coordinado = synergistically.* de un modo crítico = critically.* de un modo decepcionante = disappointedly.* de un modo desconcertado = disconcertedly.* de un modo descontrolado = uncontrollably.* de un modo desenfadado = playfully.* de un modo deshonesto = dishonestly.* de un modo desordenado = higgledy-piggledy.* de un modo devastador = devastatingly.* de un modo diferente = differentially.* de un modo discreto = quietly.* de un modo disonante = jarringly.* de un modo económico = economically, thriftily.* de un modo elegante = elegantly.* de un modo encantador = charmingly.* de un modo engorroso = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de un modo equivalente = equivalently.* de un modo espectacular = spectacularly.* de un modo estrafalario = freakishly.* de un modo exhaustivo = comprehensively, in depth, exhaustively.* de un modo extraño = freakishly.* de un modo fiable = reliably.* de un modo flexible = flexibly.* de un modo fortuito = haphazardly.* de un modo fraudulento = fraudulently.* de un modo gradual = incrementally.* de un modo habitual = as a matter of routine.* de un modo heterogéneo = heterogeneously [heterogenously].* de un modo holístico = holistically.* de un modo imparcial = impartially.* de un modo impreciso = fuzzily.* de un modo impresionante = impressively.* de un modo impulsivo = impulsively.* de un modo incidental = incidentally.* de un modo incómodo = awkwardly, cumbrously.* de un modo incompetente = inefficiently.* de un modo incompleto = incompletely.* de un modo inconsistente = vagrantly.* de un modo incorrecto = inaccurately.* de un modo indiferente = regardless.* de un modo inductivo = inductively.* de un modo innovador = innovatively.* de un modo insolente = defiantly.* de un modo insulso = prosaically.* de un modo inteligente = intelligently.* de un modo interesante = interestingly.* de un modo intermitente = in bursts.* de un modo lógico = logically.* de un modo malsonante = jarringly.* de un modo matemático = mathematically.* de un modo mecánico = mechanically.* de un modo meditabundo = pensively.* de un modo molesto = annoyingly.* de un modo moralista = sanctimoniously.* de un modo muy general = crudely.* de un modo muy interesante = most interestingly + Verbo.* de un modo nervioso = nervously.* de un modo nítido = cleanly.* de un modo o de otro = either way.* de un modo oportunista = opportunistically.* de un modo opresivo = oppressively.* de un modo óptico = optically.* de un modo optimista = optimistically.* de un modo pasivo = passively.* de un modo penetrante = piercingly.* de un modo pensativo = pensively.* de un modo poco constructivo = unconstructively.* de un modo poco económico = wastefully.* de un modo poco natural = unnaturally.* de un modo positivo = positively, constructively.* de un modo práctico = practically.* de un modo provocador = defiantly.* de un modo provocativo = defiantly.* de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.* de un modo racional = rationally.* de un modo rápido = rapidly, overnight, at short notice.* de un modo rapsódico = rhapsodically.* de un modo raro = freakishly.* de un modo regional = regionally.* de un modo regular = on a regular basis, on an ongoing basis, on a continuing basis.* de un modo relacionado = connectibly.* de un modo remunerado = gainfully.* de un modo retribuido = gainfully.* de un modo secuencial = step by step.* de un modo seguro = securely.* de un modo similar = in a similar vein.* de un modo simplista = simplistically.* de un modo sistemático = systematically.* de un modo susceptible = sensitively.* de un modo tautológico = tautologically.* de un modo temporal = on a temporary basis.* de un modo tosco = crudely.* de un modo trágico = tragically.* de un modo tranquilizador = soothingly, reassuringly.* de un modo transparente = seamlessly.* de un modo u otro = somehow, some way.* de un modo vergonzoso = shamefully.* de un modo voluntario = voluntarily.* de un nuevo modo = in a new way.* dicho de otro modo = in other words, said differently.* distribuir de un modo escalonado = lay out in + stages.* distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.* el mejor modo de = the best way of.* el modo como = the way in which.* el modo de = the way in which.* el modo de + Infinitivo = the way to go about + Gerundio.* en cierto modo = to some extent, after a fashion, to a certain extent, in a manner of speaking, so to speak, to some degree.* en cierto modo + Verbo = sort of + Verbo.* encontrar el modo de = find + way of/to.* encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.* encontrar el modo de regresar = find + Posesivo + way back.* encontrar su propio modo de actuar = find + Posesivo + own way.* en metálico y de otro modo = in cash and in kind.* en modo alguno = by no means.* estimar a grosso modo = guesstimate.* estudiar el modo de = explore + ways in which, explore + ways and means of.* examinar el modo de = examine + way.* extenderse a modo de abanico = fan out.* flujo de datos de un modo intermitente = bursty traffic.* frase a modo de título = title-like phrase.* funcionar de un modo autónomo = operate under + an autonomous hand.* hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.* hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = mess about, pootle, piddle around.* indizar de modo KWIC = KWIC.* información a modo de ejemplo = sample data.* ingeniarse el modo de = dream up + ways to.* modo de actuar = arrangement, course of action, practice, rationale.* modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.* modo de andar = gait.* modo de aprendizaje = learning style.* modo de comportamiento = mode of behaviour, way of conduct.* modo de comunicación = communication pathway.* modo de conducta = mode of conduct, way of conduct.* modo de conseguir Algo = lever.* modo de expresión = way of expression, mode of expression.* modo de hacer preguntas = questioning behaviour.* modo de introducción de datos = input mode.* modo de pensar = thinking, way of thinking, mindset [mind-set], mode of thought, mode of thinking.* modo de presentación visual = display device.* modo de resaltar = spotlight.* modo de vida = way of life.* modo de vida tradicional = folklife.* modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.* no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.* no hay modo de que = for the life of me.* o de algún otro modo = or otherwise.* pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.* pensar de un modo diferente = think out(side) + (of) the box.* pero no hubo modo = but no dice.* por decirlo de algún modo = in a manner of speaking, so to speak.* por el modo = by the way.* preparar de un modo rápido = throw together.* recordar de un modo rápido = sweep back to.* saber de algún modo = know + on some grounds.* ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.* surgir de un modo confuso = grow + like Topsy.* tratar de igual modo = treat as + equal.* usando el tiempo de un modo eficaz = time efficient [time-efficient].* usar de un modo descuidado = bandy (about/around).* usar de un modo despreocupado = bandy (about/around).* uso de un modo descuidado = bandying about.* ver las cosas de diferente modo = see + things differently.* ver las cosas de un modo diferente = see + things differently.* * *A1 (manera, forma) way, manner ( frml)éste no es modo de hacer las cosas this is no way of going about thingsno lo digas de ese modo don't say it like thathay que hacerlo del siguiente modo it has to be done in the following mannera mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion¿qué modo de hablarle a tu abuela es ése? that's no way to speak to your grandmother[ S ] modo de empleo instructions for use, directionsme lo pidió de muy mal modo ( AmL); she asked me (for it) very rudely o in a very rude way2 ( en locs):a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) wayhazlo a tu modo do it (in) your (own) wayle gusta hacer las cosas a su modo he likes to do things his (own) waya modo de: se puso una manta a modo de poncho he put a blanket round his shoulders like a ponchoa modo de introducción by way of introductionde cualquier modo (de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway; (sin cuidado) anyhow, any which way ( AmE colloq), any old how ( BrE colloq)del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that)(para que) (+ subj) so thatlo hiciste porque quisiste, de modo que ahora no te quejes you did it because you wanted to, so don't complain now¿de modo que se van? so they're going, are they?colócalos de modo que se vean desde aquí arrange them so that they can be seen from herede ningún modo no wayyo no puedo aceptarlo, de ningún modo there is no way I can accept itde todos modos anyway, anyhowno creo que lo pueda lograr, de todos modos volveré a intentarlo I don't think I can do it, but I'll have another try anyway o anyhowen cierto modo in a wayni modo ( AmL exc CS fam): ¿pudieron entrar? — no, ni modo, las entradas se habían acabado did they get in? — no, no way o not a chance, it was sold out ( colloq)traté de persuadirlo para que fuera pero ni modo I tried to persuade him to go but it was no goodni modo, yo soy como soy that's tough o too bad, I am the way I am ( colloq)ni modo que ( AmL exc CS): tienes que regresar a tu casa, ni modo que te quedes aquí you have to go home, there's no way you're staying here ( colloq)con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitelyC ( Ling) moodel modo indicativo/subjuntivo the indicative/subjunctive moodD ( Mús) modeCompuesto:modo mayor/menormajor/minor modeE ( Inf) modeCompuesto:sleep mode* * *
modo sustantivo masculino
del siguiente modo in the following manner;
a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking, in my opinion;
no lo digas de ese modo don't say it like that;
de un modo u otro one way or another;
su modo de ser the way he is;
( on signs) modo de empleo instructions for use, directions;
b) ( en locs)◊ a mi/tu/su modo (in) my/your/his (own) way;
de cualquier modo ( de todas formas) ( indep) in any case, anyway;
( sin cuidado) anyhow;
del mismo or de igual modo que just as, in the same way (that);
( para que) so that;
de ningún modo puedo aceptar there's no way I can accept;
de todos modos anyway, anyhow;
en cierto modo in a way;
ni modo (AmL exc CS fam) no way;
traté de persuadirlo pero ni modo I tried to persuade him but it was no good;
ni modo que te quedes aquí there's no way you're staying here (colloq)
con buenos/malos modos politely/rudely o impolitely
modo sustantivo masculino
1 (forma de hacer) way, manner: habla de un modo extraño, he speaks in a strange way
2 Ling mode: modo imperativo, imperative mood 3 modos, manners: ¡no vengas aquí con esos malos modos!, don't come around here with those bad manners!
' modo' also found in these entries:
- así
- camino
- cante
- canto
- carácter
- censurar
- cocina
- como quiera
- comoquiera
- con
- conforme
- de
- dicha
- dicho
- empleo
- en
- estilo
- forma
- ir
- gustar
- habla
- igualmente
- inciso
- indicativa
- indicativo
- mirada
- olla
- parcial
- pensión
- poner
- proceder
- radical
- reconocer
- replicar
- risa
- según
- sentada
- sic
- sistema
- tal
- temeraria
- temerario
- temperamento
- tono
- tres
- uso
- ver
- vía
- vida
- alike
- allowance
- aloud
- anyhow
- as
- at
- captivate
- casually
- deliriously
- depressingly
- direction
- dramatically
- educationally
- fashion
- funnily
- gloomily
- haphazardly
- harmlessly
- illegibly
- impressively
- inadequately
- incompletely
- incomprehensibly
- inconclusively
- inconveniently
- instruction
- keenly
- kind
- loophole
- love
- maddeningly
- manner
- mode
- modus operandi
- mood
- mother
- nowhere
- observe
- offhandedly
- originally
- ostentatious
- other
- outrageous
- pass round
- plausibly
- quizzical
- ravishingly
- reassuringly
- reciprocally
* * *♦ nm1. [manera, forma] way;no encuentro el modo de dejar el tabaco whatever I do, I just can't seem to give up smoking;ése no es modo de comportarse that's no way to behave;¿has visto el modo en que o [m5] el modo como te mira? have you seen how o the way he's looking at you?;esta vez lo haremos a mi modo this time we'll do it my way;al modo de in the style of, after the fashion of;a modo de as, by way of;a mi modo de ver the way I see it;de algún modo somehow;se le cayó el botón porque lo cosió de cualquier modo the button fell off because he sewed it on carelessly o any old how;hazlo de cualquier modo do it however you like;no te preocupes, de cualquier modo no pensaba ir don't worry, I wasn't going to go anyway;de ese/este modo that/this way;del mismo modo similarly, in the same way;lo hice del mismo modo que ayer/tú I did it the same way as yesterday/you;lo organizaron de modo que acabara antes de las diez they organized it so (that) it finished before ten;¿de modo que no te gusta? so, you don't like it (then)?;de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno deberíamos dejarle salir under no circumstances should we let her out;¿te he molestado? – de ningún modo o [m5] en modo alguno did I annoy you? – not at all o by no means;¿quieres que lo invitemos? – ¡de ningún modo! shall we invite him? – no way o certainly not!;de otro modo [si no] otherwise;de tal modo (que) [tanto] so much (that);de todos modos in any case, anyway;de todos modos seguiremos en contacto in any case, we'll keep in touch;de todos modos, ¿qué es eso que decías de un viaje? anyway, what's that you were saying about going away?;de un modo u otro one way or another;dicho de otro modo in other words, put another way;en cierto modo in a way;¡qué modo de hacer las cosas! that's no way to do things!Ling modo de articulación manner of articulation;modo de empleo instructions for use;modo de pensar way of thinking;a mi modo de pensar to my way of thinking;modo de ser: [m5] tiene un modo de ser muy agradable she has a very pleasant nature;no me gusta su modo de ser I don't like the way he is;modo de vida way of life, lifestyle2.modos [modales] manners;buenos/malos modos good/bad manners;me contestó de buenos/malos modos she answered politely/rudely3. Gram mood;modo indicativo/subjuntivo indicative/subjunctive mood;en modo indicativo in the indicative (mood)4. Informát modemodo de edición edit mode;modo gráfico graphic mode;modo de inserción insert mode5. Mús mode♦ ni modo loc advAm salvo RP [de ninguna manera] no way, not a chance;¿llegaremos a tiempo? – ni modo will we get there on time? – no way o not a chance;ni modo pues there's nothing we can do about it, then* * *m1 way;a mi modo de ver to my way of thinking;dicho de otro modo to put it another way;de este modo like this;modo de ser personality2 GRAM mood3 MÚS mode4:modos pl manners;de malos modos rudely5:a modo de as;de modo que so that;de ningún modo not at all;de otro modo otherwise;de tal modo que so much that;de todos modos anyway;de cualquier modo anyway, anyhow;en cierto modo in a way o sense* * *modo nm1) manera: way, manner, modede un modo u otro: one way or anothera mi modo de ver: to my way of thinking2) : mood (in grammar)3) : mode (in music)4)a modo de : by way of, in the manner of, likea modo de ejemplo: by way of example5)de cualquier modo : in any case, anyway6)de modo que : so, in such a way that7)de todos modos : in any case, anyway8)en cierto modo : in a way, to a certain extent* * *modo n way -
11 go
go [gəʊ]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━2. modal verb4. noun5. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = move) aller• where are you going? où allez-vous ?• there he goes! le voilà !• you can go next allez-y(, je vous en prie) !► to go + preposition• the train goes at 90km/h le train roule à 90 km/h• where do we go from here? qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant ?• to go to France/to London aller en France/à Londres• to go up the hill monter la colline► to go + -ing• to go swimming (aller) nager► go and...• go and get me it! va me le chercher !• now you've gone and broken it! (inf) ça y est, tu l'as cassé !• when does the train go? quand part le train ?• after a week all our money had gone en l'espace d'une semaine, nous avions dépensé tout notre argent• he'll have to go [employee] on ne peut pas le garder• there goes my chance of promotion! je peux faire une croix sur ma promotion !• going, going, gone! une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé, vendu !► to let sb go ( = allow to leave) laisser partir qn ; ( = make redundant) se séparer de qn ; ( = stop gripping) lâcher qn• let go! lâchez !• to let go of sth/sb lâcher qch/qn• eventually parents have to let go of their children tôt ou tard, les parents doivent laisser leurs enfants voler de leurs propres ailes► to let sth goc. ( = start) [car, machine] démarrer ; ( = function) [machine, watch, car] marcher• how do you make this go? comment est-ce que ça marche ?• to be going [machine, engine] être en marche► to get going [person] ( = leave)• once he gets going... une fois lancé...• to get things going activer les choses► to keep going ( = continue) [person] continuer ; [business] se maintenir• the police signalled her to stop but she kept going la police lui a fait signe de s'arrêter mais elle a continué son chemin• a cup of coffee is enough to keep her going all morning elle réussit à tenir toute la matinée avec un caféd. ( = begin) there he goes again! le voilà qui recommence !• here goes! (inf) allez, on y va !e. ( = progress) aller, marcher• how's it going? (comment) ça va ?• all went well for him until... tout s'est bien passé pour lui jusqu'au moment où...• add the sugar, stirring as you go ajoutez le sucre, en remuant au fur et à mesuref. ( = turn out) [events] se passer• how did your holiday go? comment se sont passées tes vacances ?• that's the way things go, I'm afraid c'est malheureux mais c'est comme çag. ( = become) devenir• have you gone mad? tu es devenu fou ?h. ( = fail) [fuse] sauter ; [bulb] griller ; [material] être usé ; [sight] baisser ; [strength] manqueri. ( = be sold) how much do you think the house will go for? combien crois-tu que la maison va être vendue ?• it went for $550 c'est parti à 550 dollarsj. ( = be given) [prize, reward, inheritance] revenir (to à)k. ( = be accepted) the story goes that... le bruit court que...l. ( = apply) that goes for you too c'est valable pour toi aussi• that goes for me too ( = I agree with that) je suis aussi de cet avis• as far as your suggestion goes... pour ce qui est de ta suggestion...• this explanation is fine, as far as it goes cette explication vaut ce qu'elle vautm. ( = available) are there any jobs going? y a-t-il des postes vacants ?• is there any coffee going? est-ce qu'il y a du café ?n. [tune] the tune goes like this voici l'airo. ( = make sound or movement) faire ; [bell, clock] sonnerp. ( = serve) the money will go to compensate the victims cet argent servira à dédommager les victimes► as... go• he's not bad, as estate agents go il n'est pas mauvais pour un agent immobilier2. modal verb► to be going to + infinitive allera. ( = travel) [+ distance] faireb. ( = make sound) faire• he went "psst" « psst » fit-il4. noun(plural goes)a. ( = motion) (inf) it's all go! ça n'arrête pas !• at one or a go d'un seul coup► to have a go ( = try) essayerc. ( = success) to make a go of sth réussir qch5. compounds• to give sb the go-ahead (to do) (inf) donner le feu vert à qn (pour faire) ► go-between noun intermédiaire mf► go-karting noun = go-carting► go abouta. allerb. [rumour] courira. [+ task, duties] he went about the task methodically il s'y est pris de façon méthodique• how does one go about getting seats? comment fait-on pour avoir des places ?( = cross) traverser• she went across to Mrs. Smith's elle est allée en face chez Mme Smith[+ river, road] traverser( = follow) suivre ; ( = attack) attaquer• go after him! suivez-le !a. ( = prove hostile to) [vote, judgement, decision] être défavorable àb. ( = oppose) aller à l'encontre de• conditions which went against national interests des conditions qui allaient à l'encontre des intérêts nationaux• it goes against my principles c'est contre mes principes► go ahead intransitive verb passer devant ; [event] avoir (bien) lieu ; [work] avancer• go ahead! allez-y !• why don't you go along too? pourquoi n'iriez-vous pas aussi ?• I can't go along with that at all je ne suis pas du tout d'accord là-dessus► go around intransitive verba. = go about ; go roundb. what goes around comes around tout finit par se payer► go away intransitive verb partir ; (on holiday) partir (en vacances) ; [pain] disparaître• we need to go away and think about this nous devons prendre le temps d'y réfléchir► go back intransitive verba. ( = return) retourner• it's getting dark, shall we go back? il commence à faire nuit, on rentre ?b. ( = retreat) reculerd. ( = revert) revenir (to à)e. ( = extend) s'étendre• the cave goes back 300 metres la grotte fait 300 mètres de long► go back on inseparable transitive verb[+ decision, promise] revenir sur( = happen earlier)[person] passer ; [period of time] (se) passerb. ( = be swallowed) it went down the wrong way j'ai (or il a etc) avalé de traversc. ( = be accepted) I wonder how that will go down with her parents je me demande comment ses parents vont prendre ça• to go down well/badly être bien/mal accueillid. [value, price, standards] baissere. ( = be relegated) être reléguéf. [stage curtain] tomber ; [theatre lights] s'éteindreg. ( = go as far as) allerh. [balloon, tyre] se dégonfler• my ankle's OK, the swelling has gone down ma cheville va bien, elle a désenflé► go down as inseparable transitive verb( = be regarded as) être considéré comme ; ( = be remembered as) passer à la postérité comme• the victory will go down as one of the highlights of the year cette victoire restera dans les mémoires comme l'un des grands moments de l'année► go down with (inf) inseparable transitive verb[+ illness] attrapera. ( = attack) attaquerc. ( = strive for) essayer d'avoir ; ( = choose) choisir• the theory has a lot going for it cette théorie a de nombreux mérites► go forward intransitive verba. ( = move ahead) avancer ; [economy] progresserb. ( = take place) avoir lieuc. ( = continue) maintenir• if they go forward with these proposals s'ils maintiennent ces propositions► go in intransitive verba. ( = enter) entrerb. ( = attack) attaquera. [+ examination] se présenter à ; [+ position, job] poser sa candidature à ; [+ competition, race] prendre part àb. [+ sport] pratiquer ; [+ hobby] se livrer à ; [+ style] affectionner ; [+ medicine, accounting, politics] faire• he doesn't go in for reading much il n'aime pas beaucoup lire► go into inseparable transitive verba. [+ profession, field] he doesn't want to go into industry il ne veut pas travailler dans l'industrieb. ( = embark on) [+ explanation] se lancer dansc. ( = investigate) étudierd. ( = be devoted to) être investi dansa. ( = leave) partirb. [alarm clock] sonner ; [alarm] se déclencherc. [light, radio, TV] s'éteindre ; [heating] s'arrêtere. [event] se passer• I used to like him, but I've gone off him lately je l'aimais bien mais depuis un certain temps il m'agace► go off with inseparable transitive verb partir aveca. ( = proceed on one's way) (without stopping) poursuivre son chemin ; (after stopping) continuer sa route ; (by car) reprendre la route• go on trying! essaie encore !• go on! continuez !• if you go on doing that, you'll get into trouble si tu continues, tu vas avoir des ennuis• don't go on about it! ça va, j'ai compris !• she's always going on at him about doing up the kitchen elle n'arrête pas de le harceler pour qu'il refasse la cuisinee. ( = proceed) passer• he went on to say that... puis il a dit que...• he retired from football and went on to become a journalist il a abandonné le football et est devenu journaliste• how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure ?• what's going on here? qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?• as the day went on he became more and more anxious au fil des heures, il devenait de plus en plus inquiet• what a way to go on! en voilà des manières !i. ( = progress) [person, patient] aller• how is he going on? comment va-t-il ?( = be guided by) we don't have much to go on yet nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'indices pour l'instant► go on for inseparable transitive verba. ( = leave) sortirb. [fire, light] s'éteindrec. ( = travel) aller (to à)d. [sea] se retirer ; [tide] descendref. [invitation] être envoyé ; [radio programme, TV programme] être diffusé• an appeal has gone out for people to give blood un appel a été lancé pour encourager les dons de sanga. ( = cross) allerb. ( = be overturned) se retournera. ( = examine) [+ accounts, report] vérifierb. ( = review) [+ speech] revoir ; [+ facts, points] récapituler• let's go over the facts again récapitulons les faits► go over to inseparable transitive verb passer àa. ( = turn) tournerc. ( = be sufficient) suffire (pour tout le monde)d. ( = circulate) [document, story] circuler• there's a rumour going round that... le bruit court que...e. = go about► go through( = be agreed) [proposal] être accepté ; [business deal] être conclua. ( = suffer, endure) endurerb. ( = examine) [+ list] examiner ; [+ book] parcourir ; [+ mail] regarder ; [+ subject, plan] étudier ; [+ one's pockets] fouiller dans• I went through my drawers looking for a pair of socks j'ai cherché une paire de chaussettes dans mes tiroirsc. ( = use up) [+ money] dépenser ; ( = wear out) userd. ( = carry out) [+ routine, course of study] suivre ; [+ formalities] accomplir ; [+ apprenticeship] faire► go through with inseparable transitive verb( = persist with) [+ plan, threat] mettre à exécution• in the end she couldn't go through with it en fin de compte elle n'a pas pu le faire► go together intransitive verb[colours, flavours] aller (bien) ensemble ; [events, conditions, ideas] aller de paira. ( = sink) [ship, person] coulerb. ( = fail) [person, business] faire faillite► go upa. monter[+ hill] gravira. [circumstances, event, conditions] aller (de pair) avec• mothers feed their children and go without themselves les mères nourrissent leurs enfants et se privent elles-mêmes de tout* * *[gəʊ] 1.1) (move, travel) aller ( from de; to à, en)to go to Wales/to California — aller au Pays de Galles/en Californie
to go to town/to the country — aller en ville/à la campagne
to go up/down/across — monter/descendre/traverser
to go by bus/train — voyager en bus/train
to go by ou past — [person, vehicle] passer
there he goes again! — ( that's him again) le revoilà!; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!
where do we go from here? — fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
2) (on specific errand, activity) allerto go on a journey/on holiday — partir en voyage/en vacances
3) ( attend) allerto go to school/work — aller à l'école/au travail
5) ( depart) partir7) ( disappear) partir8) (be sent, transmitted)9) ( become)to go mad — devenir fou/folle
10) ( change over to new system)to go Labour — Politics [country, constituency] voter travailliste
11) (be, remain)12) (weaken, become impaired)13) ( of time)14) ( be got rid of)six down and four to go! — six de faits, et encore quatre à faire!
15) (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionnerto set [something] going — mettre [quelque chose] en marche
to get going — [engine, machine] se mettre en marche; fig [business] démarrer
to keep going — [person, business, machine] se maintenir
16) ( start)here goes! —
once he gets going, he never stops — une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas
17) ( lead) aller, conduire (to à)the road goes down/goes up — la route descend/monte
18) ( extend in depth or scope)a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days — on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours
you can make £5 go a long way — on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling
19) (belong, be placed) aller20) ( fit) gen rentrer22) ( be accepted)23) ( be about to)24) ( happen)how's it going? — (colloq)
how are things going? — comment ça va? (colloq)
how goes it? — hum comment ça va? (colloq)
25) ( be on average)it's old, as Australian towns go — c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne
it wasn't a bad party, as parties go — c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne
26) ( be sold)the house went for over £100,000 — la maison a été vendue à plus de 100000 livres
‘going, going, gone!’ — ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’
27) ( be on offer)I'll have some coffee, if there's any going — je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a
28) ( contribute)29) ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à); [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à)30) ( emphatic use)then he had to go and lose his wallet — comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille
31) ( of money) (be spent, used up)32) (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire; [bell, alarm] sonnerthe cat went ‘miaow’ — le chat a fait ‘miaou’
33) (resort to, have recourse to)to go to war — [country] entrer en guerre; [soldier] partir à la guerre
to go to law GB ou to the law US — aller en justice
34) (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer; [cable, rope] se rompre; [light bulb] griller35) ( take one's turn)you go next — c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après
36) ( be in harmony)37) ( in takeaway)2. 3.whose go is it? — gen à qui le tour?; ( in game) à qui de jouer?
2) (colloq) ( energy)to be full of go —
•Phrasal Verbs:- go about- go after- go ahead- go along- go at- go away- go back- go below- go by- go down- go for- go in- go into- go off- go on- go on at- go out- go over- go round- go under- go up- go with••all systems are go! — Aerospace tout est paré pour le lancement!
he's all go! — (colloq) il n'arrête pas!
that's how it goes! —
there you go! — (colloq) voilà!
12 go
go ⇒ Usage note: go1 (move, travel) aller (from de ; to à, en) ; to go to London/Paris aller à Londres/Paris ; to go to Wales/to Ireland/to California aller au Pays de Galles/en Irlande/en Californie ; to go to town/to the country aller en ville/à la campagne ; they went home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; she's gone to Paris elle est allée à Paris ; to go up/down/across monter/descendre/traverser ; I went into the room je suis entré dans la pièce ; to go by bus/train/plane voyager en bus/train/avion ; we went there by bus nous y sommes allés en bus ; to go by ou past [person, vehicle] passer ; that car's going very fast! cette voiture roule très vite! ; there he goes again! ( that's him again) le revoilà! ; fig ( he's starting again) le voilà qui recommence!, c'est reparti! ; who goes there? Mil qui va là? ; where do we go from here? fig et maintenant qu'est-ce qu'on fait? ;2 (on specific errand, activity) aller ; to go shopping aller faire des courses ; to go swimming (in sea, river) aller se baigner ; ( in pool) aller à la piscine ; to go for a walk aller se promener ; to go on a journey/on holiday partir en voyage/en vacances ; to go for a drink aller prendre un verre ; he's gone to get some wine il est allé chercher du vin ; go and answer the phone va répondre au téléphone ; go and tell them that… va leur dire que… ; go after him! poursuivez-le! ;3 ( attend) aller ; to go to school/ church aller à l'école/l'église ; to go to work aller or se rendre au travail ; to go to the doctor's/dentist's aller chez le médecin/dentiste ;4 ( used as auxiliary with present participle) she went running up the stairs elle a monté l'escalier en courant ; she went complaining to the principal elle est allée se plaindre au directeur ;5 ( depart) partir ; I must go, I must be going il faut que je parte or que je m'en aille ; the train goes at six o'clock le train part à six heures ; a train goes every hour il y a un train toutes les heures ; to go on holiday partir en vacances ; be gone! va-t'en!, allez-vous en! ;6 euph ( die) mourir, disparaître ; when I am gone quand je ne serai plus là ; the doctors say she could go at any time d'après les médecins elle risque de mourir d'un instant à l'autre ;7 ( disappear) partir ; half the money goes on school fees la moitié de l'argent part en frais de scolarité ; the money/cake has all gone il ne reste plus d'argent/de gâteau ; I left my bike outside and now it's gone j'ai laissé mon vélo dehors et il n'est plus là or il a disparu ; there goes my chance of winning! c'en est fait de mes chances de gagner! ;8 (be sent, transmitted) it can't go by post on ne peut pas l'envoyer par la poste ; these proposals will go before parliament ces propositions seront soumises au parlement ;9 ( become) to go red rougir ; to go white blanchir ; his hair ou he is going grey il commençe à avoir les cheveux blancs ; to go mad devenir fou/folle ; to go bankrupt faire faillite ;10 ( change over to new system) to go Labour/Conservative Pol [country, constituency] voter travailliste/conservateur ; to go metric adopter le système métrique ; ⇒ private, public ;11 (be, remain) the people went hungry les gens n'avaient rien à manger ; we went for two days without food nous avons passé deux jours sans rien manger ; to go unnoticed passer inaperçu ; to go unpunished rester impuni ; the question went unanswered la question est restée sans réponse ; to go naked se promener tout nu ; he was allowed to go free il a été libéré or remis en liberté ;12 (weaken, become impaired) his memory/mind is going il perd la mémoire/l'esprit ; his hearing is going il devient sourd ; my voice is going je n'ai plus de voix ; the battery is going la batterie est presque à plat ; the engine is going le moteur a des ratés ;13 ( of time) ( elapse) s'écouler ; three hours went by before… trois heures se sont écoulées avant que… (+ subj) ; there are only three days to go before Christmas il ne reste plus que trois jours avant Noël ; how's the time going? quelle heure est-il? ; it's just gone seven o'clock il est un peu plus de sept heures ;14 ( be got rid of) he's totally inefficient, he'll have to go! il est complètement incapable, il va falloir qu'on se débarrasse de lui! ; that new lampshade is hideous, it'll have to go! ce nouvel abat-jour est affreux, il va falloir qu'on s'en débarrasse! ; the car will have to go il va falloir vendre la voiture ; either she goes or I do! c'est elle ou moi! ; six down and four to go! six de faits, et encore quatre à faire! ;15 (operate, function) [vehicle, machine, clock] marcher, fonctionner ; to set [sth] going mettre [qch] en marche ; to get going [engine, machine] se mettre en marche ; fig [business] démarrer ; to get the fire going allumer le feu ; to keep going [person, business, machine] tenir le coup ○, se maintenir ; we have several projects going at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets en route en ce moment ; ⇒ keep ;16 ( start) let's get going! allons-y!, allez, on commençe! ; we'll have to get going on that translation il va falloir qu'on se mette à faire cette traduction ; to get things going mettre les choses en train ; ready, steady, go! à vos marques, prêts, partez! ; here goes!, here we go! c'est parti! ; once he gets going, he never stops une fois lancé, il n'arrête pas ;17 ( lead) aller, conduire, mener (to à) ; that corridor goes to the kitchen le couloir va or conduit à la cuisine ; the road goes down to the sea/goes up the mountain la route descend vers la mer/monte au sommet de la montagne ; this road goes past the cemetery ce chemin passe à côté du cimetière ;18 ( extend in depth or scope) the roots of the plant go very deep les racines de la plante s'enfoncent très profondément ; the historical reasons for this conflict go very deep les raisons historiques de ce conflit remontent très loin ; these habits go very deep ces habitudes sont profondément ancrées or enracinées ; as far as that goes pour ce qui est de cela ; it's true as far as it goes c'est vrai dans un sens or dans une certaine mesure ; she'll go far! elle ira loin! ; this time he's gone too far! cette fois il est allé trop loin! ; a hundred pounds doesn't go far these days on ne va pas loin avec cent livres sterling de nos jours ; one leg of lamb doesn't go very far among twelve people un gigot d'agneau n'est pas suffisant pour douze personnes ; this goes a long way towards explaining his attitude ceci explique en grande partie son attitude ; you can make £5 go a long way on peut faire beaucoup de choses avec 5 livres sterling ;19 (belong, be placed) aller ; where do these plates go? où vont ces assiettes? ; that table goes beside the bed cette table va à côté du lit ; the suitcases will have to go in the back il va falloir mettre les valises derrière ;20 ( fit) gen rentrer ; it won't go into the box ça ne rentre pas dans la boîte ; five into four won't go quatre n'est pas divisible par cinq ; three into six goes twice six divisé par trois, ça fait deux ;21 (be expressed, sung etc in particular way) I can't remember how the poem goes je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le poème ; how does the song go? quel est l'air de la chanson? ; the song goes something like this la chanson ressemble à peu près à ça ; as the saying goes comme dit le proverbe ; the story goes that le bruit court que, on dit que ; her theory goes something like this… sa théorie consiste à peu près à dire que… ;22 ( be accepted) what he says goes c'est lui qui fait la loi ; it goes without saying that il va sans dire que ; that goes without saying cela va sans dire ; anything goes tout est permis ;23 ( be about to) to be going to do aller faire ; it's going to snow il va neiger ; I was just going to phone you j'étais justement sur le point de t'appeler, j'allais justement t'appeler ; I'm going to phone him right now je vais l'appeler tout de suite ; I'm not going to be treated like that! je ne vais pas me laisser faire comme ça! ; we were going to go to Italy, but we changed our plans nous devions aller en Italie, mais nous avons changé d'idée ;24 ( happen) the party went very well la soirée s'est très bien passée ; so far the campaign is going well jusqu'à maintenant la campagne a bien marché ; how did the evening go? comment s'est passée la soirée? ; the way things are going, I don't think we'll ever get finished vu la façon dont les choses se passent or si ça continue comme ça, je pense qu'on n'aura jamais fini ; how's it going ○ ?, how are things going? comment ça va ○ ? ; how goes it? hum comment ça va ○ ?, comment va ◑ ? ;25 ( be on average) it's old, as Australian towns go c'est une ville assez vieille pour une ville australienne ; it wasn't a bad party, as parties go c'était une soirée plutôt réussie par rapport à la moyenne ;26 ( be sold) the house went for over £100,000 la maison a été vendue à plus de 100 000 livres ; we won't let the house go for less than £100,000 nous ne voulons pas vendre la maison à moins de 100 000 livres ; those rugs are going cheap ces tapis ne sont pas chers ; the house will go to the highest bidder la maison sera vendue au plus offrant ; ‘going, going, gone!’ ( at auction) ‘une fois, deux fois, trois fois, adjugé!’ ;27 ( be on offer) I'll have some coffee, if there's any going je prendrai bien un café, s'il y en a ; are there any drinks going? est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose à boire? ; I'll have whatever's going je prendrai ce qu'il y a ; it's the best machine going c'est la meilleure machine sur le marché ; there's a job going at their London office il y a un poste libre dans leur bureau de Londres ;28 ( contribute) the money will go towards a new roof l'argent servira à payer un nouveau toit ; the elements that go to make a great film les éléments qui font un bon film ; everything that goes to make a good teacher toutes les qualités d'un bon enseignant ;29 ( be given) [award, prize] aller (to à) ; [estate, inheritance, title] passer (to à) ; the money will go to charity les bénéfices iront aux bonnes œuvres ; most of the credit should go to the author la plus grande partie du mérite revient à l'auteur ; the job went to a local man le poste a été donné à un homme de la région ;30 ( emphatic use) she's gone and told everybody! elle est allée le dire à tout le monde! ; why did he go and spoil it? pourquoi est-il allé tout gâcher ? ; you've gone and ruined everything! tu t'es débrouillé pour tout gâcher! ; he went and won the competition! il s'est débrouillé pour gagner le concours! ; you've really gone and done it now! tu peux être fier de toi! iron ; then he had to go and lose his wallet comme s'il ne manquait plus que ça, il a perdu son portefeuille ;31 ( of money) (be spent, used up) all his money goes on drink tout son argent passe dans l'alcool ; most of his salary goes on rent la plus grande partie de son salaire passe dans le loyer ; I don't know where all my money goes (to)! je ne sais pas ce que je fais de mon argent! ;32 (make sound, perform action or movement) gen faire ; [bell, alarm] sonner ; the cat went ‘miaow’ le chat a fait ‘miaou’ ; wait until the bell goes attends que la cloche sonne ( subj) ; she went like this with her fingers elle a fait comme ça avec ses doigts ; so he goes ‘what about my money ○ ?’ et puis il dit or il fait, ‘et mon argent?’ ;33 (resort to, have recourse to) to go to war [country] entrer en guerre ; [soldier] partir à la guerre ; to go to law GB ou to the law US aller en justice ;34 (break, collapse etc) [roof] s'effondrer ; [cable, rope] se rompre, céder ; ( fuse) [light bulb] griller ;35 (bid, bet) aller ; I'll go as high as £100 j'irai jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ; I went up to £100 je suis allé jusqu'à 100 livres sterling ;36 ( take one's turn) you go next c'est ton tour après, c'est à toi après ; you go first après vous ;37 ( be in harmony) those two colours don't go together ces deux couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ; the curtains don't go with the carpet les rideaux ne vont pas avec le tapis ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;38 ○ euph ( relieve oneself) aller aux toilettes ;1 ( travel) we had gone ten miles before we realized that… nous avions déjà fait dix kilomètres quand nous nous sommes rendu compte que… ; are you going my way? tu vas dans la même direction que moi? ; to go one's own way fig suivre son chemin ;2 ○ (bet, bid) I go two diamonds ( in cards) j'annonce deux carreaux ; he went £20 il a mis or parié 20 livres sterling.1 GB ( person's turn) tour m ; ( try) essai m ; it's your go ( in game) c'est ton tour, c'est à toi ; whose go is it? gen à qui le tour? ; ( in game) à qui de jouer? ; you've had two goes ( in game) tu as eu deux tours ; ( two attempts at mending sth) tu as déjà essayé deux fois ; to have a go at sth essayer de faire qch ; have another go! essaie encore une fois or un coup! ; she had several goes at the exam elle a repassé l'examen plusieurs fois ; I had to have several goes before passing j'ai dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois avant de réussir ;2 ○ ( energy) dynamisme m ; to be full of go, to be all go être très dynamique, avoir beaucoup d'allant ; he has no go in him il manque de dynamisme ;to have a go at sb s'en prendre à qn ; to make a go of sth réussir qch ; she's always on the go elle n'arrête jamais ; he's all go ○ ! il n'arrête pas! ; it's all the go ○ ! ça fait fureur! ; we have several different projects on the go at the moment nous avons plusieurs projets différents en chantier or en cours en ce moment ; (it's) no go! pas question! ; from the word go dès le départ ; that was a near go ○ ! on l'a échappé belle! ; in one go d'un seul coup ; to go one better than sb renchérir sur qn ; that's how it goes!, that's the way it goes! ainsi va le monde!, c'est la vie! ; there you go ○ ! voilà!■ go about:▶ go about1 = go around ;2 Naut virer de bord ; prepare to go about! parer à virer! ;▶ go about [sth]1 ( undertake) s'attaquer à [task] ; how do you go about writing a novel? comment est-ce que vous vous y prenez pour écrire un roman? ; he knows how to go about it il sait s'y prendre ;2 ( be busy with) to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations ; she went about her work mechanically elle faisait son travail machinalement.■ go across:▶ go across traverser ; he's gone across to the shop/neighbour's il est allé au magasin en face/chez les voisins en face ;▶ go across [sth] traverser [street, river, bridge etc].■ go after:▶ go after [sth/sb]1 ( chase) poursuivre [person] ;2 fig ( try hard to get) he really went after that job il a fait tout son possible pour avoir ce travail.■ go against:▶ go against [sb/sth]1 ( prove unfavourable to) the vote/verdict/decision went against them le vote/le verdict/la décision leur a été défavorable or n'a pas été en leur faveur ; the war is going against them la guerre tourne à leur désavantage ;2 ( conflict with) être contraire à [rules, principles] ; to go against the trend aller à l'encontre de or être contraire à la tendance ; to go against the party line Pol ne pas être dans la ligne du parti ;3 (resist, oppose) s'opposer à, aller à l'inverse de [person, sb's wishes].■ go ahead1 ( go in front) go ahead, I'll follow you on partez devant, je vous suis ;2 fig ( proceed) go! ( in conversation) continue! ; go ahead and shoot! vas-y, tire! ; they are going ahead with the project ils ont décidé de mettre le projet en route ; we can go ahead without them nous pouvons continuer sans eux ; next week's strike is to go ahead la grève de la semaine prochaine va avoir lieu.■ go along1 ( move along) [person, vehicle] aller, avancer ; to make sth up as one goes along fig inventer qch au fur et à mesure ;2 ( attend) aller ; she went along as a witch elle y est allée déguisée en sorcière ; I went along as a witness j'y suis allé or je me suis présenté comme témoin.▶ go along with [sb/sth] être d'accord avec, accepter [plans, wishes] ; I can't go along with that je ne peux pas accepter ça ; I'll go along with you there je suis d'accord avec vous sur ce point.■ go around:1 (move, travel about) se promener, circuler ; to go around naked/barefoot se promener tout nu/pieds nus ; she goes around on a bicycle elle circule à bicyclette ; they go around everywhere together ils vont partout ensemble ;2 ( circulate) [rumour] courir ; there's a rumour going around that le bruit court que ; there's a virus going around il y a un virus qui traîne ; there isn't enough money to go around il n'y a pas assez d'argent pour tout le monde ;▶ go around [sth] faire le tour de [house, shops, area] ; to go around the world faire le tour du monde ; they went around the country looking for him ils l'ont cherché dans tout le pays.■ go at:▶ go at [sb] ( attack) attaquer, tomber sur ;▶ go at [sth] s'attaquer à, s'atteler à [task, activity].■ go away [person] partir ; to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US partir en vacances ; go away and leave me alone! va-t-en et laisse-moi tranquille! ; go away and think about it réfléchissez-y ; don't go away thinking that ne va pas croire que ; this cold/headache just won't go away! je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de ce rhume/mal de tête! ; the problems aren't just going to go away! les problèmes ne vont pas disparaître tout seuls!■ go back1 ( return) retourner ; ( turn back) rebrousser chemin, faire demi-tour ; ( resume work) reprendre le travail ; (resume classes, studies) reprendre les cours ; as it was raining, they decided to go back comme il pleuvait, ils ont décidé de faire demi-tour or de rebrousser chemin ; they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ; let's go back to France rentrons en France ; to go back to the beginning recommencer ; to go back to sleep se rendormir ; to go back to work/writing se remettre au travail/à écrire ; go back! the path isn't safe reculez! le chemin est dangereux ; once you've committed yourself, there's no going back une fois que vous vous êtes engagé, vous ne pouvez plus reculer ;2 ( in time) remonter ; to go back in time remonter dans le temps ; to understand the problem we need to go back 20 years pour comprendre le problème il faut remonter 20 ans en arrière ; this tradition goes back a century cette tradition est vieille d'un siècle ; we go back a long way ça fait longtemps qu'on se connaît ;3 ( revert) revenir (to à) ; to go back to teaching revenir à l'enseignement ; to go back to being a student reprendre des études ; let's go back to what we were discussing yesterday revenons à ce que dont nous parlions hier.■ go back on:▶ go back on [sth] revenir sur [promise, decision].■ go before:▶ go before ( go in front) aller au devant ; fig ( in time) se passer avant ; all that had gone before tout ce qui s'était passé avant ;▶ go before [sb/sth] [person] comparaître devant [court, judge] ; the bill went before parliament le projet de loi a été soumis au parlement.■ go by:▶ go by [person] passer ; [time] passer, s'écouler ; as time goes by avec le temps ; don't let such opportunities go by il ne faut pas laisser passer de telles occasions ;▶ go by [sth]1 ( judge by) juger d'après ; to go by appearances juger d'après or sur les apparences ; going by her looks, I'd say she was about 30 à la voir, je lui donne 30 ans ; you mustn't go by what you read in the papers il ne faut pas croire tout ce que disent les journaux ; if the trailer is anything to go by, it should be a good film à en juger par la bande-annonce, ça doit être un bon film ; if the father is anything to go by, I wouldn't like to meet the son! quand on voit le père, on n'a pas envie de rencontrer le fils! ;2 ( proceed by) to go by the rules suivre or observer le règlement ; promotion goes by seniority la promotion se fait à l'ancienneté or en fonction de l'ancienneté.■ go down:▶ go down1 ( descend) gen descendre ; [diver] effectuer une plongée ; to go down to the cellar descendre à la cave ; to go down to the beach aller à la plage ; to go down to the pub aller au pub ; they've gone down to Brighton for a few days ils sont allés passer quelques jours à Brighton ; ‘going down!’ ( in elevator) ‘on descend!’ ; to go down on one's knees se mettre à genoux ;2 ( fall) [person, aircraft] tomber ; ( sink) [ship] couler, sombrer ; [person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ; most of the passengers went down with the ship la plupart des passagers ont coulé avec le navire ; the plane went down in flames l'avion s'est écrasé en flammes ; the plane went down over Normandy/the Channel l'avion s'est écrasé en Normandie/est tombé dans la Manche ; to go down for the third time [drowning person] disparaître sous les flots et se noyer ;3 [sun] se coucher ;4 ( be received) to go down well/badly être bien/mal reçu ; this remark didn't go down at all well cette remarque n'a pas été appréciée du tout ; his jokes went down well/didn't go down well with the audience le public a apprécié/n'a pas beaucoup apprécié ses plaisanteries ; another cup of coffee would go down nicely! une autre tasse de café serait la bienvenue! ;5 ( be swallowed) it went down the wrong way c'est passé de travers ;6 ( become lower) [water level, temperature] baisser ; [tide] descendre ; [price, standard] baisser ; ( abate) [storm, wind] se calmer ; [fire] s'éteindre ; the river has/the floods have gone down le niveau de la rivière/des inondations a baissé ; foodstuffs are going down (in price) les produits alimentaires deviennent moins chers ;8 GB Univ ( break up for holiday) terminer les cours ; ( leave university permanently) quitter l'université ; when do you go down? quand est-ce que vous êtes en vacances? ;9 gen, Sport (fail, be defeated) perdre ; ( be downgraded) redescendre ; Corby went down 6-1 to Oxford Corby a perdu 6-1 contre Oxford ; the team has gone down to the second division l'équipe est redescendue en deuxième division ;10 ( be remembered) he will go down as a great statesman on se souviendra de lui comme d'un grand homme d'État ;11 ( be recorded) être noté ; it all goes down in her diary elle note tout dans son journal ;12 ( continue) the book goes down to 1939 le livre va jusqu'en 1939 ; if you go down to the second last line you will see that si vous regardez à l'avant-dernière ligne, vous verrez que ;13 ( be stricken) to go down with flu/malaria attraper la grippe/la malaria ;14 ○ GB ( be sent to prison) être envoyé en prison ;15 Comput [computer, system] tomber en panne ;▶ go down [sth]■ go down on:▶ go down on [sth] ( set) [sun] se coucher sur ; when the sun went down on the Roman Empire fig quand l'empire romain commençait à décliner ;■ go for:▶ go for [sb/sth]1 ○ (favour, have liking for) craquer ○ pour [person, physical type] ; aimer [style of music, literature etc] ; he really goes for blondes il craque ○ pour or il adore les blondes ; I don't go much for modern art je ne suis pas emballé ○ par l'art moderne, je n'aime pas tellement l'art moderne ;2 ( apply to) être valable pour, s'appliquer à ; that goes for all of you! c'est valable pour tout le monde! ; the same goes for him c'est valable pour lui aussi!, ça s'applique à lui aussi! ;▶ go for [sb]1 ( attack) ( physically) attaquer, tomber sur ; ( verbally) attaquer, s'en prendre à [person] ; the two youths went for him les deux jeunes l'ont attaqué or lui ont sauté dessus ; to go for sb's throat [animal] attaquer qn à la gorge ; she really went for him! (in argument, row) elle l'a vraiment incendié!, elle s'en est prise violemment à lui! ;2 he has a lot going for him il a beaucoup de choses pour lui ;▶ go for [sth]1 ( attempt to achieve) essayer d'obtenir [honour, victory] ; she's going for the gold medal/world record elle vise la médaille d'or/le record mondial ; go for it ○ ! vas-y, fonce ○ ! ; the company is going for a new image l'entreprise cherche à se donner une nouvelle image ; the team is going for a win against Italy l'équipe compte bien gagner contre l'Italie ;2 ( choose) choisir, prendre ; I'll go for the blue one je prendrai le bleu.■ go forth sout [person] ( go out) sortir ; ( go forward) aller, avancer ; go forth and multiply allez et multipliez-vous.■ go forward(s) avancer.■ go in1 ( enter) entrer ; ( go back in) rentrer ;3 ( disappear) [sun, moon] se cacher.■ go in for:▶ go in for [sth]1 ( be keen on) aimer [sport, hobby etc] ; I don't go in for sports much je n'aime pas tellement le sport ; he goes in for opera in a big way il adore l'opéra, c'est un fou d'opéra ○ ; we don't go in for that sort of thing nous n'aimons pas ce genre de chose ; they don't go in much for foreign languages at Ben's school ils ne s'intéressent pas beaucoup aux langues étrangères dans l'école de Ben ;2 ( take up) to go in for teaching entrer dans l'enseignement ; to go in for politics se lancer dans la politique ;3 ( take part in) s'inscrire à [exam, competition].■ go into:▶ go into [sth]1 ( enter) entrer dans ; fig ( take up) se lancer dans ; to go into hospital entrer à l'hôpital ; to go into parliament entrer au parlement ; to go into politics/business se lancer dans la politique/les affaires ;2 (examine, investigate) étudier ; we need to go into the question of funding il faut que nous étudiions la question du financement ;3 (explain, describe) I won't go into why I did it je n'expliquerai pas pourquoi je l'ai fait ; let's not go into that now laissons cela de côté pour l'instant ;4 ( launch into) se lancer dans ; she went into a long explanation of what had happened elle s'est lancée dans une longue explication de ce qui s'était passé ;5 ( be expended) a lot of work/money went into this project beaucoup de travail/d'argent a été investi dans ce projet ; a lot of effort went into organizing the party l'organisation de la soirée a demandé beaucoup de travail ;6 ( hit) [car, driver] rentrer dans, heurter ; the car went into a lamp post la voiture est rentrée dans or a heurté un réverbère.■ go in with:▶ go in with [sb] se joindre à [person, ally, organization] ; he went in with us to buy the present il s'est mis avec nous pour acheter le cadeau.■ go off:▶ go off2 [alarm clock] sonner ; [fire alarm] se déclencher ;3 ( depart) partir, s'en aller ; he went off to work il est parti au travail ; she went off to find a spade elle est allée chercher une pelle ; they went off together ils sont partis ensemble ;4 GB ( go bad) [milk, cream] tourner ; [meat] s'avarier ; [butter] rancir ; ( deteriorate) [performer, athlete etc] perdre sa forme ; [work] se dégrader ; ( lose one's attractiveness) [person] être moins beau/belle qu'avant ; he used to be very handsome, but he's gone off a bit il était très beau, mais il est moins bien maintenant ; the first part of the film was good, but after that it went off la première partie du film était bien, mais après ça s'est dégradé ;5 ○ ( fall asleep) s'endormir ;6 ( cease to operate) [lights, heating] s'éteindre ;7 (happen, take place) [evening, organized event] se passer ; the concert went off very well le concert s'est très bien passé ;8 Theat quitter la scène ;▶ go off [sb/sth] GB I used to like him but I've gone off him je l'aimais bien avant, mais je ne l'aime plus tellement ; I've gone off opera/whisky je n'aime plus tellement l'opéra/le whisky ; I think she's gone off the idea je crois qu'elle a renoncé à l'idée.■ go off with:▶ go off with [sb/sth] partir avec [person, money] ; she went off with all his money elle est partie avec tout son argent ; who's gone off with my pen? qui a pris mon stylo?■ go on:▶ go on1 (happen, take place) se passer ; what's going on? qu'est-ce qui se passe? ; there's a party going on upstairs il y a une fête en haut ; how long has this been going on? depuis combien de temps est-ce que ça dure? ; a lot of stealing goes on il y a beaucoup de vols ; a lot of drinking goes on at Christmas time les gens boivent beaucoup à Noël ;2 ( continue on one's way) poursuivre son chemin ;3 ( continue) continuer ; go on with your work continuez votre travail, continuez de travailler ; go on looking continuez à or de chercher ; she went on speaking elle a continué de parler ; go on, we're all listening! continue, nous t'écoutons tous! ; ‘and another thing,’ she went on, ‘you're always late’ ‘et autre chose,’ a-t-elle ajouté, ‘vous êtes toujours en retard’ ; if he goes on like this, he'll get into trouble! s'il continue comme ça, il va s'attirer des ennuis ; we can't go on like this! nous ne pouvons pas continuer comme ça! ; life must go on la vie continue ; the meeting went on into the afternoon la réunion s'est prolongée jusque dans l'après-midi ; you can't go on being a pen pusher all your life! tu ne peux pas rester gratte-papier toute ta vie! ; the list goes on and on la liste est infinie or interminable ; that's enough to be going on with ça suffit pour le moment ; have you got enough work to be going on with? est-ce que tu as assez de travail pour le moment? ; here's £20 to be going on with voici 20 livres pour te dépanner ; go on (with you) ○ ! allons donc! ;4 ( of time) ( elapse) as time went on, they… avec le temps, ils… ; as the evening went on, he became more animated au fur et à mesure que la soirée avançait, il devenait plus animé ;5 ( keep talking) to go on about sth ne pas arrêter de parler de qch, parler de qch à n'en plus finir ; he was going on about the war il parlait de la guerre à n'en plus finir ; don't go on about it! arrête de parler de ça!, change de disque! ; she went on and on about it elle en a fait toute une histoire ; he does tend to go on a bit! il a tendance à radoter ○ ! ; the way she goes on, you'd think she was an expert on the subject! à l'entendre, on croirait qu'elle est experte en la matière! ;6 ( proceed) passer ; let's go on to the next item passons au point suivant ; he went on to say that/describe how puis il a dit que/décrit comment ;7 ( go into operation) [heating, lights] s'allumer ;8 Theat entrer en scène ; what time do you go on? à quelle heure est-ce que vous entrez en scène? ;9 ( approach) it's going on three o'clock il est presque trois heures ; she's four going on five elle va sur ses cinq ans ; he's thirty going on three hum il a trente ans mais il pourrait bien en avoir trois ;10 ( fit) these gloves won't go on ces gants ne m'iront pas ; the lid won't go on properly le couvercle ne ferme pas bien ;▶ go on [sth] se fonder sur [piece of evidence, information] ; that's all we've got to go on tout ce que nous savons avec certitude ; we've got nothing else to go on nous n'avons pas d'autre point de départ ; the police haven't got much evidence to go on la police n'a pas beaucoup de preuves à l'appui.■ go on at:▶ go on at [sb] s'en prendre à [person] ; he's always going on at me for writing badly il s'en prend toujours à moi à cause de ma mauvaise écriture ; they're always going on at us about deadlines ils sont toujours sur notre dos pour des histoires de délais.■ go out1 (leave, depart) sortir ; she went out of the room elle a quitté la pièce, elle est sortie de la pièce ; to go out walking aller se promener ; to go out for a drink aller prendre un verre ; they go out a lot ils sortent beaucoup ; she likes going out elle aime sortir ; she had to go out to work at 14 il a fallu qu'elle aille travailler à 14 ans ;2 ( travel long distance) partir (to à, pour) ; she's gone out to Australia/Africa elle est partie pour l'Australie/l'Afrique ;3 ( have relationship) to go out with sb sortir avec qn ; they've been going out together for six weeks ils sortent ensemble depuis six semaines ;4 [tide] descendre ; the tide is going out la marée descend, la mer se retire ;5 Ind ( go on strike) se mettre en grève ;6 ( become unfashionable) passer de mode ; ( no longer be used) ne plus être utilisé ; mini-skirts went out in the 1970s les mini-jupes ont passé de mode dans les années 70 ; gas went out and electricity came in l'électricité a remplacé le gaz ;7 ( be extinguished) [fire, light] s'éteindre ;8 ( be sent) [invitation, summons] être envoyé ; ( be published) [journal, magazine] être publié ; Radio, TV ( be broadcast) être diffusé ;9 ( be announced) word went out that he was coming back le bruit a couru qu'il revenait ; the news went out from Washington that Washington a annoncé que ;10 ( be eliminated) gen, Sport être éliminé ; she went out in the early stages of the competition elle a été éliminée au début de la compétition ;11 (expressing compassion, sympathy) my heart goes out to them je les plains de tout mon cœur, je suis de tout cœur avec eux ; our thoughts go out to absent friends nos pensées vont vers nos amis absents ;12 ( disappear) all the spirit seemed to have gone out of her elle semblait avoir perdu tout son entrain ; the romance seemed to have gone out of their relationship leur relation semblait avoir perdu tout son charme ;13 ( end) [year, month] se terminer ;14 ( in cards) terminer.■ go over:▶ go over1 ( cross over) aller ; she went over to him/to the window elle est allée vers lui/vers la fenêtre, elle s'est approchée de lui/de la fenêtre ; to go over to Ireland/to America aller en Irlande/aux États-Unis ; we are now going over to Washington for more news Radio, TV nous passons maintenant l'antenne à Washington pour plus d'informations ;2 ( be received) how did his speech go over? comment est-ce que son discours a été reçu? ; his speech went over well son discours a été bien reçu ; to go over big ○ avoir un grand succès ;3 ( switch over) he went over to Labour from the Conservatives il est passé du parti des conservateurs au parti des travaillistes ; to go over to the other side fig passer dans l'autre camp ; we've gone over to gas (central heating) nous sommes passés au chauffage central au gaz ; to go over to Islam se convertir à l'Islam ;▶ go over [sth]1 ( review) passer [qch] en revue [details] ; she went over the events of the day in her mind elle a passé en revue les événements de la journée ; we've gone over the details again and again nous avons déjà passé les détails en revue mille fois ; to go over one's lines ( actor) répéter son texte ; there's no point in going over old ground il n'y a aucune raison de revenir là-dessus ;2 (check, inspect) vérifier [accounts, figures] ; revoir [facts, piece of work] ; I want to go over this article once more before I hand it in je veux relire cet article une dernière fois avant de le remettre ; to go over a house faire le tour d'une maison ;3 ( clean) he went over the room with a duster il a donné un coup de chiffon dans la pièce ; after cleaning, go over the surface with a dry cloth après l'avoir nettoyée, essuyez la surface avec un chiffon sec or passez un chiffon sec sur la surface ;4 to go over a sketch in ink repasser un dessin à l'encre ;5 ( exceed) dépasser ; don't go over £100 ne dépassez pas 100 livres sterling.■ go round GB:▶ go round1 ( turn) [wheel, propeller etc] tourner ; the wheels went round and round les roues n'ont pas arrêté de tourner ; my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne ;2 ( call round) to go round to see sb aller voir qn ; he's gone round to Anna's il est allé chez Anna ;3 ( suffice) there isn't enough food/money to go round il n'y a pas assez de nourriture/d'argent pour tout le monde ; there was barely enough to go round il y en avait à peine assez pour tout le monde ;4 ( circulate) there's a rumour going round that le bruit court que ;5 ( make detour) faire un détour ; we had to go round the long way ou the long way round il a fallu qu'on prenne un chemin plus long ; I had to go round by the bridge il a fallu que je passe par or que je fasse un détour par le pont ;■ go through:1 ( come in) entrer ; if you'll just go (on) through, I'll tell them you're here si vous voulez bien entrer, je vais leur dire que vous êtes arrivé ;2 ( be approved) [law, agreement] passer ; the law failed to go through la loi n'est pas passée ; the divorce hasn't gone through yet le divorce n'a pas encore été prononcé ;3 ( be successfully completed) [business deal] être conclu ;▶ go through [sth]1 ( undergo) endurer, subir [experience, ordeal] ; ( pass through) passer par [stage, phase] ; in spite of all he's gone through malgré tout ce qu'il a enduré ; we've all gone through it nous sommes tous passés par là ; she's gone through a lot elle a beaucoup souffert ; he went through the day in a kind of daze toute la journée il a été dans un état second ; the country has gone through two civil wars le pays a connu deux guerres civiles ; to go through a crisis traverser une crise ; as you go through life au fur et à mesure que tu vieillis, en vieillissant ; you have to go through the switchboard/right authorities il faut passer par le standard/les autorités compétentes ; it went through my mind that l'idée m'a traversé l'esprit que ;2 (check, inspect) examiner, étudier ; ( rapidly) parcourir [documents, files, list] ; to go through one's mail parcourir son courrier ; let's go through the points one by one étudions or examinons les problèmes un par un ;3 ( search) fouiller [person's belongings, baggage] ; to go through sb's pockets/drawers fouiller dans les poches/tiroirs de qn ; at customs they went through all my things à la douane ils ont fouillé toutes mes affaires ;4 (perform, rehearse) répéter [scene] ; expliquer [procedure] ; let's go through the whole scene once more répétons or reprenons toute la scène une dernière fois ; there are still a certain number of formalities to be gone through il y a encore un certain nombre de formalités à remplir ; I went through the whole procedure with him je lui ai expliqué comment il fallait procéder en détail ;5 (consume, use up) dépenser [money] ; we went through three bottles of wine nous avons bu or descendu ○ trois bouteilles de vin ; I've gone through the elbows of my jacket j'ai usé ma veste aux coudes.▶ go through with [sth] réaliser, mettre [qch] à exécution [plan] ; in the end they decided to go through with the wedding finalement ils ont décidé de se marier ; I can't go through with it je ne peux pas le faire ; you'll have to go through with it now il va falloir que tu le fasses maintenant.1 ( harmonize) [colours, pieces of furniture etc] aller ensemble ; these colours don't go together ces couleurs ne vont pas ensemble ;2 ( entail each other) aller de pair ; poverty and crime often go together la pauvreté et le crime vont souvent de pair ;3 ○ †( have relationship) [couple] sortir ensemble.■ go under1 [boat, ship] couler, sombrer ; [drowning person] couler, disparaître sous les flots ;■ go up:▶ go up1 ( ascend) monter ; to go up to bed monter se coucher ; they've gone up to London ils sont allés or montés à Londres ; they've gone up to Scotland ils sont allés en Écosse ; ‘going up!’ ( in elevator) ‘on monte!’ ;2 ( rise) [price, temperature] monter ; Theat [curtain] se lever (on sur) ; petrol has gone up (in price) (le prix de) l'essence a augmenté ; unemployment is going up le chômage augmente or est en hausse ; our membership has gone up le nombre de nos adhérents a augmenté ; a cry went up from the crowd un cri est monté or s'est élevé de la foule ;3 ( be erected) [building] être construit ; [poster] être affiché ; new office blocks are going up all over the place on construit de nouveaux immeubles un peu partout ;4 (be destroyed, blown up) [building] sauter, exploser ;6 ( be upgraded) the team has gone up to the first division l'équipe est passée en première division ;7 ( continue) the book/series goes up to 1990 le livre/la série va jusqu'en 1990 ;▶ go up [sth]1 ( mount) monter, gravir [hill, mountain] ;2 to go up a class Sch passer dans une classe supérieure.■ go with:▶ go with [sth]1 (match, suit) aller avec ; your shirt goes with your blue eyes ta chemise va bien avec tes yeux bleus ; white wine goes better with fish than red wine le vin blanc va mieux avec le poisson que le rouge ;2 ( accompany) aller de pair avec ; the car goes with the job la voiture va de pair avec la situation ; the responsibilities that go with parenthood les responsabilités qui vont de pair avec le fait d'être parent ;■ go without:▶ go without s'en passer ; you'll just have to go without! il va falloir que tu t'en passes!, il va falloir que tu fasses sans! ;▶ go without [sth] se passer de [food, luxuries]. -
13 показать
(= показывать) show, register, read, exhibit, reveal, depict, display, illustrate, indicate• Анализ этих уравнений показывает, что... - Inspection of these equations shows that...• Более совершенным рассуждением можно показать, что... - By a more refined argument it can be shown that...• Более того, данное обсуждение показывает, что... - The discussion shows, moreover, that...• Более точное вычисление показывает, что... - A more exact calculation shows that...• Быстро покажем, что... - It will be shown in a moment that...• В главе 2 мы вернемся к этому вопросу и попытаемся показать, что... - In Chapter 2 we shall return to this question and try to show that...• В предыдущем параграфе мы уже показали, как исследовать... - In the preceding section we have shown how to investigate...• Важно, что исследование также показывает, что... - Importantly, the study also shows that...• Нам остается лишь показать, что... - All that remains is to show that...• Вычисления показали, что... - Computations have shown that...• Далее будет показано, что... - It will be shown in the sequel that...• Далее можно показать, что... - It can further be shown that...• Далее, легко показать, что... - It is easy to show, furthermore, that...• Далее, мы показываем, что существуют функции, нарушающие это неравенство при к > 2... - Next, we show that there are functions which violate this inequality for к > 2.• Дальнейшее исследование, однако, показало, что... - Further investigation, however, has shown that...• Дальнейшее применение соотношения (1) показывает, что... - Further application of (1) shows that...• Данная формулировка показывает сразу несколько аспектов. - The formulation reveals several things.• Данные примеры должны показать, что... - These examples should make it clear that...• Данный подход показывает, что... - The present approach shows that...• Данный результат следует немедленно, если мы можем показать, что... - The result will follow immediately if we can show that...• Действительно, в этом случае мы могли бы показать, что... - Indeed, in this case, we may show that...• Довольно громоздкое вычисление показывает, что... - A somewhat lengthy computation shows that...• Еще более удивительным является пример, найденный Смитом [11], который показывает, что... - Even more startling is an example due to Smith [11], which shows that...• Еще раз, это показывает зависимость... - Again, this demonstrates the dependence of...• Здесь мы можем только показать, что... - We can show here only that...• Изучение... показывает, что... - Studies of... indicate that...• Используя определения F и G, легко показать, что... - It is a simple matter, using the definitions of F and G, to show that...• Используя эти соотношения, мы легко можем показать по индукции, что... - From these relations we can easily show by induction that...• Исследование уравнения (4) показывает, что... - An examination of (4) shows that...• Исследования показали важность... - The studies demonstrated the importance of...• Видимо, все это показывает, что... - All this seems to show that...• Как легко показать, используя..., этим можно полностью пренебречь. - It is utterly negligible, as we can easily show by...• Как показывает следующий пример, это не обязательно выполняется. - This is not necessarily the case, as the following example illustrates.• Как приложение данного результата, мы покажем, что... - As an application of this result, we show that...• Количественный анализ этих результатов показывает, что... - A quantitative analysis of these results shows that...• Легко показать, что... - It is easily shown that...• Легкое изменение приведенного выше рассуждения показывает, что... - A slight modification of the above reasoning shows that...• Метод анализа, намеченный в предыдущем абзаце, показывает... - The method of analysis outlined in the last paragraph shows...• Многие годы экспериментов показали, что... - Many years of experimentation have shown that...• Можно показать, что в целом это заключение является справедливым. - It can be shown that this conclusion is generally valid.• Можно показать, что они являются как достаточными, так и необходимыми. - It may be shown that they are sufficient as well as necessary.• Можно показать, что это эквивалентно условию... - This can be shown to be equivalent to the condition that...• Мы должны показать, что... - We have to show that...• Мы можем показать это на простом примере. - We can demonstrate this with a simple example.• Мы оставляем для самостоятельного решения задачу показать, что... - We leave it as a problem to show that...• Мы покажем теперь, что это не справедливо. - We shall now show that this is not the case.• Мы хотим явно показать, что... - We wish to show explicitly that...• На самом деле мы лишь показали, что... - We have in fact only shown that...• На самом деле мы можем показать, что... - We can show, in fact, that...• На самом деле, его исследование, похоже, показывает, что... - Actually his investigation seemed to show that...• Нам остается показать, что... - We need only to show that...; It remains for us to show that...• Намеченные выше вычисления показывают, что... - The calculations outlined above show that...• Например, мы покажем, что... - We shall show, for example, that...• Например, не слишком трудно показать, что... - For example, it is not too difficult to show that...• Например, экспериментально было показано, что... - For example, it has been shown experimentally that...• Наш простой пример показывает, что... - Our simple example demonstrates that...• Наши цифры показывают, что... - Our figures show that...• Небольшое изменение этого доказательства показывает, что... - A minor modification of the proof shows that...• Небольшое размышление показывает, что... - A moment's reflection will indicate that...• Недавние эксперименты показали, что... - Recent experiments have shown that...• Недавняя работа показала, что... - Recent work has shown that...• Недолгое размышление покажет, что... - A moment's thought will show that...• Несколько иное рассуждение показывает, что... - A slightly different argument shows that...• Общие наблюдения показывают... - It is a matter of common observation that...• Один тип... показан на рис. 2. - One type of... is shown in Figure 2.• Однако, мы хотим показать, что... - We wish to show, however, that...• Однако мы уже показали, что... - But we have already shown that...• Однако следующая теорема показывает, что... - The next theorem shows, however, that...• Он показал существование глобального по времени решения. - Не showed existence of a global-in-time weak solution.• Описанные здесь исследования показывают, что... - The studies described here show that...• Исторический опыт показывает, что... - Historical experience shows that...• Остается показать, что... - It remains to be shown that...• Оценка показывает, что... - It is estimated that...• Подобное же рассуждение показывает нам... - A similar argument will show that...• Подобные вычисления показывают, что... - Similar computations reveal that...• Подобным образом можно показать, что... - In like manner it can be shown that...• Подробный вывод показал бы, что... - A detailed derivation would show that...• Подстановка этой величины в уравнение (1) показывает, что... - Insertion of this value into equation (1) shows that...• Полная теория показывает, что... - Detailed theory shows that...• Помимо всего, нам необходимо показать, что... - Above all, we need to show that...• Помимо прочих следствий, данный результат показывает, что... - Among other things, this result shows that...• Последнее разложение показывает, что... - The latter expansion shows that...• Это может быть трудно показать на практике. - In practice this may be difficult to demonstrate.• Предварительные результаты показывают, что... - The preliminary results suggest that...• Пренебрегая этими эффектами, легко показать, что... - Neglecting these effects it is easy to show that...• Приведенный выше пример 2 показывает, что... - Example 2 above shows that...• Придерживаясь тех же обозначений, что и в первом параграфе, мы покажем, что... - With the same notation as in Section 1, we shall show that...• Применение данного метода показывает... - An application of this process shows...• Продолжая действовать так же, как в параграфе 1, мы можем показать, что... - Proceeding as in Section 1, we may show that...• Ранее мы показывали, что... - Earlier we showed that...• Рассуждение, приведенное в конце последней главы, показывает, что... - The argument at the end of the last chapter shows that...• Рассуждения Гильберта относительно этого уравнения показывают, что... - Hilbert's discussion of this equation shows that...• Реальные вычисления, однако, показывают, что... - Actual computations show, however, that...• Результат показан ниже. - The result is recorded below.• С другой стороны, эксперименты показывают, что... - On the other hand, experiments show that...• Следующая серия примеров (= иллюстраций) показывает... - The following series of illustrations shows...• Следующая теорема позволяет нам показать, что... - The following theorem enables us to show that...• Следующие задачи помогут показать, что важность... - The following problems will help show that importance of...• Следующие примеры покажут важность данного определения. - Examples will bring out the significance of this definition.• Следующий пример показывает, что... - The following example shows that...• Следующим шагом мы покажем, что... - Next it will be shown that...• Совершенно аналогичным образом можно показать, что... - It can be shown by an exactly similar process that...• Сравнение с точным результатом (2) показывает, что... - A comparison with the exact result (2) shows that...• Ссылка на уравнение (6) показывает, что... - Reference to equation (6) shows that...• Стандартные вычисления показывают, что... - A routine calculation shows that...• Таблицы данных показывают, что... - The tables show that...• Теоретические соображения показывают, что... - Theoretical considerations show that...• Теперь мы покажем, что допустимо (предполагать и т. п.)... - We shall now show that it is permissible to...• Термометр показывает 20 градусов ниже нуля. - The thermometer shows/reads 20 degrees below zero.• Типичный... показан на рис. 2. - A typical... is shown in Figure 2.• То же самое рассуждение показывает, что... - The same reasoning shows that...• То же самое рассуждение четко показывает, что... - The same reasoning evidently shows that...• То же самое рассуждение, что и выше, показывает, что... - The same argument as above shows that...• То, что мы показали, это... - What we have shown is that...• Только что проделанные вычисления показывают нам, что... - The result just calculated shows us that...• Рис. 2 показывает результаты, полученные... - Fig. 2 shows results obtained for Equation (2.8).• Цель заключается в том, чтобы показать, что... - The aim is to show that...• Чтобы доказать теорему, достаточно показать, что... - То prove the theorem it is sufficient to show that...• Чтобы завершить доказательство, нам остается показать, что... - То complete the proof, we need to demonstrate that...• Чтобы показать, что обратное несправедливо, мы должны... - То show that the converse is false, we must...• Чтобы показать, что это невозможно, давайте... - То show that this is not possible, let...• Чтобы это доказать, нам остается лишь показать, что... - То prove this we need only show that...• Эксперимент подтверждает это, однако также(= одновременно) показывает, что... - Experiment confirms this but also shows that...• Эксперимент показывает, что... - Experiment shows that...; Experiment tells us that...• Эксперименты с полупроводниками показывают, что... - Experiments with semiconductors show that...• Эти и многие другие примеры показывают, что... - These and many other examples show that...• Эти равенства позволяют нам показать, что... - These identities enable us to show that...• Эти рассуждения показывают нам, что... - These considerations show us that...• Эти результаты ясно показывают, что... - These results clearly show that...• Это доказательство легко переделывается для того, чтобы показать, что... - The proof is easily adapted to show that...• Это могло бы быть легко показано при использовании условия... - This may be shown readily by employing the condition that...• Это можно показать двумя методами. - This can be seen in two ways.• Это показывает (одно) важное ограничение (чего-л). - This demonstrates an important limitation of...• Это показывает еще раз, что... - This shows once more that...• Это показывает, что невозможно... - This shows that it is impossible to...• Это простое соотношение немедленно показывает, что... - This simple relation shows immediately that...• Это соотношение также показывает, что... - This relation also shows that...• Это ясно показано на рис. 1, которая представляет результаты (чего-л). - This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1 which shows the results of...• Этот пример показывает, что может быть необходимым... - This example shows that it may be necessary to...• Этот рисунок четко показывает принципиальные различия между... - This figure clearly illustrates the basic differences between...• Этот эффект будет обсуждаться в главе 2, где будет показано, что... - This effect will be discussed in Chapter 2, where it will be shown that... -
14 angle
I 'æŋɡl noun1) (the (amount of) space between two straight lines or surfaces that meet: an angle of 90°.) ángulo2) (a point of view: from a journalist's angle.) punto de vista, criterio3) (a corner.) esquina•- angular- angularity
II 'æŋɡl verb(to use a rod and line to try to catch fish: angling for trout.) pescar (con caña)- angler- angling
angle n ángulotr['æŋgəl]1 anglo,-adirect, slant: orientar, dirigirangle vifish: pescar (con caña)angle n1) : ángulo m2) point of view: perspectiva f, punto m de vistan.• codo s.m.• cornijal s.m.• encuentro s.m.• esconce s.m.• rincón s.m.• ángulo s.m.v.• pescar con caña v.'æŋgəl
1)a) ángulo mat an angle: she wore her hat at an angle llevaba el sombrero ladeado; at an angle to the wall — formando un ángulo con la pared
b) ( corner) arista f2)a) ( position) ángulo mb) ( point of view) perspectiva f, punto m de vista
transitive verb \<\<pass/shot\>\> sesgar*; \<\<lamp\>\> orientar, dirigir*
vi ( fish) pescar* (con caña)Phrasal Verbs:
I [æŋɡl]1. N1) (Math, Geom etc) ángulo m•
at an angle of 80 degrees, at an 80 degree angle — con un ángulo de 80 gradoshe wore his hat at an angle — llevaba el sombrero ladeado, llevaba el sombrero hacía un lado
to look at a building from a different angle — contemplar un edificio desde otro ángulo•
a high-/ low-angle shot — (Phot) una toma desde un ángulo superior/inferior•
angle of approach — (Aer) ángulo m de aterrizajeright 5.angle of climb — (Aer) ángulo m de subida
2) (fig)a) (=point of view) punto m de vistawhat's your angle on this? — ¿cuál es tu punto de vista al respecto?, ¿tú qué opinas de esto?
from the parents' angle — desde el punto de vista or la perspectiva de los padres
b) (=aspect) componente mthe director decided to play down the love angle — el director decidió restar importancia al componente amoroso
c) (=focus) perspectiva f, ángulo m•
to look at sth from a different angle — enfocar algo desde otra perspectiva or desde otro ánguloto look at a problem from all angles — estudiar un problema desde todas las perspectivas, estudiar un problema desde todos los ángulos or puntos de vista
this article gives a new angle on the question — este artículo da un nuevo enfoque a la cuestión2. VT1) [+ object] orientar; (Sport) [+ shot] sesgar, ladearan angled header — un cabezazo sesgado or ladeado or de lado
2) (fig)a) (=aim) dirigirthis article is angled towards non-specialists — este artículo va dirigido al lector no especializado
b) (=bias) sesgarthe report was angled so as to present them in a bad light — el informe estaba sesgado de forma que daba una mala impresión de ellos
3.VI (=turn) desviarse, torcersethe path angled sharply to the left — el camino se desviaba or torcía de pronto hacia la izquierda
4.CPDangle bracket N — (=support) escuadra f ; (Typ) corchete m agudo
angle grinder N — esmeril m angular
angle iron N — (Constr) hierro m angular
[æŋɡl]VI1) (=fish) pescar (con caña)2) (fig)to angle for sth — (gen) andar buscando algo; (for votes, for job) andar a la caza de algo
* * *['æŋgəl]
1)a) ángulo mat an angle: she wore her hat at an angle llevaba el sombrero ladeado; at an angle to the wall — formando un ángulo con la pared
b) ( corner) arista f2)a) ( position) ángulo mb) ( point of view) perspectiva f, punto m de vista
transitive verb \<\<pass/shot\>\> sesgar*; \<\<lamp\>\> orientar, dirigir*
vi ( fish) pescar* (con caña)Phrasal Verbs: -
15 Weg
Adv. away; (weggegangen sein, verloren) gone; (nicht zu Hause) not in; meine Uhr ist weg my watch is ( oder has) gone; der Zug, die Maschine etc. ist schon weg has (already) left; weg da! umg. get away!; weg damit! umg. take it away!; Finger oder Hände weg! umg. hands off!; nichts wie weg! umg. let’s get out of here, scram! Sl.; weg sein umg. (bewusstlos) be out (for the count); nach Alkohol: be gone; (geistesabwesend) be miles away, be away with the fairies; ganz ( hin und) weg sein umg. (begeistert) be thrilled to bits, be over the moon; ich bin darüber weg I’ve got over it, I’m over it; in einem weg umg. non-stop; Fenster etc.* * *der Weg(Methode) way; approach;(Spaziergang) walk;(Strecke) course; route; road;(kleine Straße) path; way; track; pathway; lane* * *[veːk]m -(e)s, -e[-gə]1) (=Pfad, Gehweg fig) path; (= Waldweg, Wanderweg etc) track, path; (= Straße) roadam Wége — by the wayside
woher des Wég(e)s? (old) — where have you come from?, whence comest thou? (obs)
wohin des Wég(e)s? (old) — where are you going to?, whither goest thou? (obs)
des Wég(e)s kommen (old) — to come walking/riding etc up
in einer Gegend Wég und Steg kennen — to know an area like the back of one's hand
jdm in den Wég treten, jdm den Wég versperren or verstellen — to block or bar sb's way
jdm/einer Sache im Wég stehen (fig) — to stand in the way of sb/sth
sich selbst im Wég stehen (fig) — to be one's own worst enemy
jdm Hindernisse or Steine in den Wég legen (fig) — to put obstructions in sb's way
jdm nicht über den Wég trauen (fig) — not to trust sb an inch
jdn aus dem Wég räumen (fig) — to get rid of sb
etw aus dem Wég räumen (fig) — to remove sth; Missverständnisse to clear sth up
neue Wége beschreiten (fig) — to tread new paths
den Wég der Sünde/Tugend gehen — to follow the path of sin/virtue
die Wége Gottes — the ways of the Lord
den Wég des geringsten Widerstandes gehen — to follow the line of least resistance
der Wég zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert (Prov) — the road to Hell is paved with good intentions (prov)
See:→ irdisch2) (lit, fig = Route) way; (= Entfernung) distance; (= Reise) journey; (zu Fuß) walk; (fig zum Erfolg) way, road; (= Bildungsweg) roadich muss diesen Wég jeden Tag zweimal gehen/fahren — I have to walk/drive this stretch twice a day
auf dem Wég nach London/zur Arbeit — on the way to London/work
auf dem Wég zu jdm/nach einem Ort sein — to be on the or one's way to sb's/a place
sich auf den Wég machen — to set off
6 km Wég — 6 kms away
noch zwei Stunden/ein Stück Wég vor sich haben — to still have two hours/some distance to travel
jdn ein Stück Wég(es) begleiten (geh) — to accompany sb part of the way
mein erster Wég war zur Bank — the first thing I did was go to the bank
jdn auf seinem letzten Wég begleiten (euph) — to pay one's last respects to sb
seiner Wége gehen (geh) (lit) — to go on one's way; (fig) to go one's own way
welchen Wég haben sie eingeschlagen? (lit) — what road did they take?
einen neuen Wég einschlagen (fig) — to follow a new avenue; (beruflich) to follow a new career
den falschen/richtigen Wég einschlagen — to follow the wrong/right path or road or (fig) avenue
jdm etw mit auf den Wég geben (lit) — to give sb sth to take with him/her etc
jdm einen guten Rat mit auf den Wég geben — to give sb good advice to follow in life
jdm/einer Sache aus dem Wég gehen (lit) — to get out of sb's way/the way of sth; (fig) to avoid sb/sth
jdm über den Wég laufen (fig) — to run into sb
seinen Wég (im Leben/Beruf) machen (fig) — to make one's way in life/one's career
seinen Wég nehmen (fig) — to take its course
etw in die Wége leiten — to arrange sth
etw auf den Wég bringen — to get sth under way
jdm/sich den Wég verbauen — to ruin sb's/one's chances or prospects (für of)
auf dem besten Wég sein, etw zu tun — to be well on the way to doing sth
der gerade Wég ist der kürzeste or beste (Prov) — honesty is the best policy
3) (= Mittel, Art und Weise) way; (= Methode) methodauf welchem Wég kommt man am schnellsten zu Geld? — what's the fastest way of making or to make money?
auf welchem Wég sind Sie zu erreichen? — how can I get in touch with you?
auf diesem Wége — this way
auf diplomatischem Wége — through diplomatic channels
auf gesetzlichem or legalem Wége — legally, by legal means
auf künstlichem Wége — artificially, by artificial means
See:= zuwege4) (inf = Besorgung) errand* * *1) (to or at a distance from the person speaking or the person or thing spoken about: He lives three miles away (from the town); Go away!; Take it away!) away2) (in the opposite direction: She turned away so that he would not see her tears.) away3) (a means of sending or receiving information etc: We got the information through the usual channels.) channel4) (a narrow road or street: a winding lane.) lane5) (the path or direction in which something moves: the course of the Nile.) course6) (away (from a place, time etc): He walked off; She cut her hair off; The holidays are only a week off; She took off her coat.) off7) ((any place on) the line along which someone or something is moving: She stood right in the path of the bus.) path8) (an opening or passageway: This is the way in/out; There's no way through.) way9) (a route, direction etc: Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.) way10) (used in the names of roads: His address is 21 Melville Way.) way11) (a distance: It's a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.) way12) (used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving: He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.) way13) (a route; the correct road(s) to follow in order to arrive somewhere: We'd better look at the map because I'm not sure of the road.) road14) (a way that leads to something: the road to peace; He's on the road to ruin.) road15) (a path or rough road: a mountain track.) track16) ((the distance covered during) an outing or journey on foot: She wants to go for / to take a walk; It's a long walk to the station.) walk* * *<-[e]s, -e>[ve:k, pl ˈve:gə]msie stand am \Weg she stood by the wayside2. (Route) waydas ist der kürzeste \Weg nach Berlin this is the shortest route to Berlin▪ auf dem \Weg [zu jdm/irgendwohin] sein to be on one's way [to sb/somewhere]auf dem richtigen \Weg sein to be on the right trackvom \Weg abkommen to lose one's wayjdn nach dem \Wegfragen to ask sb the wayauf jds \Weg liegen to be on sb's wayes wird schon spät, ich muss mich auf den \Weg machen it's getting late, I must be on my way!jdm den \Weg versperren to block [or bar] sb's way3. (Strecke) waybis zu euch muss ich einen \Weg von über drei Stunden zurücklegen I've got a journey of more than three hours to get to your place4. (Gang, Besorgung) errand\Wege zu erledigen haben to have some shopping to do5. (Methode) wayes gibt keinen anderen \Weg there is no choiceauf friedlichem \Wege (geh) by peaceful meansauf illegalem \Wege by illegal means, illegallyauf schriftlichem \Wege (geh) in writingneue \Wege gehen to follow new avenues6. (Lebensweg) way7.▶ aus dem \Weg! stand aside!, make way!geh mir aus dem \Weg! get out of my way!▶ auf dem besten \Wege sein, etw zu tun to be well on the way to doing sth▶ etw auf den \Weg bringen to introduce sth▶ jdm etw mit auf den \Weg geben to give sb sth to take with him/herdu brauchst mir nichts mit auf den \Weg zu geben, ich weiß das schon I don't need you to tell me anything, I already knowjdm eine Ermahnung/einen Ratschlag mit auf den \Weg geben to give sb a warning/piece of advice for the future▶ seinen \Weg gehen to go one's own way▶ jdm/etw aus dem \Weg gehen to avoid sb/sth▶ den \Weg des geringsten Widerstandes gehen to take the line of least resistance▶ jdm auf halbem \Wege entgegenkommen to meet sb halfway▶ jdm über den \Weg laufen to run into sblauf mir nicht noch mal über den \Weg! don't come near me again!▶ etw in die \Wege leiten to arrange sth▶ jdn aus dem \Weg räumen to get rid of sb▶ etw aus dem \Weg räumen to remove sth▶ jdm/etw im \Wege stehen to stand in the way of sb/sthnur die Kostenfrage steht der Verwirklichung des Projekts im \Wege only the issue of cost is an obstacle to this project being implemented▶ hier trennen sich unsere \Wege this is where we part company* * *der; Weg[e]s,Wege‘kein öffentlicher Weg’ — ‘no public right of way’
am Weg[e] — by the wayside
2) (Zugang) way; (Passage, Durchgang) passagesich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen — clear a path or way through something
geh [mir] aus dem Weg[e] — get out of the or my way
jemandem im Weg[e] stehen od. (auch fig.) sein — be in somebody's way; (fig.)
einer Sache (Dat.) im Weg[e] stehen — stand in the way of something
jemandem aus dem Weg[e] gehen — keep out of sb's way; avoid somebody
einer Diskussion aus dem Weg[e] gehen — avoid a discussion
jemanden/etwas aus dem Weg[e] räumen — get rid of somebody/something
3) (Route, Verbindung) way; route[jemanden] nach dem Weg fragen — ask [somebody] the way
das liegt auf dem/meinem Weg — that's on the/my way; (fig.)
er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen — (ugs.) I ran or bumped into him
seinen Weg machen — make one's way [in the world]
es sind 2 km/10 Minuten Weg — it is a distance of two kilometres/it is ten minutes' walk
er hat noch einen weiten Weg vor sich — (Dat.) he still has a long way to go
auf halbem Weg[e] — (auch fig.) halfway
sich auf den Weg machen — set off; (fig.)
jemandem einen guten Ratschlag mit auf den Weg geben — give somebody some good advice for his/her future life
auf dem besten Weg sein, etwas zu tun — (meist iron.) be well on the way towards doing something
er ist auf dem Weg[e] der Besserung — he's on the road to recovery
5) (ugs.): (Besorgung) errandeinen Weg machen — do or run an errand
auf schnellstem Weg[e] — as speedily as possible
auf schriftlichem Weg[e] — by letter
* * *1. way (auch Richtung); (Pfad) path (auch fig und IT); (Route) route; (Gang) walk; (Besorgung) errand; (Weg zum Ziel) course;am Wege by the wayside;auf dem Wege on the way;das liegt auf meinem Weg that’s on my way, I’ll be passing (by) there on my way (home etc);einen Weg machen umg (Spaziergang) go for a walk;sich auf den Weg machen set off;jemanden nach dem Weg fragen ask sb the way;jemandem den Weg zeigen/beschreiben show sb the way/give sb directions;jemandem einen Weg abnehmen spare sb the trip;jemandem etwas mit auf den Weg geben give sb sth to take along with them, give sb sth for the journey; fig (Rat etc) give sb sth to remember;jemandem im Wege stehen auch fig be in sb’s way;jemandem in den Weg treten bar sb’s way; fig get in sb’s way;scheiden sich unsere Wege this is where we say goodbye; fig this is the parting of the ways;Weg und Steg kennen know every inch of the area2. fig:sein letzter Weg (Beerdigung) his final journey;den Weg allen Fleisches gehen geh, euph go the way of all flesh;etwas/jemanden aus dem Weg schaffen get rid of sth/sb;der/auf dem Weg zum Erfolg the/on the road to success;auf dem Wege der Besserung on the road to recovery;auf dem besten Weg(e) sein, sich zu ruinieren be heading for disaster;auf dem richtigen Weg(e) sein be on the right track;jemanden auf den richtigen Weg bringen put sb back on the straight and narrow;er wird seinen Weg machen he’ll go far ( oder go places);ich traue ihm nicht über den Weg umg I don’t trust him an inch, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him;jemandem aus dem Weg gehen steer clear of sb;seine eigenen Wege gehen go one’s own way, do one’s own thing umg;unsere Wege haben sich getrennt we went our separate ways;einer Frage/Entscheidung aus dem Wege gehen evade a question, avoid the issue/avoid making a decision;ebnen pave the way for; (einer Sache) auch prepare the ground for;da führt kein Weg dran vorbei umg there’s no way (a)round it;dem steht nichts im Wege there’s nothing to stop it;der Weg ist das Ziel the way is the goal3. fig (Art und Weise, Methode) way;auf schriftlichem Wege in writing;auf gesetzlichem Wege legally, by legal means;auf diplomatischem Wege through diplomatic channels;auf diesem Wege this way;auf kaltem Wege pej by fair means or foul, without bothering too much about the niceties, US auch by hook or by crook;neue Wege in der Kindererziehung new approaches to child education;neue Wege gehen try a new tack, pursue a different path;es bleibt kein anderer Weg offen there’s no choice ( oder alternative); → abbringen 1, bahnen, halb A 3, irdisch, Mittel1 1, Widerstand 1, Wille etc* * *der; Weg[e]s,Wege‘kein öffentlicher Weg’ — ‘no public right of way’
am Weg[e] — by the wayside
2) (Zugang) way; (Passage, Durchgang) passagesich (Dat.) einen Weg durch etwas bahnen — clear a path or way through something
geh [mir] aus dem Weg[e] — get out of the or my way
jemandem im Weg[e] stehen od. (auch fig.) sein — be in somebody's way; (fig.)
einer Sache (Dat.) im Weg[e] stehen — stand in the way of something
jemandem aus dem Weg[e] gehen — keep out of sb's way; avoid somebody
einer Diskussion aus dem Weg[e] gehen — avoid a discussion
jemanden/etwas aus dem Weg[e] räumen — get rid of somebody/something
3) (Route, Verbindung) way; route[jemanden] nach dem Weg fragen — ask [somebody] the way
das liegt auf dem/meinem Weg — that's on the/my way; (fig.)
er ist mir über den Weg gelaufen — (ugs.) I ran or bumped into him
seinen Weg machen — make one's way [in the world]
es sind 2 km/10 Minuten Weg — it is a distance of two kilometres/it is ten minutes' walk
er hat noch einen weiten Weg vor sich — (Dat.) he still has a long way to go
auf halbem Weg[e] — (auch fig.) halfway
sich auf den Weg machen — set off; (fig.)
jemandem einen guten Ratschlag mit auf den Weg geben — give somebody some good advice for his/her future life
auf dem besten Weg sein, etwas zu tun — (meist iron.) be well on the way towards doing something
er ist auf dem Weg[e] der Besserung — he's on the road to recovery
5) (ugs.): (Besorgung) errandeinen Weg machen — do or run an errand
auf schnellstem Weg[e] — as speedily as possible
auf schriftlichem Weg[e] — by letter
* * *-e (Mathematik) m.path n. -e m.alley n.itinerary n.lane n.path n.road n.route n.way n. -
16 get
❢ This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeuner. get is used in many idiomatic expressions ( to get something off one's chest etc) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc). This is also true of offensive comments ( get stuffed etc) where the appropriate entry would be stuff. Remember that when get is used to express the idea that a job is done not by you but by somebody else ( to get a room painted etc) faire is used in French followed by an infinitive ( faire repeindre une pièce etc). When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc) as a single verb often suffices ( s'enrichir, s'enivrer etc). For examples and further uses of get see the entry below.1 ( receive) recevoir [letter, school report, grant] ; recevoir, percevoir [salary, pension] ; TV, Radio capter [channel, programme] ; did you get much for it? est-ce que tu en as tiré beaucoup d'argent? ; what did you get for your car? combien as-tu revendu ta voiture? ; we get a lot of rain il pleut beaucoup ici ; our garden gets a lot of sun notre jardin est bien ensoleillé ; we get a lot of tourists nous avons beaucoup de touristes ; you get lots of attachments with this cleaner il y a beaucoup d'accessoires fournis avec cet aspirateur ; you get what you pay for il faut y mettre le prix ; he's getting help with his science il se fait aider en sciences ;2 ( inherit) to get sth from sb lit hériter qch de qn [article, money] ; fig tenir qch de qn [trait, feature] ;3 ( obtain) ( by applying) obtenir [permission, divorce, custody, licence] ; trouver [job] ; ( by contacting) trouver [plumber, accountant] ; appeler [taxi] ; ( by buying) acheter [food item, clothing] (from chez) ; avoir [theatre seat, ticket] ; to get something for nothing/at a discount avoir qch gratuitement/avec une réduction ; to get sb sth, to get sth for sb ( by buying) acheter qch à qn ; I'll get sth to eat at the airport je mangerai qch à l'aéroport ;4 ( subscribe to) acheter [newspaper] ;5 ( acquire) se faire [reputation] ; he got his money in oil il s'est fait de l'argent dans le pétrole ;6 ( achieve) obtenir [grade, mark, answer] ; he got it right ( of calculation) il a obtenu le bon résultat ; ( of answer) il a répondu juste ; how many do I need to get? ( when scoring) il me faut combien? ; he's got four more points to get il faut encore qu'il obtienne quatre points ;7 ( fetch) chercher [object, person, help] ; go and get a chair/Mr Matthews va chercher une chaise/M. Matthews ; to get sb sth, to get sth for sb aller chercher qch pour qn ; get her a chair va lui chercher une chaise ; can I get you your coat? est-ce que je peux vous apporter votre manteau? ;8 (manoeuvre, move) to get sb/sth upstairs/downstairs faire monter/descendre qn/qch ; a car to me is just something to get me from A to B pour moi une voiture ne sert qu'à aller de A à B ; I'll get them there somehow je les ferai parvenir d'une façon ou d'une autre ; can you get between the truck and the wall? est-ce que tu peux te glisser entre le camion et le mur? ;9 ( help progress) is this discussion getting us anywhere? est-ce que cette discussion est bien utile? ; I listened to him and where has it got me? je l'ai écouté mais à quoi ça m'a avancé? ; this is getting us nowhere ça ne nous avance à rien ; where will that get you? à quoi ça t'avancera? ;10 ( contact) did you manage to get Harry on the phone? tu as réussi à avoir Harry au téléphone? ;12 ( prepare) préparer [breakfast, lunch etc] ;13 ( take hold of) attraper [person] (by à) ; I've got you, don't worry je te tiens, ne t'inquiète pas ; to get sth from ou off prendre qch sur [shelf, table] ; to get sth from ou out of prendre qch dans [drawer, cupboard] ;14 ○ ( oblige to give) to get sth from ou out of sb faire sortir qch à qn [money] ; fig obtenir qch de qn [truth] ;15 ○ ( catch) gen arrêter [escapee] ; got you! gen je t'ai eu! ; ( caught in act) vu! ; a shark got him un requin l'a eu ; when I get you, you won't find it so funny quand tu auras affaire ○ à moi, tu trouveras ça moins drôle ;17 ( use as transport) prendre [bus, train] ;18 ( have) to have got avoir [object, money, friend etc] ; I've got a headache/bad back j'ai mal à la tête/au dos ;19 ( start to have) to get (hold of) the idea ou impression that se mettre dans la tête que ;20 ( suffer) to get a surprise être surpris ; to get a shock avoir un choc ; to get a bang on the head recevoir un coup sur la tête ;21 ( be given as punishment) prendre [five years etc] ; avoir [fine] ; to get (a) detention être collé ○ ;22 ( hit) to get sb/sth with toucher qn/qch avec [stone, arrow, ball] ; got it! ( of target) touché! ; the arrow got him in the heel la flèche l'a touché au talon ;23 (understand, hear) comprendre ; I didn't get what you said/his last name je n'ai pas compris ce que tu as dit/son nom de famille ; did you get it? tu as compris? ; now let me get this right… alors si je comprends bien… ; ‘where did you hear that?’-‘I got it from Paul’ ‘où est-ce que tu as entendu ça?’-‘c'est Paul qui me l'a dit’ ; get this! he was arrested this morning tiens-toi bien! il a été arrêté ce matin ;24 ○ (annoy, affect) what gets me is… ce qui m'agace c'est que… ; what really got me was… ce que je n'aimais pas c'était… ;25 (learn, learn of) to get to do ○ finir par faire ; to get to like sb finir par apprécier qn ; how did you get to know ou hear of our organization? comment avez-vous entendu parler de notre organisation? ; we got to know them last year on a fait leur connaissance l'année dernière ;26 ( have opportunity) to get to do avoir l'occasion de faire ; do you get to use the computer? est-ce que tu as l'occasion d'utiliser l'ordinateur? ; it's not fair, I never get to drive the tractor ce n'est pas juste, on ne me laisse jamais conduire le tracteur ; when do we get to eat the cake? quand est-ce qu'on va pouvoir manger le gâteau? ;27 ( start) to get (to be) commencer à devenir ; he's getting to be proficient ou an expert il commence à devenir expert ; it got to be quite unpleasant ça a commencé à devenir plutôt désagréable ; he's getting to be a big boy now c'est un grand garçon maintenant ; to get to doing ○ commencer à faire ; we got to talking/dreaming about the holidays on a commencé à parler/rêver des vacances ; then I got to thinking that puis je me suis dit que ; we'll have to get going il va falloir y aller ;28 ( must) to have got to do devoir faire [homework, chore] ; it's got to be done il faut le faire ; you've got to realize that il faut que tu te rendes compte que ; if I've got to go, I will s'il faut que j'y aille, j'irai ; there's got to be a reason il doit y avoir une raison ;29 ( persuade) to get sb to do demander à qn de faire ; I got her to talk about her problems j'ai réussi à la faire parler de ses problèmes ; did you get anything out of her? est-ce que tu as réussi à la faire parler? ;30 ( have somebody do) to get sth done faire faire qch ; to get the car repaired/valeted faire réparer/nettoyer la voiture ; to get one's hair cut se faire couper les cheveux ; how do you ever get anything done? comment est-ce que tu arrives à travailler? ;31 ( cause) to get the car going faire démarrer la voiture ; to get the dishes washed faire la vaisselle ; this won't get the dishes washed! la vaisselle ne se fera pas toute seule! ; to get sb pregnant ○ mettre qn enceinte ○ ; as hot/cold as you can get it aussi chaud/froid que possible ; to get one's socks wet mouiller ses chaussettes ; to get one's finger trapped se coincer le doigt.1 ( become) devenir [suspicious, rich, old] ; how lucky/stupid can you get! il y en a qui ont de la chance/qui sont vraiment stupides! ; it's getting late il se fait tard ; how did he get like that? comment est-ce qu'il en est arrivé là? ;2 ( forming passive) to get (oneself) killed/trapped se faire tuer/coincer ; to get hurt être blessé ;3 ( become involved in) to get into ○ ( as hobby) se mettre à [astrology etc] ; ( as job) commencer dans [teaching, publishing] ; fig to get into a fight se battre ;4 ( arrive) to get there arriver ; to get to the airport/Switzerland arriver à l'aéroport/en Suisse ; to get (up) to the top ( of hill etc) arriver au sommet ; how did your coat get here? comment est-ce que ton manteau est arrivé là? ; how did you get here? ( by what miracle) comment est-ce que tu es arrivé là? ; ( by what means) comment est-ce que tu es venu? ; where did you get to? où est-ce que tu étais passé? ; we've got to page 5 nous en sommes à la page 5 ;5 ( progress) it got to 7 o'clock il était plus de 7 heures ; I'd got as far as underlining the title j'en étais à souligner le titre ; I'm getting nowhere with this essay je n'avance pas dans ma dissertation ; are you getting anywhere with your investigation? est-ce que votre enquête avance? ; now we're getting somewhere ( making progress) on avance vraiment ; ( receiving fresh lead) voilà quelque chose d'intéressant ; it's a slow process but we're getting there c'est un processus lent, mais on avance ; it's not perfect yet but we're getting there ce n'est pas encore parfait mais on avance ;get ○ ! fiche-moi le camp ○ ! ; get along with you ○ ! ne sois pas ridicule! ; get away with you ○ ! arrête de raconter n'importe quoi ○ ! ; get her ○ ! regarde-moi ça! ; get him ○ in that hat! regarde-le avec ce chapeau! ; he got his ○ ( was killed) il a cassé sa pipe ○ ; I'll get you ○ for that je vais te le faire payer ○ ; I'm getting there je progresse ; it gets me right here! tu vas me faire pleurer! ; I've/he's got it bad ○ je suis/il est vraiment mordu ; I've got it je sais ; to get above oneself commencer à avoir la grosse tête ○ ; to get it together ○ se ressaisir ; to get it up ● bander ●, avoir une érection ; to get one's in ○ US prendre sa revanche ; to tell sb where to get off envoyer qn promener ; to get with it ○ se mettre dans le coup ○ ; what's got into her/them? qu'est-ce qui lui/leur a pris? ; where does he get off ○ ? pour qui se prend-il? ; you've got me there! alors là tu me poses une colle ○ !1 ( manage to move) se déplacer (by doing en faisant) ; she doesn't get about very well now elle a du mal à se déplacer maintenant ;2 ( travel) voyager, se déplacer ; do you get about much in your job? vous voyagez beaucoup pour votre travail? ; he gets about a bit ( travels) il voyage pas mal ; ( knows people) il connaît du monde ;3 ( be spread) [news] se répandre ; [rumour] courir, se répandre ; it got about that la nouvelle s'est répandue que, le bruit a couru que.■ get across:1 ( pass to other side) traverser ;2 ( be communicated) [message] passer ;▶ get [sth] across1 ( transport) how will we get it across? (over stream, gap etc) comment est-ce qu'on le/la fera passer de l'autre côté? ; I'll get a copy across to you (in separate office, building etc) je vous en ferai parvenir un exemplaire ;2 ( communicate) faire passer [message, meaning] (to à) ;2 ( go too fast) let's not get ahead of ourselves n'anticipons pas.1 ( progress) how's the project getting along? comment est-ce que le projet se présente? ; how are you getting along? ( in job) comment ça se passe? ; ( to sick or old person) comment ça va? ; ( in school subject) comment est-ce que ça se passe? ;2 ( cope) s'en sortir ; we can't get along without a computer/him on ne s'en sortira pas sans ordinateur/lui ;3 ( be suited as friends) bien s'entendre (with avec) ;4 (go) I must be getting along il faut que j'y aille.■ get around:1 (move, spread) = get about ;2 to get around to doing: she'll get around to visiting us eventually elle va bien finir par venir nous voir ; I must get around to reading his article il faut vraiment que je lise son article ; I haven't got around to it yet je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de m'en occuper ;▶ get around [sth] ( circumvent) contourner [problem, law] ; there's no getting around it il n'y a rien à faire.■ get at ○:▶ get at [sb /sth]1 ( reach) atteindre [object] ; arriver jusqu'à [person] ; fig découvrir [truth] ; let me get at her ( in anger) laissez-moi lui régler son compte ○ ;2 ( spoil) the ants have got at the sugar les fourmis ont attaqué le sucre ;3 ( criticize) être après [person] ;4 ( intimidate) intimider [witness] ;5 ( insinuate) what are you getting at? où est-ce que tu veux en venir?■ get away:▶ get away1 ( leave) partir ;3 fig ( escape unpunished) to get away with a crime échapper à la justice ; you'll never get away with it! tu ne vas pas t'en tirer comme ça! ; he mustn't be allowed to get away with it il ne faut pas qu'il s'en tire à si bon compte ; she can get away with bright colours elle peut se permettre de porter des couleurs vives ;▶ get [sb/sth] away ( for break) emmener [qn] se changer les idées ; to get sb away from a bad influence tenir qn à l'écart d'une mauvaise influence ; to get sth away from sb retirer qch à qn [weapon, dangerous object].▶ get away from [sth]1 ( leave) quitter [town] ; I must get away from here ou this place! il faut que je parte d'ici! ; ‘get away from it all’ ( in advert) ‘évadez-vous de votre quotidien’ ;■ get back:▶ get back2 ( move backwards) reculer ; get back! reculez! ;▶ get back to [sth]1 ( return to) rentrer à [house, city] ; revenir à [office, centre, point] ; we got back to Belgium nous sommes rentrés en Belgique ; when we get back to London à notre retour à Londres ;2 ( return to former condition) revenir à [teaching, publishing] ; to get back to sleep se rendormir ; to get back to normal redevenir normal ;3 ( return to earlier stage) revenir à [main topic, former point] ; to get back to your problem,… pour en revenir à votre problème,… ;▶ get back to [sb]1 ( return to) revenir à [group, person] ;2 ( on telephone) I'll get right back to you je vous rappelle tout de suite ;▶ get [sb/sth] back1 ( return) ( personally) ramener [object, person] ; ( by post etc) renvoyer ; Sport ( in tennis etc) renvoyer [ball] ; when they got him back to his cell quand ils l'ont ramené dans sa cellule ;2 ( regain) récupérer [lost object, loaned item] ; fig reprendre [strength] ; she got her money back elle a été remboursée ; she got her old job back on lui a redonné son travail ; he got his girlfriend back il s'est remis avec sa petite amie ○.■ get behind:▶ get behind ( delayed) prendre du retard ;▶ get behind [sth] se mettre derrière [hedge, sofa etc].■ get by1 ( pass) passer ;2 ( survive) se débrouiller (on, with avec) ; we'll never get by without him/them nous ne nous en sortirons jamais sans lui/eux.■ get down:▶ get down1 ( descend) descendre (from, out of de) ;2 ( leave table) quitter la table ;3 ( lower oneself) ( to floor) se coucher ; ( to crouching position) se baisser ; to get down on one's knees s'agenouiller ; to get down to ( descend to reach) arriver à [lower level etc] ; atteindre [trapped person etc] ; ( apply oneself to) se mettre à [work] ; to get down to the pupils' level fig se mettre à la portée des élèves ; let's get down to business parlons affaires ; when you get right down to it quand on regarde d'un peu plus près ; to get down to doing se mettre à faire ;▶ get down [sth] descendre [slope] ; if we get down the mountain alive si nous arrivons vivants en bas de la montagne ; when we got down the hill quand nous nous sommes retrouvés en bas de la colline ;▶ get [sth] down, get down [sth]1 ( from height) descendre [book, jar etc] ;2 ( swallow) avaler [medicine, pill] ;3 ( record) noter [speech, dictation] ;▶ get [sb] down1 ( from height) faire descendre [person] ;2 ○ ( depress) déprimer [person].■ get in:▶ get in2 fig ( participate) to get in on réussir à s'introduire dans [project, scheme] ; to get in on the deal ○ faire partie du coup ;3 ( return home) rentrer ;4 ( arrive at destination) [train, coach] arriver ;5 ( penetrate) [water, sunlight] pénétrer ;8 ( associate) to get in with se mettre bien avec [person] ; he's got in with a bad crowd il traîne avec des gens peu recommandables ;▶ get [sth] in, get in [sth]1 ( buy in) acheter [supplies] ;2 ( fit into space) I can't get the drawer in je n'arrive pas à faire rentrer le tiroir ;5 (deliver, hand in) rendre [essay, competition entry] ;6 ( include) (in article, book) placer [section, remark, anecdote] ; he got in a few punches il a distribué quelques coups ;7 ( fit into schedule) faire [tennis, golf] ; I'll try to get in a bit of tennis ○ j'essayerai de faire un peu de tennis ;▶ get [sb] in faire entrer [person].■ get into:▶ get into [sth]2 ( be admitted) ( as member) devenir membre de [club] ; ( as student) être admis à [school, university] ; I didn't know what I was getting into fig je ne savais pas dans quoi je m'embarquais ;▶ get [sb/sth] into faire entrer [qn/qch] dans [good school, building, room, space].■ get off:▶ get off1 ( from bus etc) descendre (at à) ;2 ( start on journey) partir ;3 ( leave work) finir ;4 ○ ( escape punishment) s'en tirer (with avec) ;5 to get off to partir pour [destination] ; did they get off to school OK? est-ce qu'ils sont partis sans problèmes pour l'école? ; ( make headway) to get off to a good/poor start prendre un bon/mauvais départ ; to get off to sleep s'endormir ; to get off on doing ○ péj ( get buzz from) prendre plaisir à faire ; to get off with, GB rencontrer, ramasser ○ pej [person] ;▶ get off [sth]1 ( climb down from) descendre de [wall, ledge] ;2 ( alight from) descendre de [bus etc] ;3 ( remove oneself from) get off my nice clean floor/the grass ne marche pas sur mon sol tout propre/la pelouse ;▶ get [sb/sth] off2 ( dispatch) envoyer [parcel, letter, person] ; I've got the children off to school j'ai envoyé les enfants à l'école ;3 ( remove) enlever [stain] ;4 ○ ( send to sleep) endormir [baby].■ get on:▶ get on1 ( climb aboard) monter (at à) ;2 ( work) get on a bit faster/more sensibly travaille un peu plus vite/plus sérieusement ;3 ( continue with work) let's get on! continuons! ;4 GB ( like each other) bien s'entendre ;5 ( fare) how did you get on? comment est-ce que ça s'est passé? ;6 ( cope) how are you getting on? comment est-ce que tu t'en sors? ;7 GB ( approach) he's getting on for 40 il approche des quarante ans ; it's getting on for midnight il est presque minuit ; there are getting on for 80 people ○ il y a presque 80 personnes ;8 ( grow late) time's getting on le temps passe ;9 ( grow old) to be getting on a bit commencer à vieillir ;▶ get [sth] on, get on [sth] ( put on) mettre [boots, clothing] ; monter [tyre] ; mettre [lid, tap washer etc].■ get onto:▶ get onto [sth]1 ( board) monter dans [vehicle] ;2 ( be appointed) être nommé à [Board] ;3 ( start to discuss) arriver à parler de [topic, subject] ;■ get on with:▶ get on with [sth] ( continue to do) to get on with one's work/with preparing the meal continuer à travailler/à préparer le repas ; let's get on with the job! au travail! ;▶ get on with [sb] GB s'entendre avec [person].■ get out:▶ get out1 ( exit) sortir (through, by par) ; get out and don't come back! va-t'en et ne reviens pas! ; they'll never get out alive ils ne s'en sortiront jamais vivants ;2 ( make social outing) sortir ; you should get out more tu devrais sortir plus ;3 (resign, leave) partir ;4 ( alight) descendre ;6 ( leak) [news] être révélé ;▶ get [sth] out, get out [sth]1 ( bring out) sortir [handkerchief, ID card] ;3 ( erase) enlever [stain] ;4 ( take on loan) emprunter [library book] ;5 ( produce) sortir [plans, product] ;6 ( utter) I couldn't get the words out les mots ne voulaient pas sortir ;7 ( solve) faire [puzzle] ;▶ get [sb] out ( release) faire libérer [prisoner] ; to get sb out of sth ( free from detention) ( personally) libérer qn de qch ; ( by persuasion) faire libérer qn de qch [prisoner] ; to get sth out of sth ( bring out) sortir qch de qch [handkerchief etc] ; ( find and remove) récupérer qch dans qch [required object, stuck object] ; I can't get it out of my mind je ne peux pas l'effacer de mon esprit.■ get out of:▶ get out of [sth]1 ( exit from) sortir de [building, bed] ;2 ( alight from) descendre de [vehicle] ;3 ( leave at end of) sortir de [meeting] ;4 ( be freed from) être libéré de [prison] ;5 ( withdraw from) quitter [organization] ; échapper à [responsibilities] ; he's got out of oil ○ ( as investment) il a vendu toutes ses actions dans le pétrole ;6 ( avoid doing) s'arranger pour ne pas aller à [appointment, meeting] ; I'll try to get out of it j'essaierai de me libérer ; I accepted the invitation and now I can't get out of it j'ai accepté l'invitation et maintenant je ne peux pas me défiler ○ ; to get out of doing s'arranger pour ne pas faire ;7 ( no longer do) perdre [habit] ;8 ( gain from) what do you get out of your job? qu'est-ce que ton travail t'apporte? ; what will you get out of it? qu'est-ce que vous en retirerez?■ get over:▶ get over [sth]1 ( cross) traverser [bridge, stream] ;2 ( recover from) se remettre de [illness, shock] ; to get over the fact that se remettre du fait que ; I can't get over it ( in amazement) je n'en reviens pas ; I couldn't get over how she looked ça m'a fait un choc de la voir comme ça ; I can't get over how you've grown je n'en reviens pas de ce que tu as grandi ;3 ( surmount) surmonter [problem] ; to get sth over with en finir avec qch ; let's get it over with finissons-en ;4 ( stop loving) oublier ; she never got over him elle ne l'a jamais oublié ;▶ get [sb/sth] over1 ( cause to cross) faire passer [injured person, object] ; faire passer [qn/ qch] au-dessus de [bridge, wall etc] ;2 ( cause to arrive) get the plumber over here at once faites venir tout de suite le plombier ;3 ( communicate) faire passer [message].■ get round GB:▶ get round = get around ;▶ get round [sth] = get around [sth] ;▶ get round ○ [sb] persuader [qn], avoir [qn] au sentiment ○ ; can't you get round him? est-ce que tu ne peux pas le persuader? ; she easily gets round her father elle fait tout ce qu'elle veut de son père.■ get through:1 ( squeeze through) passer ;2 Telecom to get through to sb avoir qn au téléphone ; I couldn't get through je n'ai pas réussi à l'avoir ;4 ( arrive) [news, supplies] arriver ;5 ( survive) s'en sortir (by doing en faisant) ;▶ get through [sth]1 ( make way through) traverser [checkpoint, mud] ;3 ( survive mentally) I thought I'd never get through the week j'ai cru que je ne tiendrais pas la semaine ;4 ( complete successfully) [candidate, competitor] réussir à [exam, qualifying round] ; I got through the interview l'entretien s'est bien passé ;5 (consume, use) manger [supply of food] ; boire [supply of drink] ; dépenser [money] ; I get through two notebooks a week il me faut or j'use deux carnets par semaine ;▶ get [sb/sth] through1 ( squeeze through) faire passer [car, object, person] ;2 ( help to endure) [pills, encouragement, strength of character] aider [qn] à continuer ; her advice/these pills got me through the day ses conseils/ces comprimés m'ont aidé à tenir le coup ○ ;3 ( help through frontier etc) faire passer [person, imported goods] ;5 Pol faire passer [bill].■ get together:▶ get together ( assemble) se réunir (about, over pour discuter de) ;▶ get [sb/sth] together, get together [sb/sth]1 ( assemble) réunir [different people, groups] ;3 ( form) former [company, action group].■ get under:▶ get under passer en-dessous ;▶ get under [sth] passer sous [barrier, floorboards etc].■ get up:▶ get up1 (from bed, chair etc) se lever (from de) ; get up off the grass! ne reste pas sur l'herbe! ;2 (on horse, ledge etc) monter ; how did you get up there? comment est-ce que tu es monté là-haut? ;4 to get up to ( reach) arriver à [page, upper floor] ; what did you get up to? fig ( sth enjoyable) qu'est-ce que tu as fait de beau? ; ( sth mischievous) qu'est-ce que tu as fabriqué ○ ? ;▶ get up [sth]1 arriver en haut de [hill, ladder] ;2 ( increase) augmenter [speed] ;3 (start, muster) former [group] ; faire [petition] ; obtenir [support, sympathy] ;▶ get [sth] up organiser ;
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angle — 01. Japanese people bow at different [angles] to show different meaning. 02. A horse has to change the [angle] of its head to focus it eye instead of changing the shape of the lens of the eye as we do. 03. The floor of the old house is [angled] a … Grammatical examples in English
Pushing the Senses — Infobox Album | Name = Pushing The Senses Type = Album Artist = Feeder Released = January 31, 2005 Recorded = 2004 Genre = Alternative rock Length = 40:13 Label = Echo Producer = Ken Nelson, Grant Nicholas, Gil Norton Reviews = * Q Rating|4|5… … Wikipedia
method */*/*/ — UK [ˈmeθəd] / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms method : singular method plural methods Metaphor: The methods that you use to do something are like tools and machines. The process of doing something is like using a machine. It takes… … English dictionary
Asymptotic analysis — This article is about the comparison of functions as inputs approach infinite. For asymptotes in geometry, see asymptotic curve. In mathematical analysis, asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior. The methodology has… … Wikipedia
come to — verb 1. cause to experience suddenly (Freq. 10) Panic struck me An interesting idea hit her A thought came to me The thought struck terror in our minds They were struck with fear • Syn: ↑hit, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Wikipedia:Featured article candidates — Here, we determine which articles are to be featured articles (FAs). FAs exemplify Wikipedia s very best work and satisfy the FA criteria. All editors are welcome to review nominations; please see the review FAQ. Before nominating an article,… … Wikipedia
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
social security — 1. (usually caps.) a program of old age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the U.S. federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups. 2. the theory or practice of… … Universalium